An meat only diet?? I've heard many diets to improve health but meat only kinda goes against everything we've been taught. I've never been a vegan or vegetarian, in fact I've always believed meat is a necessary part of our diet. Our teeth are designed for eating meat as well. After looking into this people are having incredible results just a week or 30 days into a carnivore diet. Some who are a decade or more into this continue to show amazing bodies, energy and strength. Many vegans/vegetarians have reported bad health issues after a few years in. When a woman is heavily overweight and infertile and 8 years later on this diet is healthy with 3 children. You have to listen.
Dr. Shawn Baker's Instagram:
Epic line: Our teeth are designed for eating meat as well. My opinion also same to you. I love meat.
Vegetarians also thrive on their fake meats (veggie burgers), nobody wants veggie flavored meats
Dude, if there was ever a diet I would try and stick with, it would have to be all meat. I'd be in heaven
Give it a shot man, the people on it have amazing results
this will be cool thanks for sharing
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