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RE: HBD Stabilizer - Ensuring Continuity

in #dhf4 months ago

Can we get some stats on the trading activity?
How much has the bot returned to the dhf?
I'd be interested in seeing if 'the community' was ready to step up and take this task upon themselves.


@dalz did a dive into that a few months back. I remember reading it and being impressed with the detail he went to. So, I dug it up, and that analysis is here:

But to sum up the part you directly asked about:

As for the DHF goes, the stabilizer has added a total of 3.6M HBD in its budget. Some of it is from authors rewards as beneficiary.

I don't think the community alone could do this. Or would do this. Who would look at profit and voluntarily push it to the DHF for the good of everyone instead of just keeping it themselves? The stabilizer is our best option.

That is great, thanks.
I guess the number I would really like to see is how much is the stabilizer and how much is the restofus?
If those profits could be going to the restofus, I might not want to support the proposal.
It would be nice to know that 'the community' is carrying its own weight and doesn't need special dispensations from benevolent stakeholders.
But, I doubt that is the case.

I mean, it's a pretty basic arbitrage bot. Beyond the size of available funds, there's nothing stopping any of us from doing this same thing. Smooth has been pretty responsive to when the bot needed less funding, so I suspect if enough of us began running the same kind of bot he'd just scale its funding back.

Yes, I think that was the plan, but who is cheerleading the community to step up?
This place seriously needs a figurehead to rally around, but nobody has managed to achieve orbit from the crowd.
A couple managed for a time, but human foibles always come out after some period of time.

Believe me your username explains it very well, I trust more in a bot that manages the funds in a transparent way than in corruption and embezzlement models (like in some socialist countries for example).