Yesterday I printed my C-3PO Low Poly design I created a while back using Blender and I love the result!
The model was printed with the Prusa i3 MK2S which I bought as a kit a month ago and is exceeding my expectation in regards to print quality. If you are looking for an affordable 3d Printer that provides great quality, this is the one I can recommend to buy.
Here are some images and gifs of the print progress.
Judge the print quality for yourself looking at the print layers. I didn't have the pleasure yet to test a more expensive printer like the Ultimaker 2 or 3 but can't imagine that those printers (3 times more expensive) will have a significant better print quality.
Towards the end of the print something happened that could have been easily prevented if I just added a little bit of glue on the print bed. The model lost grip and I had to stop the print at 90%
Ultimately it is not such a bad thing since I am using the model now as my pen holder :-)
Thanks for reading and please don't forget to up-vote and follow if this post was interesting to you.
Thank you!
Wow ,I want to try something similar . Very good design
Thank you! Let me know once your design is ready.
Yes man ,for sure I will 🙂
Na den pin ich mir doch mal an mein Brett :-)
Haha, habe auf diesen Kommentar gewartet! Vielen Dank @lichtblick :-)
Sehr gerne @tarekadam :-) Ich versuche immer einen ongoing support für coole Posts und nette Menschen. Noch einfacher wenn beides zutrifft ;-)
C-3PO reaction

Wow, I like that image!
Omg this post is insanely satisfying! Thanks for sharing, now I want a 3D printer too! Upvoted and followed :D
Thank you for the great compliment, I am glad you like it. Let me know when you have your printer.
looks great!
That is incrideble mannnn.....u r dealing with best and new technology
Thank you!
Even I m working in same field ....but not that advanced
Wow! This is so interesting!
Thank you.
Wow, this is amazing. Congrats on your great post.
Interesting post and nice design :)
Wow, great innovative product. How much will such printer cost? would love to have one
I posted a link to the Prusa website in my post. You can find the details on their site.
Wow, very nice.. 3d printing is also on my list for 3 years... never took the time too really start with it.. I think you should have someone near you to really tell the ins and outs.