One healthy drink is undoubtedly a chicory.Chicory is a plant product obtained from annual plant roots by frying, drying, and grinding. Powder is ready to be brewed and drunk, like coffee. However, according to taste and chicory taste is much lower than the noble drink, although he still has admirers.
Who can recommend this product? How useful is that?
- It is known that in chicory composition is inulin. Because of its contents, chicory can be used instead of sugar. For diabetics, such a product - the real one is found: sweet foods, white cabbages do not cause a dangerous increase in blood glucose levels.
- Vitamin supplements and rich elements are a great addition to chicory drinks. Promotes overall body improvement, stimulates and strengthens the immune system, supports heart work, strengthens blood vessels, helps with digestion and proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Even the reproduction function can be normalized, thanks to chicory action.
- This useful product is also considered a powerful antioxidant, helping to fight the signs of aging. The use of chicory, according to scientists, prevent the development of cancer.
Chicory is traditionally not only a source of fiber, but also contains a large amount of vegetable protein. In combination with other nutrients, it helps restore strength and tone. Unlike coffee, herbal drinks provide a gentle refreshing effect without provoking a sharp increase in pressure.
The root of the chicory also stimulates digestive activity. Due to the ability to increase appetite, this product can be useful for people with weight deficits and weak stomach function. In the recovery period after the illness, drink from the chicory is recommended by doctors as a dietary supplement.
But along with many amazing properties, chicory has a number of contraindications, so you can not use them all. Plant products are contraindicated in asthma, bronchitis, varicose veins, if a person has serious cardiovascular disease and disorders in the gallbladder. However, for a healthy person, chicory is a suitable product that can be consumed daily as a source of energy and vitamins.
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