Have you ever known her name for honey?
Part of this post we try to publish the basic way of processing honey native. but talking about real honey is not strange to us because almost all of us desperately need it. There is also the use of this honey we can see our exposure below.
Benefits of Pure Honey For Health and Beauty
- Prevent cancer and heart disease
This is because honey contains flavonoids. This content is very useful to reduce the risk of developing cancer cells in the body and heart disease.
- Reduce cough
Honey is also efficacious to reduce cough, by drinking honey two teaspoons 30 minutes before bed.
- Help improve memory
Honey is also very good for improving your memory.
- Helps eliminate injuries
Apply unprocessed honey or honey that is still completely natural to your wounds. So the wound can disappear naturally.
- It is a complete source of nutrition
This is because honey contains a variety of nana nutritious natural ingredients that exist in it.
- Eliminate allergies
Honey contains anti-inflammatory, pollen traces of flowers and allergen exposure is efficacious to combat seasonal allergies that you experience.
- Metabolism of alcohol
By drinking honey directly this can limit the toxicity of fiber lowers the alcohol in the body quickly.
- Fighting bacteria in the body
Honey can kill bacteria such as E.coli, salmonella and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus.
- Prevent low white blood cells
To prevent low white virgin cells in the body, you can consume two teaspoons of honey per day.
- Increase metabolism
Because it contains a variety of vitamins, and other nutrients this makes potent honey to serve as a metabolism of the body.
- Preventing diabetes
In order to avoid diabetes, you can replace the sugar by using honey
- Increase stamina
This is because honey contains energy that can increase your body stamina.
- Improve fertility
Honey is also known as one of the fertilizer supplements are quite effective. For those of you who struggle to get a baby, maybe consume honey fertilizer can be a solution for you who are undergoing pregnant program.
Luar biasa main in the surfer
Thanks @adryanrian
In the best
Thanks @zulkifli desta
Sangat bagus ,,,
Thanks @alifjayaputra
Spetakuler @good-darma
Thanks @maywelder
Sangat bagus , , , ,
Thanks @xiongxu
You the best ,,,, sangat bagus ,,,
Kita terus berusaha manual,,, hhhh
Kulity super @good-darma
Kualitas dan kuantitas perlu, tp kunjungan kita kurang
Wah , ini postingan pertama di laptop,,, terus berkarya ,,,
Thanks, terus kami berbuat,,,
Sungguh sangat luar biasa
Khusus untuk surfer
Sungguh sangat luar biasa
Benar luar biasa ,,, penalaran yang sempurna,
Thanks @dedtabot3 , kami terus berkarya
Bereh that
Ok, terimakasih ,,,
Mantap,,, salam sukses
Salam sukses kawan,,,
Ya ,,,,
Indah penalaran yang sempurna
Thanks @sdmurahmulia
Terus lah berjayaaaa
Ya , kedepan harus lebih baik lagi
Luar biasa sempurna
Thanks @macrophotografi
Super sempurna,
Ya @camher ,
Thanks ,,,
Kita terus melakukan yang terbaik
Kita harus sama sama berbenah,,,
Postingan kelas atas ,,,
Ini belum ada apa apa , kita cuma postingan biasa kawan
Sempurna ,,,
Kesederhanaan membuat kita terus berada pada yang terbaik ,,,
Perfec @good-darma
Ya kawan , ,
Verry good
Yea i do
Mantap,,, salam sukses
Salam sacces kembali ,,,
Terus berbuat yang terbaik
Ya , terus berusaha yang terbaik , . ,.
Ok salam kembali ,,,
Tetap kita lanjutkan , aset masa depan
Teruskan yang terbaik
Ya akan kita teruskan yang terbaik
Ya akan kita teruskan yang terbaik
Kualitas iriginal ya
Tingkat biasa saja kawan,,,
Bereh,,, nyan kapah
Ya butoi....
Kita terus mendukung ini sangat sempurna
Ya kawan , terus kita ciptakan yang trrbaik ,
Kita perlu yang lebih konsisten ,, ini membuat kita semangat
Ya itu benar , kita terus menciba ini hal hal baru
Postingan propesional ,,,
Bulun penuh befkah,
Ya berkah bersama kita semua
Thank princes,,,
Asli atau palsu
Asli , 250 saboh kaca