My new book in amazon and cover design :

in #design5 years ago

I designed this cover in powerpoint and photoshop
link of this book in amazon


informations of this design:
Titele: Tracing Letters and Numbers for Preschool and Kids Ages 3-5
nich: handwriting book for writing english
Cover size : 8.5 x 11 inch
140 pages
Price : 6.99 usd 5.99 £ 6,32 €
link of this book in amazon

Tracing Letters and Numbers for Preschool and Kids Ages 3-5: English activity book handwriting,Writing Practice Book ,140 Writing Pages with size 8.5 ... and coloring and tracing workbook.

Some pictures of the book from the inside







I hope you evaluate this work because I want to become a professional in design and this is some information about me:

my name is Ali Benali .I from in Morocco .I was born in Ifrane in the year 1998 May .I am 22 years old, and I am now studying at Mohamed I University in Oujda. I am here to share information with everyone in all areas of life in order to develop and advance for the better. I like watching anime and soccer.

I am a cover designer for books and notebook . I hope to meet other designers to develop my skills in this field and exchange this informations .


Hello @spacetoon. Nice to meet you. You book coverings for pre-schoolers are beautiful designs. You are talented with your art. The fact that you chose to apply it to helping educate children is a wonderful vocation.

I just wanted to stop by to say thank you for deciding to follow my journey on Hive and engage with me and my content. I appreciate the engagement.

Good luck to you in your design ambitions. I wish you success. Just keep up the good work.

Have a good day.

Thank you for your visit me and for write this good comment.
You are also very good to design .
me I work in amzon kdp for design books low content and kindle book.
thank and good luck for you also.