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RE: Was ist Freiheit?

in #deutsch6 years ago (edited)

There's a lot of wisdom in this post, and I've come to many of the same conclusions you have. For me there was a turning point in life when I realized that "time is money."

Usually that's used to express something different, but for me it was seeing here in Germany that many "Sachbearbeiter" had a 37 hour work week. They had lots of free time vs the supervisors and managers who (in terms of hours worked) spent perhaps 5 more weeks per year at work.

Every ten years that's an extra year spent at work.

Of course the ideal solution is to do what you love, then work is your passion and it isn't really work ;-)

In any case, here in the EU this quote should be on billboards everywhere:

Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. George Orwell

The truth, or one's perception of the truth, isn't hate speech.

There's a lot of wisdom in this post ...

Thanks! :)

... in Germany [...] many "Sachbearbeiter" had a 37 hour work week. They had lots of free time ...

Isn't that just great? There can't be enough free time in my opinion! :-) Let's machines make our work (at least all kind of stupid, repetitive work) by increasing digitalization and automation ... OK, I guess you will disagree ...

Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. George Orwell

I remember that some time ago you told me about a country where you made any bad experience. I asked about the name of the country but you answered you wouldn't tell me because you didn't want to insult anybody ... Didn't you act like a 'European' in this case? :)

'Freedom' is obviously also your right to decide not to upvote my article. :-)))

First of all, thanks for letting me know I neglected to upvote your post. Commenting without voting as so rude -- very embarrassing, I was reading Vieanna's exciting news in her comment and got sidetracked. Better late than never ;-)

Thanks also for the link to your digitalization and automation post.

Although this is a complex topic, I don't disagree, especially if a robot tax were to become a reality. We're living in a globalized world with few functioning democracies. Even in major democracies, powerful companies and individuals have enormous influence over lawmakers and regulators... there's too much to mention, but in the end it seems to me like humans must find a balance between personal freedom and the elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty.

The vast and growing gap between rich and poor has been laid bare in a new Oxfam report showing that the 62 richest billionaires own as much wealth as the poorer half of the world’s population. Timed to coincide with this week’s gathering of many of the super-rich at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, the report calls for urgent action to deal with a trend showing that 1% of people own more wealth than the other 99% combined. source

I remember not wanting to mention a "certain" country :-) Not wanting to "hurt someone's feelings" is a Southern tradition in America. For that reason, it was a freedom I chose not to use. Here in Europe, for legal reasons people need to exercise caution when speaking the truth -- that's something quite different.

In any case, your post caused me to mention "freedom" in my post today.

Heute habe ich einige ausgezeichnete Posts über Freiheit gelesen. Ich werde das kurz halten und einfach sagen, dass ich mich sehr frei fühle, wenn ich in der Natur und in Harmonie mit der Schöpfung bin. In Deutschland ist die Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung in Gefahr, aber zumindest auf dem Land zeichnet sich Deutschland in einem Punkt aus - der Freiheit, in der Natur zu wandern, und dafür bin ich zutiefst dankbar.

Here in Europe, for legal reasons people need to exercise caution when speaking the truth ...

You mean "when expressing their opinion" ... I doubt that it really is the truth always. :) Sorry for being somewhat persistent today anyhow. Let me say that I really like your comments. And you are right: partly in Europe we must be careful to protect the freedom of speech.

You are correct, opinion isn't necessarily the truth.

Sadly, it isn't just opinion that can get someone in trouble. When truth doesn't fit a political narrative one should also exercise caution -- not only in Europe, but in North America as well.

Forgive me too for being persistent;-)

Forgive me too for being persistent;-)

Don't worry: as persistent person I will forgive persistent commentators. :)