Can't be competitive if you don't compete. Gotta keep up with the Joneses...
I lose more and more interest as things become more and more about the things I'm not interested in, but that's just me, and my name is Nobody Special. I do see demand both internally and externally for services like what you intend to provide. You claim the planned approach outlined here shall benefit those both directly and indirectly involved. Many projects on Hive can't really say that even though it is mentioned within their echo chambers several times per day. When you're on the outside, everything inside sounds muffled.
I look forward to seeing results. Good luck, dude.
I certainly long for the luxury of not having to obsess over things down to the smallest detail or trying to cover ever fringe event or what have you in the digital realm as I do currently.. It would really be nice for my browse tabs not to do this:
I don't know what this means exactly but resonates with me man.
Highly appreciate the support.
The chaos in those tabs reminds me of my digital art WIP folder, but only when you add a few hundred more images. I'll get around to it.
Worst part is most of those are actually information that I was digesting.. XD
Perk of the internet and modern computers I guess? Can have a butt ton of knowledge in front of you.