Why am I Always Hungry?

in #diet7 years ago



I have noticed it for years. A slight hunger that is always lingering and my stomach, even after I have already eaten a whole meal. Could it really be possible that I am just more hungry than other people? I decided to go to Google to find out the facts.

I started with a very simple Google search, why am I always hungry? This turned up some pretty valuable advice about learning how to curb boredom, and making sure that you are always sufficiently hydrated. So I took care of both of those symptoms, giving myself 30 days in order to make sure that my body was acclimated to my new-found Hobbies of walking, blogging, and writing, and making sure that I drink 100 oz of water per day.

As the days continue to pass by into two and three weeks, I found that I was still starving all of the time! Trying to get rid of boredom and adding tons of water were not helping me with my situation at all.

I decided to track my intake of food. I would strictly count calories during the weekdays Monday through Friday, and then on Saturday and Sunday I will be a little bit more lenient. I find that I continue to binge on the weekends until I make myself absolutely sick. It's like I'm always in a battle with food, and it's hard to conquer it and not let it win.

I am 5'2, and weighed in at 158 pounds on Saturday June 9, 2018. My goal is to keep on doing what I am doing until I hit 140 pounds. I feel like I would hit it much quicker if I could stop binging on the weekends.

*The picture is of my fridge. My boyfriend has been blessed with the perfect body, so he likes to eat all this garbage. It makes it easier to access on the weekends though...


 7 years ago  Reveal Comment