Kevin Trudeau HCG Weight Loss Lies & My Extreme Weight Gain

in #diet7 years ago (edited)

Kevin Trudeau lied about the HCG diet. In his book, “The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You To Know About”, and infomercials he blatantly lies and states that you can eat whatever you want after you lose weight with HCG and not regain the weight. Only a fool would believe such a thing, and a fool I was. I gained back all the weight I lost on the HCG protocol doing exactly what Kevin Trudeau recommends in his book. Fortunately the experience taught me a valuable lesson in life and that’s, “don’t trust anybody”.

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Going "on a diet" is BS
Needing a book written for profit to help you lose weight is BS
Your diet should be your diet, not "a" diet, not a program. It should just be how you eat - just how you live.

But it will take sacrifice at first, especially for some people. I love bread, pasta, pastries, cake, chocolate, cookies and used to put 3 spoons of sugar in my coffee.

You have to cut those things out of your life and replace them with fats. And not cooking oil or any grain-based alternative. The bad fats we were taught were "artery clogging", they are what you want and will take over from carbs as a a comfort food. It really also keeps you from emotional eating because fat is really satiating.

I prepare meat with a high fat content and still have ton butter over my vegetables. There is no need for a grain startch. you'll be amazed at how sugary sweet pumpkin and sweet potato becomes once you're weened off sugar and cheap carbs.

If it processed and comes sold in a box or bag, avoid. The hidden sugar in everything is insane, nevermind all the other junk.

Buy your food raw and fresh. Prepare it yourself. You can have a huge plate of buttery veggies and fatty pork chops. This can be followed with a double cream, unsweetened yoghurt if you need pudding. No need for potato or pasta or two slices of bread. You get used to it easily.

No book, no program. Just adapt to fresh, real food and replace your carb calories with fat. It sounds like Atkins or one of the those things I suppose, but you don't need some guy to tell you how to lose weight in a 200 page book.

Sugar is toxic, fat is not. It will improve a lot of small things too like rashes or gastro-intestinal issues. You'll have more energy.

I made this change for chronic illness reasons, not so much about weight. But I was overweight and as a side-effect lost 27kg after which my weight stabilised. BMI of 21. This is obviously my ideal physical state.

And once every two weeks, I'll have some chocolate or cookies or some fresh bread. That's not " a cheat day". I'll still eat my regular food, but it's just a rare treat and I really enjoy it and savour every bite as opposed to the numbing dopamine flood of mindlessly stuffing Pringles and Ice Cream down your throat.

I'm not propagating anything here. I have no agenda or a fan of this or that lifestyle. Just my own experience.

Fatty pork!? 🤮 I'm not a corpse-crunching zombie. Yes, sugar and other carbohydrates are toxic. I'm currently eating a vegan keto diet and the fat is melting off.