Liberally Losing It - Indoctrinated Losers, Russia Hysterics, Crying Wolf

CNN Russia Freakout

Welcome back! Today we take yet another look at the festering cesspool that is liberal logic and discourse. Join me, won't you?

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

LividLimpwrist - "My endorsement came appropriately late"
LividLimpwrist - wtf does that even mean?

GilipollasGrande - Hopefully that he is about to pull a Reagan and rid of us himself

We start off with a bang, Limpwrist can't parse the english language and Asshole Supreme is once again advocating violence against the president.

LividLimpwrist - I'm glad I dropped that guy on FB. Didn't realize I had a virulent Trumper in my friend's list.

Of course he's glad - liberals can't stand opposing points of view. They tend to drop their go-to word "toxic" when they can't agree with someone. Its like a child covering his eyes, convinced no one else can see him.

TorontoPoof - it happens

LividLimpwrist - I still find it wild that the go to was we must have been abused as kids by adult men.

More likely you have been indoctrinated and are now babbling the same talking points as the rest of the liberal hive-mind.

TorontoPoof - people who still support trump are morons
TorontoPoof - they literally have no capacity for individual thought
TorontoPoof - and cannot process information

This is coming from the same people that thought the country wasn't racist enough to elect Obama, but suddenly turned racist and elected Trump. This kind of convoluted logic makes sense to them.

TorontoPoof - so the US just owes Russia a military favor
TorontoPoof - you know what happens now
TorontoPoof - russia is going to move in full on eastern europe

They couldn't predict the 2016 election properly, but they'll keep trying with everything else. It will end the same way, in tears with lots of finger pointing outward.

LividLimpwrist - this Europe trip was such a disaster
LividLimpwrist - he's even saying the NATO summit was a success and everyone loves him

Its only a disaster to someone who doesn't understand how to negotiate, and has jelly for a spine.

LividLimpwrist - I have two giant cat condos that we can roll outdoors. Two ridiculous cat trees, plus some other ones that aren't as ridiculous. I basically live in the best cat shelter in the world.

This explains a lot. Liberals love animals, they can't stand people.

GilipollasGrande - also, the VA is doing a loyalty purge on people not sufficiently sucking of Trump's dick

More likely is the people who continue to defy and sabotage directives given to them by the commander-in-chief are being offered a glorious promotion in the private sector. Progressives can't think straight ever since their humiliating loss in 2016.

LividLimpwrist - I guess Trump is finding out that having a closed door meeting for 2.5 hours with a hostile nation wasn't the best idea.

No, he's finding out that liberals lose their shit when we don't rattle the saber and try to start world war three. Privileged conversations happen all the time between heads of state and diplomats. But there I go again, referencing reality.

UsefulIdiot - I occasionally wander into the fever swamps of my local message board
UsefulIdiot - "The problem that the left now faces is they've been hysterical and outraged since Inauguration Day. So, their outrage here on a legitimate issue has been muted. Crying wolf and all that."

Bingo. Everyone is tired of the perpetual screeching. They'll find out how much when the mid-term elections roll around.

GilipollasGrande - Reminder: so much of the stuff we talked about during the election has been confirmed by Mueller. These people can fuck off

And yet, nothing concrete has surfaced. Its been a year and change, and still nothing. Proggies have this fever-dream where the imagined collusion is proven, and they'll successfully impeach a sitting president. Sorry snowflakes, but that isn't how reality works.

Until next time...

(If you're confused what this is all about, read this introduction - Link )


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