Kanada ist zur Zeit gesetzt, wir haben in den vergangenen Jahren bereits ein Grundstück gekauft und ein Cottage gebaut, aber das ist gar nicht so weit entfernt von Maine.
Wir sind im Norden von Nova Scotia.
Da gibt es also Optionen auf ein Treffen beim nächsten Besuch in 2019, wenn wir beide Lust haben!
Ah! Wir sind nur über die Grenze von Woodstock, New Brusnwick und haben Nova Scotia mehrmals besucht. Wir sind nur vier Autostunden von der Grenze zu Nova Scotia entfernt. Das würde Spaß machen! Sie müssen Englisch viel besser sprechen, als ich Deutsch kann, aber wir wären wahrscheinlich in Ordnung. Hast du eine Frau und Kinder?
The timezone thing struck in and delayed our conversation... :)
Yes, i'm married with children. :)
And there are already grandchildren around... :)
Perhaps it's a good idea to open a private channel for further communications.
Are you familiar receiving encrypted memos via the steem wallet?
Or do you own a discord ID? Mine is argalf#0909.
I am infrequently on discord, but can not go there right now. I will look to "friend" you later today.
[content erased] on demand of @mepatriot.
PLEASE erase this comment. we will talk. THANKS!!
Done, but of course the content is recoverable via the blockchain history.
Sorry if i did anything harmfull, but i'm allergic to flagging bots...
We'll fix this out as soon as we have established our private communication channel.
As an alternative to discord i can offer plain email via "argalf(at)mail.de".
Why are things that complicate these times? :|
Hey...I tried no argalf#0909 over there on discord....
Is Discord case sensitive?
The full qualified account name is "Argalf#0909" with a capital first letter.
Posted using Partiko Android
OK...lemme see....
Nope. No luck.
??? I have no idea, as my account ist definately working.
Are you willing to provide your discord account name? I'll try it vice versa as soon as i've arrived at home.
Posted using Partiko Android
OK...going out for the evening, my friend. Maybe we'll catch up tomorrow...?
Just mepatriot as far as I can tell. I'm a newbie there, and someone says there's three accounts with my username. Been chatting there a lot today...which is rare for me.