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RE: Splinterlands-Heron-Accounts: Was ist das für ein Geschäftsgebahren ?

in #deutsch5 years ago (edited)

You could even try arguing you posted this because "people should know" but, well, nobody cared in discord chat and nobody will care anywhere else. Except you. You already know this, yet you still posted it. That's why it's not because "people should know", but because you're trying to mock me.

Now, of course you aren't going to publically agree with me on this. But you see, I downvoted your post because it's an attempt to mock and defame me. You downvoted my post out of spite (and literally no other reason). And that... That sums up the difference between you and me.


"it's an attempt to mock and defame me. "

It is simply the truth, presented objectively.
Even you agreed in Discord that it's correct what I told.

[...] nobody cared in discord chat and nobody will care anywhere else. Except you. You already know this, yet you still posted it.


OK I understand that in this heron-discord not much people care cause their are only a few people.
I will think a little bit and maybe I will open this topic in splinterlands general or maverick house - so I can see if really nobody care about.

In every case I get some replies here at hive.

If you consider that you asked me to take something back what I have not told.

How can I do this ?

I have asked a question and I never told that you are "no businessman" - if your english is not good enough to understand you can translate in google or you can ask me how I mean this, but you stopped the conversation because you assume something what is objectively wrong.

By the way: I am also no native english speaker so in my opinion if two people who speak english as foreign language have a disagreement in my opinion they should first think if it cannot be a problme in language before stop conversation.