Dear whales and witnesses of the Hive community and all those ones that vote our DHF Proposal (@blocktrades @encrypt3dbr0k3r @pharesim @thejohalfiles @roelandp @balte @arcange @steem.leo @bluemist @enginewitty @seeyouinlumb @singhcapital @davidthompson57 @shmoogleosukami @fjcalduch @elevator09 @priyanarc @universoperdido @guruvaj @d-zero @charsdesign @nvskraju @oahb132 @theycallmedan @ausbitbank @khaleelkazi). First of all, I appreciate the support you have given to the foundation and your interest in creating support for charitable projects.
After several weeks in conversation with jaguar.force regarding my proposal created to support @fundacoven I make the following publication to talk about something that has generated me quite displeased and is now affecting the support that it is receiving motivated to messages that I guess are receiving privately and I do not know who is writing to them.
I think I have reached the limit of what I can allow as a person with respect to Carlos Durán known as @jaguar.force (Walden).
I appreciate his "interest" in wanting to represent the community, but I consider that he is not the most appropriate person to be "comptroller" of the activities of our foundation because he is a very unstable person mentally and I would like that if he was really put by someone, they would choose another person more qualified for it.
In this regard I report the following:
First: His proposals have become impositions on how to carry out the work in our foundation. We comply with what is established in our letter of commitment but we do not accept that outside of that you want to control how our work is done.
Second: he does not have full knowledge of Venezuelan legislation nor how foundations work in the country. Likewise, he does not know the functionality of banking systems and other official institutions within Venezuela and is assuming things based on his own perspective. We Venezuelans know the reality of our country and he cannot pretend to understand something he does not know.
Third: His unorthodox and abusive attitude is a topic that has made scandal since the early days of HIVE and even in STEEM seeing cases of harassment and abuse that no one can tolerate, in such a way that his constant rude messages in private chat are reflected in many ways in my discord tray.
Fourth: Lately he criticizes the type of medicine purchased in our foundation making assumptions based on what he knows of his country. In Venezuela, the regulations in force regarding the sale of medicines are not the same as in his country of origin and the reality of the population in terms of medical needs is completely different. We keep a medicine bank in our foundation in order to have a stock of what we have to give to people.
Fifth: From the beginning it established that the foundation seeks to "give pity", evade taxes or any number of comments without even knowing what it is talking about just to try to boycott the proposal. We keep data of the great majority of invoices as well as of the people who come to our foundation with a copy of a receipt or medical report for the delivery of medicines and it is demonstrated in our publications the activities of a social nature in the communities and hospital sector.
Sixth: He also established a very strong issue regarding having made two debit card payments for the payment of an invoice for medicines purchased yesterday. In Venezuela the great majority of points of sale do not admit transactions in high amounts and must be made in several operations, in this case, the amount was 2002.05 VES and they made two operations with a debit card which is not something controllable by him or anyone else since they are regulations of the points of sale and their owners. Likewise, he has been informed about having sent the money of this first donation to my personal account for which I inform the following: this first transaction was made to my personal account due to the fact that the legal account is being processed before the bank. In Venezuela, this process is complicated and is not as easy as in Northern countries and we must make purchases to keep our medicine bank in stock. Inclusively, part of the haste in investing part of the money of the proposal is also given by their own requirement to use the accumulated money even knowing that we did not have a juridic bank account yet.
Seventh: regarding the previous point, we as a foundation have already consulted with different Venezuelan lawyers based on the legislation of our country and they establish that under the current regulations of the Venezuelan Income Tax Law and Civil Code there is no problem regarding this as long as the expenses are justifiable with the invoices and receipts of everything that has been acquired as a donation to the foundation, only that in this case I must add that expense to the payment of my taxes as a natural person since it was money that entered my account, regardless of whether I spent it in donations to the foundation itself.
Eighth: He has maintained a constant harassment even requesting sexual photographs of me and constant negative comments about me being homosexual.
Attached below are the expenses incurred from the income of the proposal where you can see the amount of money deposited in VES as well as the legal invoices of such expenditure. Money receive through Binance P2P system:
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Total received from the exchange: 2038.039 VES.
Total expended: 2.043,45 VES (filled with small amount on my bank account for fulfill total price of medicines.).
Also attached is evidence of his constant harassment, verbal abuse, defamation, and requests of a sexual nature regarding intimate photos.
Insulting me and my foundation.
Jaguar.Force - today at 0:20 am
I repeat, could you please let me know why the amount is divided into two tickets?
in 3 minutes?????????????????????
what is it to launder taxes?
do the transaction below some amount?
Playing For Change
Guantanamera | Playing For Change | Song Around The World
You know what I think HDP?
I'm going to tell you to your face
I think you want to do the same kind of shitty charity that everyone else does.
namely: what's the charity worth
the one that lifts people out of poverty
that is the highest charity
giving to keep people down is not right
giving food to someone
that doesn't help in the context of things
give them to become self-sufficient
and then they become functional members
charity is not giving money
charity is giving to lift the other out of poverty
to lift him out
Talking about expending money now (and some hours ago disagree about that because I stop talking with him:
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 15:35
Well man, there are already 500 HBD accumulated, you have to start using the money, right?
I've already accumulated 500 HBD, you have to start using the money, don't you?
i.e. you can't accumulate it all until the end.
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:41
Hello, Yes I know what percentage to spend
500 was done a while ago :)
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 15:42
there are 500 on the account and no expenses
since the payments of this proposal started
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:42
Aha, and I'm going out to buy 10 dollars of medicine a day?
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 15:42
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:42
Today I'm going to buy to make a single trip.
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 15:43
I'm going to buy a 400-500 is fine.
so you say that you are going to accumulate the total and then make the purchase in 70 days?????
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:44
Every 7 days I spend
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 15:44
ahhh perfect
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:44
For large expenses
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 3:44 PM
exactly what I'm saying then
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:44
Today I am
In caracas
And there are the pharmacies
I made a list and I'm going to buy medicines now.
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 15:45
I've already got the account for the foundation?
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:45
Not yet. The day the appointment was due the power went out all over Caracas, which was last Thursday.
And this week is radical
The banks are not working
Here is something called 7x7
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 3:46pm
ok, so this time the money goes to your account?
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:46
The total amount you deposit will be spent anyway
Jaguar.Force - yesterday at 15:46
how do you convert it to bs?
Zaxan - yesterday at 15:47
I used to use orinoco but it takes too much commission
And Binance enabled p2p
Talking about my sexual orientation:
Jaguar.Force - 10/14/2021
and you became a homosexual how?
I'd like to be a faggot
Zaxan - 10/14/2021
What does that have to do with anything?
Besides, it wasn't like I "woke up" gay.
Jaguar.Force - 10/14/2021
nothing, just to ask you something about you
Zaxan - 10/14/2021
Today I was provoked to become homo
Jaguar.Force - 10/14/2021
How did it go?
Zaxan - 10/14/2021
What do I know I've always liked boys
Since preschool
Jaguar.Force - 10/14/2021
What do you think is the cutest thing about boys?
Zaxan - 10/14/2021
That they are boys.
That they behave like boys.
Physically I don't have a definite taste
Jaguar.Force - 10/14/2021
the attitude
but physically I mean
the Greeks put up statues of men
Asking for sexual pictures:
Jaguar.Force - 06/10/2021
how much
let's see man
Zaxan - 06/10/2021
anyway I keep my privacy to myself XD
Jaguar.Force - 06/10/2021
show me your dick
Zaxan - 06/10/2021
no what is it
Jaguar.Force - 06/10/2021
you don't even fit
I'll break your colon
it's not like that
I don't think so
Zaxan - 06/10/2021
Jaguar.Force - 06/10/2021
We thank the community for their continued support of the proposal and invite them to be guarantors of the process by their own means or to assign a person who does not have any psychological or sexual problems for this purpose. Walden is an unstable person and it has been demonstrated with many people in the community who have been attacked in some way by his incoherent and arrogant way of acting.
We will also continue to post our weekly activity reports and in addition to that we will attach any invoices, as well as donation receipts signed by the people who pick up any medication from our office with their respective copy of report or prescription.
Estimadas ballenas y witness de la comunidad de Hive. Primeramente agradezco el apoyo que han dado a la fundación y su interés por crear apoyo a proyectos de caridad.
Después de varias semanas en conversación con jaguar.force respecto a mi propuesta creada para sustentar @fundacoven hago la siguiente publicación para hablar sobre algo que me ha generado bastante desagrado y está afectando ahora el apoyo que la misma está recibiendo motivado a mensajes que supongo están recibiendo de manera privada y desconozco que les está escribiendo.
Creo que he llegado al límite de lo que puedo permitir como persona respecto a Carlos Durán conocido como jaguar.force (Walden).
Aprecio su "interés" en querer representar a la comunidad, más considero que no es la persona más adecuada para ser "contralor" de las actividades de nuestra fundación motivado a que es una persona bastante inestable mentalmente y me gustaría que si realmente fue puesto por alguien, eligieran a otra persona más capacitada para ello.
En tal sentido informo lo siguiente:
Primero: Sus propuestas se han convertido en imposiciones sobre cómo llevar el trabajo en nuestra fundación. Nosotros cumplimos con lo establecido en nuestra carta de compromiso más no aceptamos que fuera de eso quiera controlar cómo se hace nuestro trabajo.
Segundo: Viviendo en Ecuador no tiene pleno conocimiento de la legislación Venezolana ni como funcionan las fundaciones en el país. Así mismo desconoce la funcionalidad de sistemas bancarios y demás instituciones oficiales dentro de Venezuela y está asumiendo cosas basado en su propia perspectiva. La realidad de nuestro país la conocemos los venezolanos y no puede pretender entender algo que desconoce.
Tercero: Su actitud poco ortodoxa y abusiva es un tema que ha hecho escándalo desde los primeros días de HIVE e inclusive en STEEM viéndose casos de acoso y abusos que nadie puede tolerar, en tal forma sus constantes mensajes groseros en chat privado se encuentran reflejados de muchas formas en mi bandeja de discord.
Cuarto: Últimamente crítica el tipo de medicamento comprados en nuestra fundación haciendo suposiciones en base a lo que él conoce de su país. En Venezuela las normativas vigentes en cuanto a venta de medicamentos no es la misma que en su país de origen y la realidad poblacional en cuanto a las necesidades médicas es completamente distinta. Nosotros mantenemos un banco de medicinas en nuestra fundación para poder poseer stock sobre lo que debemos entregar a las personas.
Quinto: Desde un principio estableció que la fundación busca es "dar lastima", evadir impuestos o cualquier cantidad de comentarios sin siquiera saber de qué está hablando solamente para intentar boicotear la propuesta. Nosotros mantenemos data de la gran mayoría de facturas así como de las personas que acuden a nuestra fundación con copia de récipe o informe médico para la entrega de medicinas y queda demostrado en nuestras publicaciones las actividades de índole social en las comunidades y sector hospitalario.
Sexto: Así mismo estableció un tema bastante fuerte respecto a haber realizado dos pagos con tarjeta de débito para el pago de una factura de medicamentos comprados el día de ayer. En Venezuela la gran mayoría de puntos de ventas no admiten transacciones en cantidades altas y deben realizarse en varias operaciones, en este caso el monto era de 2002.05 VES y realizaron dos operaciones con tarjeta de débito lo cual no es algo controlable por él ni nadie fuera ya que son normativas de los puntos de ventas y sus dueños. Así mismo ha estado informando sobre haber enviado el dinero de esta primera donación a mi cuenta personal por lo cual informo lo siguiente: esta primera transacción se realizó a mi cuenta personal motivado a que la cuenta jurídica está en tramitación ante la entidad bancaria. En Venezuela este proceso es complicado y no es tan fácil como en países Norteños y debemos realizar compras para mantener nuestro Banco de medicinas con stock. Inclusive, parte de la premura en invertir parte del dinero de la propuesta viene dada también por su propia exigencia en utilizar el dinero acumulado aun sabiendo que no teníamos cuenta bancaria aun.
Séptimo: con respecto al punto anterior, ya nosotros como fundación hemos consultado con distintos abogados venezolanos en base a la legislación de nuestro país y establecen que bajo la normativa vigente de la Ley del Impuesto Sobre la Renta y Código Civil venezolano no existe ninguna problemática respecto a esto siempre y cuando los gastos sean justificables con las facturas y recibos de todo lo que se ha adquirido con motivo de donación a la fundación, solo que en este caso debo añadir ese gasto a el pago de mis impuestos como persona natural ya que fue un dinero que entro a mi cuenta, indistintamente si lo gasté en donaciones a la propia fundación.
Octavo: Ha mantenido un constante acoso solicitando incluso fotografías de índole sexual a mi persona y constantes comentarios negativos respecto a que soy homosexual.
Agradecemos a la comunidad su continuo apoyo a la propuesta y les invitamos a ser garantes del proceso por sus propios medios o a asignar a una persona que no tenga problemas psicológicos o sexuales para este fin. Walden es una persona inestable y se ha demostrado con muchas personas de la comunidad que han sido atacadas de alguna manera por su incoherente y arrogante forma de actuar.
También seguiremos publicando nuestros informes semanales de actividad y además adjuntaremos cualquier factura, así como los recibos de donación firmados por las personas que recojan cualquier medicamento de nuestra oficina con su respectiva copia de informe o receta.
Ill say publicly what i told you the other day. Walden is a power hungry nutbag that should never be in any position of authority. He does not represent me, or Hive in any capacity. Fuck that guy
The fact that the so-called protectors of Hive are allied with such trash show their true colors.
Accusations alone are not proof of guilt.
Everything in this blockchain is visible to all.
I told you so.
Lol Walden is still a thing?
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
How did it even happen that you started working together with that account?
Just a look at his hive account would throw some big red flags to most people.
Don't know I'm what single moment he convince me that was there representing someone else.