Depression. It exist and you should know.

in #depression7 years ago (edited)

I’ve taken my time to write a new post because there’s a lot things I want to write about and share my opinion with you.

The other day I was reading an article saying that, according to the WHO official Website (World Health Organization) “globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression” and furthermore “Close to 800.000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds” and this are just the ones that succeeded.

Now, how do we distinguish someone that’s just going through a rough patch from someone who actually needs our help? Here’s some signs or symptoms you should be aware of:

• Sad, empty, or anxiousness. It will continue over time without getting better or going away.
• Helpless, worthless, or guiltiness. From their point of view they are hopeless. In consequence you may found them to be pessimistic or believe that nothing good will ever happen
• Less interest in activities. Hobbies or games you usually enjoy may not appeal to you. Little or no desire at all to eat or have sex.
• Loss of energy. You may feel extremely tiredness. Daily routines and tasks may seem too hard to manage.
• Trouble concentrating. It could be hard to focus. Simple things like reading a newspaper or watching TV may be hard. Trouble remembering details. It might seem overwhelming to make a decision, whether it's big or small.
• Changes in the sleep patron. It becomes difficult to fall sleep because of overwhelming thoughts or on the contrary, the person sleeps more than 12 or 14 hours a day. This a classical clinic depression symptom.
• Changes in appetite. You may overeat or not feel hungry. Depression often leads to weight gain or weight loss, sometimes fluctuating in the same person in short periods of times. You may see somebody change drastically their weight overnight a few times (for example, more than 5% of body weight in a month)
• Abuse of drugs and alcohol. It’s very common to see someone in pain drive their self to death with those. So you have to pay attention, not all of them are “Just having a good time”
• Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or specific plan for committing suicide.

This last one is the main reason am writing this post for you. The difference between somebody that’s just blue and suicidal relays on this fact because a person that’s just blue would never seriously think of this as an option, it wouldn’t make a plan of it, it wouldn’t think in the consequences. Every time someone even mention or appear to have suicide thoughts, believe me, it’s a big deal and that person needs your help or any help for that matter.

Depression is mental illness, therefore it’s a lot harder to comprehend. However, you need to understand that, because it is mental illness, you can't make it go away any more that you could make a broken arm go away, it takes treatment. Don’t assume to understand why you or your friend or your mom or the kid that sits behind in the classroom is depressed, because there doesn’t have to be reason for it.

If you are trouble, if you feel sad, if need help. Talk about it, we need you to stop thinking of this as a taboo. Depression its real deal, so let’s deal with it.

Fight suicide, fight depression steemers.

Diego, over and out