I say that is fortunate for the smaller states.
Maybe the German government is generous and wants to give others a head start ?
I mean, imagine Olaf had said "crypto currencies and blockchain are a huge opportunity for Germany and we should invest heavily in developing the sector"!
Aaargh ! Awful for all the others who are (much) smaller and cannot muster the same financial resources as Germany can !
So yes, please, I'll sing a lullaby, schlaf weiter, Deutschland, lass uns ein bisschen "head start" otherwise we would stand no chance ! :p
Meanwhile the French have introduced the blockchain in the commercial and monetary legislation as "DEEP" - "dispositif d'enregistrement electronique partagé". Allez la France ! Allez les Bleus ! :-)
Another interesting thing: one of the main cheerleaders for blockchain in the European Parliament is none other than Jakob von Weizsäcker, member of the German SPD, thus Olaf's party-colleague ... how come? Do this guys ever meet ? Speak to one another ? They never throw cocktail parties in the SPD ?