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RE: James Lacey - Gold, Blood and Power

in #deutsch6 months ago

Thank you for your interesting comment, @roleerob!

Oh yes, very few similarities between the French and the American Revolution. It's a bit like the gap between the French and the British Enlightenment. While the British thinkers really reformed their system of governance by limiting monarchy constitutionally, increasing practiced liberty and individual rights, the French philosophized in very abstract terms while living in an absolute monarchy. The British were more moderate (and skepticist), e.g. towards religion, while the French were more radical (or rather extreme).

Concerning the developments in the US, I am far more optimist than here in Europe. The American people is "well-fortified", able to resist - if a (Harris) Government goes too far. In the UK people are jailed for posting memes…

Yes, we will soon see what's ahead for the US, and how the party losing (or supposedly losing?) this election will deal with it... Let's hope for the best.


Very good @zuerich. I appreciate the reference you are making to the British and French Enlightenment. As you say, "limiting monarchy" vs. "absolute monarchy" ... As succinctly as I can state it, I would suggest this has to do with both nations perspective on whether or not there is a sovereign ... "presence" ... greater than their own. At least some in Britain believed there was, but in France? While I am sure there must have been a few people, they had no known impact on the direction their "revolution" / enlightenment took ...

With an unapologetic Judeo-Christian world view, I can say off the top of mind here this morning, I cannot think of a single "church father" from France, while there are a number of prominent names which could be listed from Great Britain. If there is no God, history shows us example after example of men deciding they, therefore, are "God" and from this mental & spiritual foundation, arises whatever form of the "Almighty" State they establish in His place.

"We" (collectively) are still waiting for an example of that going well for any length of time, i.e. generation to generation, as fathers pass on to their children and grandchildren a peaceful, prosperous future ...

"... and how the party losing (or supposedly losing?) this election will deal with it... Let's hope for the best."

But ... Plan for the worst ... History does not tell us what happened when the "progressive" Left lost the 2020 election, like it did when it lost the 2016 election. Following the precedent setting riots all over America from George Floyd's death, I think they would have been ... "unprecedented." Oh, surprise, surprise, all the changes they were able to successfully make in our election laws all over the country (loosening restrictions designed to prevent cheating), publicly "positioned" as a response to the global COVID-19 insanity, worked. No rioting needed. Instead erase all evidence, have court after court rule there is no "legal standing" to bring any hint of a problem into court to have it carefully argued on its merits, but instead go on a massive "BIG LIE!" psyops campaign. And place Americans in prison from January 6th and still today not charge them with anything, as a symbol to everyone else ...

No greater example can be cited about the legal and, I would strongly suggest, proper constitutionally-provided solution to the 2020 elections than 28 states, led by Texas, petitioning the Supreme Court. Nope. It was rejected ... If the true history of those times is ever written, what will historians have to say about the enormous power fear plays in swaying what people chose to do in the face of tyranny?

Anyway ... My "advance prediction" for what is only now a short time away? Whatever the American people have elected to do, the "final and official" decision resulting from it will be challenged in ways which will be ... "unprecedented" ... as America's proud, globally recognized tradition of "peaceful transfers of power" every 4 years comes to an end.

As is far too often the case, I hope to be proven wrong ...