Keep exploring the secrets and mysteries of endless ancient Egypt will share with you some of the more inexplicable findings may be legends related to the history of the pyramid state and the pharaohs.
Who built the Nabta-Playa-Stone circle?
"Stonehenge" - not the only mysterious circle of stone monoliths in the world, in southern Egypt, too, has a mysterious structure. The archaeological site of Nabta Playa is located about 110 kilometers west of the modern city of Abu Simble. It's much smaller, Stonehenge, but is considered the oldest in the world and shows the same astronomical affiliation.
The Nabta Playa Stone circle was discovered by chance by a group of scientists led by anthropology professor Fred Wendorf (1974), who returned from a Libyan expedition. The stones are quartzite sandstone and they may be taken from the open zone of ancient sandstone mining, located one kilometer from this place.
In 1980, archaeologists, using a GPS (global positioning system), examined large radial stones and found their exact position in the north-south, east-west, and calendar circle stones at the Karnak temple.
The next archaeological excavations at Nabta-Playa have shown that this place is an ancient settlement society that lived more than 6000 years ago. The ruins found residences, graves and household items are considered Egyptologists as one of the most ancient, ever identified on the African continent.
Another researcher, astrophysicist Thomas Brophy, based on monolithic satellite images in Nabta Playa, posited the theory that the circle was built to communicate with the cosmos. In his article "Astronomy of Natta Playa" (2007), he argues that the placement of rocks, as well as the burial of cattle and nearby human graves, "shows the earliest symbolic connection with the sky."
What is this relationship? Stars, sun, distant galaxy?
The real purpose of creating a stone circle remains a mystery.
Light of Dendera - electricity from ancient Egypt?
Dendera Light - Rock Art relief at the Hathor temple, located in the upper Dendera Egyptian complex - one of the main sources of disagreement on the history of ancient Egypt.
Many historians interpret this image as evidence of a lighting system, similar to a Crookes tube.
Proponents of this theory argue that the presence of electricity in Ancient Egypt explains the absence of oil lamps or torches in many graves found.
A more realistic explanation of the picture is interpreted by Egyptologists as a combination of lotus flowers, Jed pillars (symbols of stability depicted by elongated hands) and serpents that rise from the flower. The inscription in the picture "Dendera of light" to support this view, because they refer to the rising sun, which will arise from the lotus flower in the form of a snake of God Semataui.
According to Egyptologists, the portrayed Goddess of Heaven is also a common representation of that night. Thus, the relief can show the rising sun, penetrating the gloom of the night.
But nevertheless, the image on the aid of Dundera continues to cause a hot controversy - pseudo-scientific theory inherent in evidence of advanced technological discoveries from ancient societies.
The Mysterious Sea People
"They came from the sea with battleships, and no one can hold them," said a post on the Pharaoh Merenpt Statue at Karnak Temple.
in the history of ancient Egypt (1276-1178 BCE) there is a reference to the sea - unknown person that appears from nowhere. according encyclopedia of ancient history, nations sea call group Pirates and robbers a search of the extraction of stretch of the Mediterranean sea. their main goal is Egypt - countries prosperous with a wealth of countless. there is also evidence that the outside of Egypt, people sea attack lands Empire Hittite (region Turkey simplified), Lebanon and other areas in the Mediterranean Coast.