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RE: Linksautonome vs. Rechtsextreme

in #deutsch8 years ago (edited)

All of that is wrong, if you got your info from wiki you only got one side of the story as usual, it's been admitted that jews actually pay people to edit wiki articles so that they contain certain whitewashed info supporting their side of the story basically.
The Germans were impoverished before Hitler rose to power actually, the price of bread in german marks could fill a wheelbarrow before he got elected, that's why he got elected, and he fixed Germany's economy with national socialism.

The people Hitler was against were the communists who were invading and degrading Germany, as well as the violent "social democrats" who were the equivalent of Antifa at the time.

I know we in the west only ever get one side of the story, but if you look into the other side deep enough you realize Hitler and the national socialists were in fact the good guys. I know this is shocking to hear, but it's the truth.

I would only ever recommend wiki for technical stuff, when it comes to political matters on the other hand... I would recommend strongly against getting your information from that site.