Hey everyone! I'm William, I'm 29 and I live on the east coast of England, in the seaside town of Great Yarmouth.
In my intro post when I first joined Steemit, I put a picture of the wonderful beach that's less than 5 minutes walk from my house. But as I start to become more and more a member of the community, I'd like to be more than just a little grey profile. So this is a photo of me - I'm on a Czech Airlines flight from Rome to Frankfurt via Prague, on my way to visit my girlfriend in Germany.
Herzliche Grüße an die deutsche Steemit Community! Ich heiße William, ich bin 29 Jahre alt und ich komme aus England (mit meinem Name ist das wahrscheinlich nicht die größte Überraschung). Ich wohne in Great Yarmouth, eine kleine Stadt an der ostlichen Küste.
In meinem ersten Vorstellungspost (auf Englisch) habe ich in Bild vom schönen Strand am Ende meiner Straße hoch geladen, aber da ich anfange ein Paar Followers zu haben, lade ich ein Bild von mir hoch. In diesem Foto bin ich unterwegs mit Czech Airlines von Rom nach Frankfurt über Prag um meine deutsche Freundin zu besuchen. Das war wirklich ein Traumurlaub. Ich verbrachte fünf Tage in Malaga, sechs Tage in Italien, und dann eine Woche in Deutschland.
Da dieser Post mein erster auf Deutsch ist, schreibe ich ein bisschen mehr über mich. Von 2006 bis 2013 war ich tätig in der englischsprachigen Wikipedia und von 2008 als Administrator. Ich habe auch über Technologie für den Daily Telegraph geschrieben, wo ich meinen eigenen Blog hatte, aber Telegraph Blogs ist leider nicht mehr. Ich freue mich darauf, in der Steemit Community teilzunehmen, wie ich mich so tief mit anderen online Communities beteiligt habe. :)
Willkommen! :)
Sorry, dass ich mir nur diesen kleinen Teilaspekt deines Artikels herauspicke, aber Málaga ist wirklich eine tolle Stadt (ich bin mir sicher, ihr hattet viel Spaß dort), und in einer Woche fliegen wir auch mal wieder dorthin ...
Hi @jaki01, danke!
Kein Problem - du hast recht mit beidem. Wie lange bleibt ihr und was sind deine Pläne dort? Meine fünf Tage waren bestimmt nicht genug um die Stadt richtig kennenzulernen!
Liebe Grüße,
Diesmal bleiben wir nur ca. eine Woche. Wir haben keine konkreten Pläne ... Wir werden sicher den großen Obst- und Gemüsemarkt besuchen, das bunte Treiben in der bis spät nachts belebten Fußgängerzone beobachten, Malagaeis essen, in den nach Jasmin duftenden Parks spazieren gehen, vielleicht die alte Festung erklimmen und auf jeden Fall den Strand und die vielen tollen Restaurants genießen ... mal sehen ... :)
Klingt toll! Ich fande es erstaunlich wie billig diese Märkte im Vergleich zu GB sind. Ich wünsche euch noch einen unvergessbaren Urlaub :)
click here!This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @btcvenom! For more information,
I see @randowhale everywhere lol awesome upvote, that whale gets me everytime
Hi, thanks a lot! :) Glad to be a part of the community.
Welcome to Steemit! Schön, dass du auf Deutsch und Englisch geschrieben hast ;) I've upvoted your post and added you to my list. Looking forward to your next posts! Steem on ~
Hi, glad you like it! I'll try to write in both English and German so oft wie möglich!
Thanks for your vote - followed you back :)
I think you should take this view to the Steem, William. If you want to know what's going on…
Thanks a lot for that link - wow, what a goldmine of information! That page is....kind of addictive, haha.
Welcome, brother.
click here!This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @initforthemoney! For more information,
Thanks :) It's definitely a big family here!
Greetings from Brighton and Hove ;)
Hallo und Willkommen @williamhenderson
Hi William. It was very smart to follow my proposals. What a joy. Now you know the meaning of „Steem on“! Do not stop writing and enjoy your success. Welcome to the community.
Hi - absolutely! I shall try to write all of my posts in both German and English in future. Now I feel much more integrated into the community. Many thanks for your enthusiasm and encouragement, dear @afrog. This Steem engine will keep on running!
Hallo William,
das ist ein sehr sympathischer Post.
Welcome to Steem Community @williamhenderson! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.
In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaman/new-steemians-project-launch
Hallo @williamhenderson. :) Willkommen im Club. Solltest du Fragen haben schau einfach im Steem-Chat vorbei: https://steemit.chat/channel/deutsch
Danke für die Einladung! Gestern habe ich einen kurzen Besuch gemacht. Wir sehen uns im Chat wieder :)
Hi William! Schön ein Photo von dir zu sehen und bin schon gespannt worüber du so schreibst.
Hi! Ich bin froh dass du meinen Post genossen hast - ich habe dir gefollowed :)
Welcome to Steemit!
Thanks very much! :)
Hey! Welcome to Steemit. Hope you have a good time.
Thanks a lot :)
Welcome to steemit! 🗺😎
Thanks a lot! :)
Willkommen schön das du auch auf Deutsch schreibst. Wo genau in Deutschland warst du? Malaga und Italien sind super um dort Urlaub zu machen. Steht auch auf unsere Reiseliste. Wir sind Aktuell in Malaysia und bald geht es weiter nach Sri Lanka.
Danke! Ich habe ein Paar gute Freunde in München, und ich war Austauschstudent an der Uni in Regensburg. Meine Freundin kommt aus Hessen. Ich freue mich für euch, klingt wirklich schön! Leider war ich noch nie ausser Europa.
Herzlich willkommen. Bei Fragen schaue doch mal in der Telegram oder WhatsApp Gruppe "deutsch" vorbei.
Viele liebe Grüße @flauschi
Hi @flauschi, vielen Dank für die Einladung :)
Viele liebe Grüße,
Hey there! Welcome to the fastest growing monetized platform for bloggers and writers. You may find it easy to quit and not persist because it is tough here at times.
Nevertheless persistence beats luck.
We have invented the solution to making new steemians known on the frontier and not having to look like you are holding a bag over your head...nobody genuinely notices. Learn more here
Persistence beats luck - thanks for sharing this phrase with me, I really like it. Cheers for the welcome!
Yes I
Welcome to my reality William! lol, great second intro post!
I'm sure you've noticed the Steemit community is amazingly supportive and encouraging, and I am glad you are on my radar :)
I post a lot of advice and Steemit hacks to help your time here
If you have any questions or need anything, please ask! And it’s great to meet you :)
Thanks a lot! Yes, you are quite right. The enthusiasm and good nature of this community is remarkable!
Good to meet you too - I will give you a follow and keep an eye out for your tips!
Awesome! I know you'll do well here :)
und auch ich sage hallo, lieber William! find ich persönlich sehr gut, wenn du bilingual schreibst. mein englisch ist ok, aber deutsch ist mir lieber, ist ja klar. ich folge dir jetzt und dann schauen wir mal. lg
start posting, upvote and earn!!!welcome to steemit @williamhenderson :)
please feel free and comfortable as you're enjoying yourself and stay here ^_^ wishing you all the best and don't forget to follow and upvote :) good luck!!!
Hi William welcome to steemit, am sure that you will be a big success here. Feel free to see my posts on how to be successful on steemit and follow me for more tips . Steemit is a platform that rewards hard work, authenticity and great contents. Wish you success.
Hey Charles, thanks for the kind words and for your confidence - really looking forward to getting stuck in here. Hope to see you around - I'll give you a follow.
You are welcome, here is an amasing place to spend time..success to you
Hello, welcome to Steemit. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform. Looking forward to your future posts!
Thanks for joining this beautiful community. I followed you. Wish you much luck! Have a great time.!
Hey Vanessa, thanks for the warm welcome! Hope you have been enjoying your time here too. I'm looking forward to contributing more and more. Followed you back! :)
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Nice first post, welcome to Steemit! Upvoted and Followed!
Hallo, und schön das du da bist.
Danke, gleichfalls! :)
Herzlich (re)-Willkommen :)
Danke schön! :)
have a good time. Was a good intro.welcome @williamhenderson, also i am new here :)
Following now, upvoted
Grüße aus München ;)
Servus und danke schön! ;)
na willkommen sag ich da nur
@williamhenderson welcome to the community enjoy your stay and promote steemit on other new users.
Welcome to Steemit!
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Welcome @williamhenderson ! Since I'm a traveler I like that your profile pic was taken mid-flight.
Cheers - @dvhaley
Welcome! Upvote my posts and follow me i am new on steemit and need your support.
Guten tag! I hope its correct german greeting for your girlfriend?
Its great to know you are very active on steemit. I hope you have more wonderful times here. Well done!
Please accept this gift
Welcome to steemit.com Willaim Henderson!! Good luck with steemit!!!
auch von mir herzlich Willkommen. Bin auf die weiteren Texte gespannt!
hello @williamhenderson!! y That's very good post...Glad to see more people like you - here joining steemit ! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure!! Here you can win money while bloging! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. ! Cheers! Greetings, @britec
Welcome Williamhenderson:) Glad to see more people like you - here joining steemit ! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure!! Here you can win money while bloging! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. ! Cheers! Wish you much luck! Greetings, @khunpoom!
Hey, thanks for your kind words. I agree with your outlook - I think it is best seen as a writing and creative opportunity. Any money received is a welcome bonus, but those coming here solely to make money are likely to face disappointment. The best thing to do is follow your passion, and everything else should fall into place. All the best :)
Hi @williamhenderson, nice to have you around ! looking forward to hear more from you !
Hi Jan, thanks for your kind words - seems like we share a lot of the same interests! I have followed you :)
It is really interesting, i have never been on plane, but i see you enjoying the travel. Its a nice picture, and remember when you reach say hi to your girlfriend and reach our greeting to her from Steemit family.
Greetings back to, and thanks for your kind words! :) You have never been on a plane before? I really hope you have the opportunity to do this soon, because it is a wonderful experience, even if you are nervous at first. Once you get used to it, I'm sure - like me - you will always want a window seat :)
hii ..welcome to Steemit!
Hi Sandra, thanks a lot! All the best on your Steemit adventure :)
Can we be a follower friends? I upvoted and followed you. I also new in this channel and I collect friends. I follow you can you also follow me and you will get a good contents from me. Thank you ;-)Welcome to steemit @williamhenderson. Nice introducing.
Hi @chebee, glad you like my post. I have followed you as I'm certainly interested to read more about Hungary and Budapest. I would very much like to go there one day. A good friend of my mother's is Hungarian, and she cooked us some authentic Hungarian food - it was excellent!
Hi @williamhenderson
Thanks for the introduction post. I really love the fact that you told us about yourself.
You're very welcome to steemit. I wish you success. I hope you'll enjoy steemit as time goes on. I'll like to follow you so I can share ideas with you here on steemit. I'm now following you. Feel free to follow me back if you want.
Hi @kingsley-clement, thanks a lot for the warm welcome - more than happy to share ideas with you. Wishing you all the best on your Steemit adventure too!
Hi William, I'm new here too! Thanks for posting in both languages :-) I'm currently learning Thai but I try to pick up other languages as much as possible so seeing this post was a bit intriguing to me. I hope you enjoy your time on Steemit, I'm surely excited about being a part of the community.
Hi Kellie, thanks a lot, hope you enjoy your time here too! Wow, Thai - sounds like quite an undertaking. How are you finding it learning a new alphabet? Luckily in German I only had to deal with four new characters!
Welcome new steemanian.. nice to meet you steemit friend ..it’s great to see that more people is joining the steemit platform new faces everyday…that’s why I love reading the intro post… I get so excited to know that our community is growing!!!!steemit is a wonderful platform and you will enjoy it...just interact with others and have fun... you'll realise that commenting and interacting with other steemit users can help you get followers too so its a win ,win leave a comment make a friend.... Good luck on your steemitjourney i hope you make a lot of friends
Hey Roxy, thanks for your welcome. Yes, it's nice when people add a picture and share a little bit about their life. It makes the community a little bit friendlier. It's easy to forget that there is a person on the other side. All the best to you on your Steemit journey too :)
Herzlich Willkommen William! Echt ein schöner Name, vor allem für einen Mittelalterfan wie mich. Verbinde damit irgendwie automatisch einen edlen Ritter ;) Bin gespannt auf deine Posts! Grüße aus Österreich!
Haha, danke schön, ja ich bin stolz auf meinen Name :) Ich bin auch ein Fan von Österreich - Salzburg war die erste ausländische Stadt, die ich besucht habe. Beste Grüße aus England!
Salzburg passt zu einen mittelalterlichen Namen eh perfekt - warst du auf der Festung? :)
Yep! Ich war auch in Schloss Mirabell für ein Mozart Konzert. Der ganze Urlaub war für meinen 18en Geburtstag, ich war in Wien auch. :)
Sehr schön :) Welche der beiden Städte hat dir besser gefallen?
Hmmmm schwerige Frage! Ich würde Salzburg sagen wahrscheinlich, weil es kleiner ist. Ein bisschen mehr gemütlich, vielleicht :) Aber ich verbrachte nur 3-4 Tage in Wien. Wenn ich mehr Zeit dort verbracht hätte, dann vielleicht wäre Wien mir auch so gemütlich gewesen. Hmm. Gute Ausrede, zurückzufahren oder? ;)
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @williamhenderson!
Hi Welcome to steemit! I upvoted and im following you!
If you want you can participate in my contests and win steem dollars.
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Hi Nuno, thanks a lot! I have followed you back. I'll take a look at some of your work! :)
Good luck. William! I am quite new myself and excited to be a Steemian.
Thanks a lot - I have not been here very long myself, but a warm welcome to you, and wishing you all the best on your Steemit adventure here