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RE: Chef-Entwicklerin von AstraZeneca gegen Kinder-Impfung und „Auffrischungen“

in #deutsch4 years ago

I helped you to translate it to english...

Politicians absolutely want to push through the child vaccination - also against the recommendations of STIKO and WHO or warnings from doctors and experts . Now the chief developer of the AstraZeneca serum has spoken out against a general vaccination of children and the booster.
AstraZeneca developer against general child vaccination
Delta variant rarely fatal
“Booster” does not make sense for the general public
More and more critics from the pharmaceutical industry
Oxford professor Sarah Gilbert led the development of AstraZeneca's vector gene syringe. In an interview with Die Welt and other European media , she now questioned the benefits of vaccination for children . “So if the transmission cannot be prevented and children neither become seriously ill nor die, then the question arises: Is vaccination worth it? “The corona virus is only dangerous“ for a very small number of children ”. "Countries should consider vaccinating these," said Gilbert. It is thus on the same point of view as the Standing Vaccination Commissionin Germany (STIKO). This also speaks out against torturing children with experimental syringes and, despite massive political pressure, recommends only vaccinating previously ill children ( Wochenblick reported ).

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Delta variant harmless
It is quite relaxed about the currently prevailing delta variant . She admits that although this is contagious, serious illnesses or even deaths are rare . As a scare-mongering that the vaccinations might not work with the new variants, she said that the mutations are not much different from the original virus. "If the immune response is good after a vaccination, then it also works with variants." These have "only a few changes in the amino acids" and it is "a very high level of cross-reactive antibodies"ascertain. There is of course a “certain reduction in how much the antibodies neutralize the mutation. But by no means does the neutralization fail completely. A change in the vaccine does not seem to be urgently needed. "

Booster vaccination does not make sense for everyone
Neither is she convinced of the usefulness of the so-called “booster”, that is, the refreshing syringes, which are so widely propagated. “The effectiveness declines faster, especially in older people. As the immune system ages, the response to antibodies is no longer as good. So if we need boosters, it will be for the older population. I do not expect that this will be necessary for the general population. "

Experts from the pharmaceutical industry against vaccination
Other critics from the pharmaceutical industry have already raised their voices against the potentially dangerous gene injections. The inventor of mRNA technology, Robert Malone , recently drew attention to the fact that mRNA vaccinated people could become super spreaders because they transmit the spike protein ( Wochenblick reported ). And the former vice president of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon, warned about the experimental product of his former employer ( Wochenblick reported ). Together with Sucharit Bhakdi he also wrote an open letter to the EMA in which both are against vaccinating childrenpronounced. This approved the BioNTech / Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 and over at the beginning of June ( Wochenblick reported ).

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