Details details my sweet prince, I'll receive the following from Kraft Mac and cheese alone:
Dependant on how my body feels I may add a healthier topping, although I have a craving for bacon and jalapenos right now.
I will post how I feel during it all, if I get sick, feel terrible etc and if I took any medicine, vitamins or drank some orange juice to fight that feeling.
Although I must say I think my body is used to randomly being deprived of some nutrients (ate cup o noodles and drank monsters for an entire summer when halo 4 came out)
Details details my sweet prince, I'll receive the following from Kraft Mac and cheese alone:

Dependant on how my body feels I may add a healthier topping, although I have a craving for bacon and jalapenos right now.
I will post how I feel during it all, if I get sick, feel terrible etc and if I took any medicine, vitamins or drank some orange juice to fight that feeling.
Although I must say I think my body is used to randomly being deprived of some nutrients (ate cup o noodles and drank monsters for an entire summer when halo 4 came out)