Liberally Losing It - Russia Scare, Queen Etiquette, A**hole Diplomacy

in #democrats7 years ago (edited)

The Red Menace

We now descend the dank basement stairs to take a look at what is troubling our "tolerant" and "inclusive" snowflakes today. Join me, won't you?

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

PledgedPotato - wow that Peter Strzok hearing was the "at long last have you no shame" moment
PledgedPotato - fuck these people
PledgedPotato - these people are monsters
PledgedPotato - Louis Gohmert is scum

We're off to a great start, as this progressive inDUHvidual shows his true colors.

PledgedPotato - the GOP might come to regret turning America's top law enforcement agency against them
PledgedPotato - the FBI, historically conservative voters and supporters for decades
PledgedPotato - it speaks to the madness of Trump world

The only "madness" is the progressive left continuing not to get a clue. It will become even more evident as mid-terms approach in November.

LividLimpwrist - the only positive (?) I can take from this era of the US is that I didn't realize how fragile it was and I should pay more attention

If this is what you call paying attention, I can only guess what would happen if you idiots WEREN'T paying attention. lol.

LividLimpwrist - Trump is such an asshole.

And we enjoy how much he makes you lose your shit on a daily basis.

LividLimpwrist - he drifted in front of the Queen and then stopped
LividLimpwrist - not that we need deference to her, but it's just being a dick

Limpwrist is an expert in royal etiquette - except he likes to dress up as the queen in fishnet stockings.

LividLimpwrist - also, why are his pants so long?

Nailed it. Fashionista, and this is a dude. Maybe he missed his calling as a bitchy flaming fashion designer. On second thought, its better he's a grumpy unfulfilled liberal -- more entertaining.

GilipollasGrande - State diplomacy is important especially when you're talking about state diplomacy with old allies that are like, you know. Our broad culture group, so
GilipollasGrande - He's a dipshit fuckass.
GilipollasGrande - and fuck you, donald.

I knew I smelled something, the biggest asshole of the group is wading into the fray. He's a diplomatic expert - as you can tell from his eloquent usage of the language.

GilipollasGrande - cops are gang members

Makes you think this guy got into a LOT of trouble growing up, and hates all Cops for slowing him down. Yet at the same time he'd be quaking at the knees and calling emergency services if there was an active shooter at his workplace. You know, because he's so MACHO.

DoubleDunce - not computer-related, but the thing that's been getting on my tits lately is half of America doesn't know the difference between "good" and "well". I know it's not all Trump's fault, but I'm largely blaming him anyway

Right. Half of America. This is coming from someone who thought it was great Obama got elected, but suddenly the country turned "racist" enough to elect Trump after. You can never win with these liberals, its all about moving the goalposts.

It is fun watching the freakout, am I right?

Stay with us until next time... the Trump/Putin summit is absolute triggering GOLD.

(If you're confused what this is all about, read this introduction - Link )