Here is one of my favorite projects: Domina.
An Alfa Romeo Coupè, segment B, about 13 years ago. The Arese style center gave us the naked body of a vehicle of about 4 meters, with all specifications such as ramp angle, impact / pedestrian rule, belt loop. The task was to "dress" this coupé while maintaining the style of Alfa Romeo. For example, the "V" engine bonnet, the rear headlights embedded like a jewel or the "elbow", the special curve of the lateral rear windows.The high waistline and curvature of the pavilion made it very comfortable for four passengers. And each of them could enjoy the trip on a comfortable single leather seat. Shaped to hold lateral displacements as it suits a true sports car.
The cockpit, inspired by the Alfa Romeo logo, is inclined and enveloping in the direction of the pilot so that it can have all the controls clearly visible and handy but at the same time can appreciate the features of the car, fully carving its peculiarities and enjoying the feelings she can convey.
In the side view, you notice the long and tall bonnet for pedestrian-pedestrian regulation, the very tilting windscreen and the long roof fading to the rear window to facilitate passenger seating in the rear seats, load capacity in the luggage and visibility.
I show you some sketches made during the search and study of volumes:
The complete Alfa Romeo Domina project has been exposed to the public for more than two months at the Torino Automobile Museum.