A short post on the war against Israel

in #deutsch6 months ago (edited)
Dear HiveansLiebe HiverQueridos Hiveanos
Today I learned that Gaza/Hamas had (source) an economy minister. What for? That region produces nothing of value and lives (and kills) by foreign support. Reminds me of that meme:Heute habe ich erfahren, dass Gaza/Hamas einen Wirtschaftsminister hat (Quelle). Wozu das? Diese Region produziert nichts von Wert und lebt (und tötet) von ausländischer Unterstützung. Erinnert mich an dieses Meme:Hoy me he enterado de que Gaza/Hamas tenía (fuente) un ministro de Economía. ¿Para qué? Esa región no produce nada de valor y vive (y mata) gracias al apoyo extranjero. Me recuerda a ese meme:

Good riddance:

Thanks Israel for removing evil terrorists and for making the world a safer place. I wonder how much time it will take until the civilized world realizes that it's in a global conflict (against the axis of Russia, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and perhaps China) and reacts properly. Instead of supporting terrorist organizations (Hezbollah, Houthi, UNRWA as most Hamas terrorists are UNRWA graduates) with billions of dollars, the US and especially Europe (has so many idiots (example)) should rearm and support Israel.Danke Israel, dass es die bösen Terroristen beseitigt und die Welt sicherer gemacht hat. Ich frage mich, wie lange es dauern wird, bis die zivilisierte Welt begreift, dass sie sich in einem globalen Konflikt befindet (gegen die Achse aus Russland, Iran, Hamas, Hisbollah, den Houthis und vielleicht China) und richtig reagiert. Anstatt terroristische Organisationen (Hisbollah, Houthi, UNRWA, da die meisten Hamas-Terroristen UNRWA-Absolventen sind) mit Milliarden von Dollar zu unterstützen, sollten die USA und vor allem Europa (hat so viele Idioten (Beispiel)) aufrüsten und Israel unterstützen.Gracias Israel por eliminar a los malvados terroristas y por hacer del mundo un lugar más seguro. Me pregunto cuánto tiempo pasará hasta que el mundo civilizado se dé cuenta de que está en un conflicto global (contra el eje de Rusia, Irán, Hamás, Hezbolá, los Houthis y quizás China) y reaccione adecuadamente. En lugar de apoyar a organizaciones terroristas (Hezbolá, Houthi, UNRWA, ya que la mayoría de los terroristas de Hamás son graduados de la UNRWA) con miles de millones de dólares, EE.UU. y especialmente Europa (tiene tantos idiotas (ejemplo)) deberían rearmarse y apoyar a Israel.
There are two kinds of anti-Semites: those that really hate Jews, and those that (due to stupidity, ignorance or disinformation) believe and spread anti-Semite propaganda. The second group is way bigger and, unfortunately, dominates western mainstream media.Es gibt zwei Arten von Antisemiten: diejenigen, die Juden wirklich hassen, und diejenigen, die (aufgrund von Dummheit, Unwissenheit oder Desinformation) antisemitische Propaganda glauben und verbreiten. Die zweite Gruppe ist viel größer und dominiert leider die westlichen Mainstream-Medien.Hay dos tipos de antisemitas: los que realmente odian a los judíos y los que (por estupidez, ignorancia o desinformación) creen y difunden propaganda antisemita. El segundo grupo es mucho mayor y, por desgracia, domina los principales medios de comunicación occidentales.
And here just a quick reminder of the reason of that war. The US and Europe who idiotically supported (not only financially) the terrorists in that war, now dare to criticize Israel instead of apologizing for their wrongdoing.Und hier nur eine kurze Erinnerung an den Grund für diesen Krieg. Die USA und Europa, die idiotischerweise die Terroristen in diesem Krieg unterstützt haben (nicht nur finanziell), wagen es jetzt, Israel zu kritisieren, anstatt sich für ihr Fehlverhalten zu entschuldigen.Y aquí sólo un rápido recordatorio de la razón de esa guerra. Los EE.UU. y Europa que idioticamente apoyaron (no sólo financieramente) a los terroristas en esa guerra, ahora se atreven a criticar a Israel en lugar de pedir disculpas por sus malas acciones.

Have a great day,

More information:

and memes ...


Guten tag! Dear @zuerich !

Are you saying that the Israeli athletes participating in the Paris Olympics are under threat from terrorism?

Unfortunately Israelis, especially Jews (and not only athletes) are under threat of terrorism everywhere.

I could remember when the war started and how the Hamas were launching multiple attacks on the Israelites. If not for the iron dome things would have been really bad for the Israeli too. I think we have to blame the Hamas for attacking first, but all this also stems down to those funding the wars and are not even living in Hama.

At this point, no one is going to remember what or who started the war as the seems to be no going back anymore. Hopefully we don't start a world war anytime soon because it seems we've not learned from history which makes us susceptible to repeat it all over again.

I just hope the war against Israel ends very soon because innocent souls are at stake

No one is doing more harm to Semitic speaking peoples than Israel. The death toll in Gaza exceeds anything else in recent history.


The death toll in Gaza exceeds anything else in recent history.

  • only if the news are "according to Palestinian authorities"

In my opinion the death toll of civilians compared to terrorists is rather low (compared to Iraq or Afghanistan) and especially considering the intensity of urban warfare.
What do you think about bombings of Dresden or Hamburg during WW2? Germans voted for the Nazis that started the war. Bombings were the consequence. The support of Gazans for Hamas is far bigger than the support of German citizens for the Nazis. How many Gaza "civilians" are really innocent civilians?

I think there is considerable distance between our positions on historical events, as well as them ongoing. The extremely dense population of Gaza and the almost total devastation there coupled to the complete deprivation of food and necessities has certainly caused extraordinary loss of lives, particularly in a population at least half children. In Afghanistan and Iraq, everywhere else such tactics have been applied, there is simply more room to flee than in Gaza, and this makes that population more vulnerable, causing more deaths accordingly. I would be astounded if >90% of the population of Gaza before October 7th remains alive today, and that is a higher percentage of losses than anything claimed for any other conflict in the 21st Century to my knowledge.

I will dispute the claim that the Nazis started WWII, as I have seen copious evidence that Churchill schemed to the limits of his ability to force war on Germany (while Hitler pleaded for peace), was aided and abetted by the Zionist financial support availed Germany per the Haavara Agreement that enabled the German war machine to be built even while the rest of the world suffered the Great Depression, and by the Bolsheviks attempting to overthrow the Weimar Republic and brutally slaughtering the populations they did conquer. However, since WWII was nearly a century ago, the complete genocide of Dresden and of German POW's by the allies immediately after the war isn't what I consider recent.

As to innocence of civilians, I have not seen video of Gazans rioting and demanding the right of Hamas to rape their captives as I have seen of Israelis. However, I have seen accusations Muslims in Europe claim raping European women is Halal, because they are shameless whores that deserve it. Some fringe of psychopaths in every society and culture always makes such claims, and I absolutely refute all claims that war crimes are ever lawful or acceptable.

All that aside, the right of any people to resist invasion, military force, and oppression is absolute. If Gazans do so by support for Hamas, that's their right. I am not there and my opinion of Hamas doesn't matter to them. However, from the evidence I have seen, Israel and the IDF created and financially supported Hamas continually since it's creation in 1987. Netanyahu insisted on support for Hamas consistently up to October 7th, 2023. It is documented that Israel had foreknowledge of Hamas's plans, was alerted by Israeli civilians and IDF forces before and immediately upon the assault beginning, stood down for most of the day as it proceeded, and the IDF killed an unknown number of Israelis when they did respond. Further, an incessant stream of false atrocity propaganda has been published (and deleted when disproved) by Israel and it's supporters, which is itself a war crime. Whether the civilian population of Gaza is anything but collateral damage is debatable.

Gazans supporting Hamas reminds me of a dog that is beaten constantly except when it is in a cage. Getting that dog out of that cage will be resisted to the limits of the dog's abilities, and Gazans will support Hamas with similar determination, because it has been the only means of fighting against their enemies their entire lives for anyone under the age of majority, and the only remnant mechanism for anyone under forty.