Yesterday's Diary(31/07/21): I Had A Hectic But Good Day, And I Took Time To Enjoy It All. By @aloysiusmbaba.

in #diary4 years ago

It is a beautiful day to be alive, and I am happy. Yesterday was a kind of hectic, but I still took the time to live fully and enjoy everything.
As you know, yesterday was the last day of the week and is usually filled with activities. I am going to give you an account of how yesterday went for me. Hope you enjoy it.

Morning (6am-11am)
Me, after waking up in the morning yesterday


I woke up around 6 yesterday. I was feeling a lot sleepy when I woke. The night before, I had gone in a little late. I am also on antidepressants which make me a lot drowsy. So when I woke I went back again to sleep.

I finally got out of bed around 7am. I went home from the church lodge where I had sleep in the night. When I got home, I took my bath quickly and brushed. I had exams to take in the next few hours. After that, I dressed up, got enough money that I would need, got my books ready, and left the house. I would eat later when I returned. By this time, it was around 8am.
I took public transport, a commercial tricycle, called keke in my area. I arrived in school in less than 30  minutes.

When I got to school, I met students. I soon started revising my books in preparation for the exam.

Afternoon/ Evening (12pm-6pm)
I had exams, so I had to go to school early
I had exams, so I had to go to school early

I am running a Crash undergraduate programme. It is not in a regular university. My department is English Language Education. I am currently in my 4th year. As directed by the authorities of the school, during the exams period, a student has up to a maximum of four papers to take in a day and minimum of three.
I was prepared for three, namely, Teacher Education ( Teaching Practice), Educational Technology, Peace And Conflict Resolution Studies.

Exams in progress ( sorry for the blurry image)

I had read the handouts enough. So when the exams began, I went in confidently.

The exams lasted for 2-3 hours. I found the questions easy. I had read enough. I can't remember in what order I took the papers, but by 3pm or so, I was done and left the hall.
I couldn't wait to see any of the students, so I immediately boarded a transport and was on my way home.

On my way home

When I got home I purchased some snacks to eat. I helped my younger brother to bring in our sitting room rug which had been spread outside for some days to dry. We moved the pieces of furniture in the living room and spread it and then moved them back.
After spreading the rug in the living room

After that, I helped my father work on his car. It had developed a minor fault. We filled it's oil tank.
Washing my father's car

I then took time washing the car. I washed it for about an hour or two. By 5pm, I was done with the washing. My father then contacted his mechanic who came and fixed the problem.

I set bathing water for my Dad in the bathroom and went to eat some food. After eating, I went to the shop of a friend, Daniel by name. It is a barbing saloon. We discussed a while. We had planned to set up a Hive account for him.
We kept the account set up till the next day because of some issues. I then went back to the house.

Night (6pm-12am)
Me, after all the chores and work

When I returned home, I prepared to go back to the church lodge for study and to pass the night. I like the conducive environment and find it very comfortable carrying out my intellectual activities there.

I prepared some food. I helped my mother in some chores, and then went off.
I reached the church compound in a few minutes. I went up to the lodge upstairs.
I went online for a few minutes and did some other things. Then I had my food for the night. An appetizing meal of eba and some soup. 

When I was done, I went into carrying out intellectual activities. I read, studied, did some research on particular subjects. I continued like that till almost 12am.

I then took my antidepressants, took a bath, and prepared to go in. I plugged in my mobile devices and went in for the night.

Diary Conclusion
Yesterday was kinda hectic but good

Yesterday was good for me. I had the opportunity to engage in various beneficial, both intellectual and otherwise, activities. I spent worthwhile time with family and friends, and I had time for personal development.

I can say it was a good and dramatic ending of the week for me, wonderful and satisfying.
We are in a new week, and I hope entirely for the best. I also wish my readers the best this week.

Thanks for spending your time to read my diary. I wish you the best. Goodbye and God bless.