Why is Design Management Important?

in #design7 years ago


A Shot From my University Campus



Clock ticks, alarm beeps, calendar fills, days go by so does our lives. The projects we work on require attention and for that we need concentration. Designers, directors, writers and architects they all are a spec of what designing could ever be. Arts require imagination and crafts need hard labor. Architects need engineers, directors want storyboards, designers require mood boards and writers fulfill the concepts. Every ship needs a compass, but after all we are all a speck of dust holding a smart phone.
We are the apes inside spaceships, our technology gone so far away that we can build our own sex bots, so that they can masturbate for us. Now it is all about being the one. THE guerilla film maker, THE 3D statue printing student, that guy on Beehance or so on. Everyone designs, everyone has a visual representation, we all are artists, but what is art anyways? If playing Soldier of Fortune from Deep Purple on every street corner counts as street art, then every piece of photography might become snapshot. If the artists make art, then who designs the craft and why don’t you like my selfie ?(
Linguistics is the craftmanship of communication. Writers cook the millennia old ideas like the French cuisine so that readers artificial intelligence called human brain would make love to the concepts like they have just become eighteen or maybe readers have lost their virginity to the Edgar Allan Poe while they were infants. Wittgenstein indicates that every piece of word paints a picture inside our own mind.
Tree. A Tree. Two Trees. Four purple upside-down Trees and a koala eating a leaf under the shadow of a baby panda sleeping. So yea the director needs the screenplay just like the architect needing mathematical functions. It is all about dualism isn’t it? Concrete and abstract, nature and nurture, arts and crafts, book and movie. Sound and text and photo is a triskelion, which means triple infinity.
Think -just try please for once- that you are in the middle of a billboard street of a metropolitan. LED flash, car humble, people squeak; hey do you need a cab? It’s all about chaos and cosmos. At Nano scale the eternal lies at the macro scale the infinite drives. So, who is going to clean the house? Let me just call for an Armut Lady. It means poverty in German, pear in Turkish. So, our precious fruits from the gardens of Eden are just negros. Oh, wait I am a 8 Mile listening albino and the redneck of photography.
I have tried to present my own solipsist way of designing a project, a joke, a concept, a correlation, a painting, an argument, an essay and a manipulation. Here comes the management part of the design project called an essay. Just google everything and try to read it slowly and again and again until you understand the core concepts underneath every sentence. If the mind of the reader is our design company, then I have managed it like a psilocybin trip. This is what youngsters look for, a different door of perception into their own realms of reality. If we come back to the main question once and for all, management conducts the design like physics. (psychedelic) Psyche – mind, soul; Delos – to manifest, make visible.


Another shot from Istanbul Bilgi University