From the stem of my pain I grow,
As the center of my pain reaches to expand,
And the number of expansions expand themselves,
I gasp for air,
I breathe it in,
I let it fill my lungs and reach the very depths of my soul,
Then I rejoice that I am here,
Upon which realization my pain begins to numb,
I overcome it.
As my body begins to feel relief,
And my soul pauses its grief,
A different kind of pain sets in,
Which stretches from my thoughts,
A little bit of heart,
And its contradictions with my mind,
Setting in a different kind of pain,
My soul begins to weep,
For what,
I cannot begin to understand,
This pain takes from inside,
And feeds as fast as flames,
Burning through my body,
Draining me slowly,
I yearn for an escape.
As I decide to fight back,
My shield begins to unwind,
And a sense of calm sets in,
Drained but calm,
As I begin to explore the culprit of my worry,
I realize the pain was caused by me,
I overcome myself,
And reach my calm after overwhelming my senses,
I realize that nothing matters and everything matters,
For if I worry I may feel the sorrow twice,
There is nothing left to do but fight,
Because everything matters in life.