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RE: It's Not All Good - The Teenage Depression Epidemic

in #depression8 years ago (edited)

@everlove - love what you wrote - you hit the nail on the head.

The pressure from outside influence is overwhelming for teens, to conform and be something they are not. For girls ( i only have girls and can only comment from this perspective) its hard , they see TV, Magazines, friends, ads etc etc saying they must look a certain way to be accepted, they must have the lastest fashion to be part of the group and so on; All this puts pressure on an already confusing time, puberty and which in turn leads to some young girls that can not conform or perform to withdraw in themselves and resort to selfharming - your are totally correct that its all BS. Family life is important but the vast majority of families are trying to keep their heads above water to survive and family time goes further down the list. Change is needed, how I don't know, but if parents could give quality time to children more, then maybe change could come about . That expensive 'must have' would be given straight back if quality family time was offered first!


I love that you can see that @ladypenelope1. Change is needed and options are available. I know because we are a living, thiving example of possibility. I feel that we, as those who care about children, have the duty and responsibility to be that change. Continuing what has been done for years and expecting a different outcome is insanity, and is definitely not sustainable. People are dying on the inside and by default continuing to choose things that no longer serve. It is not the children that are the problem, it is us. We must look within and awaken to new ideas, new perspectives and new opportunities, and stand up in dedication to that which serves life and well-being.

You can see that it truly is happening and it can be available to everyone. See my other post noted in the comments section of this post. So glad there is hope!Check out this post I wrote for the Garden of Eden.

following you and others at the Garden of Eden - always inspiring posts and even trying Sarah Millers yoya ( still getting tied up in arms and legs a bit though) !
Will check out your post - thanks:) and again 'nail on the head'

Oh yay!! We're already playing together!! Grateful to connect with you.