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RE: Mito-Medizin: Trend oder Tatsache? Part II – Von den Mitos zum zellulären Gezwitscher.

in #deutsch6 years ago

I've been nibbling at the edges of this for a few weeks now. Since I'm not trained in science, I circle around and pick up crumbs until I begin to get a cohesive picture. I've read a few good articles about the relationship between Huntington's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. The thrust of the articles seems to be not a cure, but a treatment to modify symptoms. And this seems, in some research, to indicate turning off the signaling that causes the cells to behave in a way that's pathological. I lack the vocabulary to describe what I so far understand, but will acquire that vocabulary in time --I hope. You see why your article was interesting to me. It's one more, really big crumb on the trail :) Here's an article I picked up today, and will save, because of clues laid out in your blog.
I'm pretty sure I'll write about Huntington's in some fashion...but what will I say? Still a mystery to me 😄


Since I'm not trained in science, I circle around and pick up crumbs until I begin to get a cohesive picture.

This is also the case when you are already trained ;-)

AD & Parkinson is also related to mitochondria. Maybe I will try to go further into this subject in the third part of my series, but I can't promise.

Concerning the Huntington stuff. This is a total interesting case.

Maybe I will write something briefly about it! I wish I would have more time.


Hope to read some fresh scientific stuff by you soon.

And don't forget. If I'm not responding it's because of my feed!

So far

All best


Thanks for the encouragement. Getting close... Hope to read your blog about Huntington's soon :)
Peace until then,