Pro-Impeachment Democrats, Ask Yourself This...

in #democrats5 years ago (edited)

Democrats need to rethink impeachment. Do you badly want Mike Pence to be president?

Ask yourself that question before you throw your support behind impeachment. Impeaching a president doesn't mean what you think it means... Just saying!


If that’s the price to remove a sociopath, I’m okay with it.

Holy shit you have no idea how politics work lmfaoooooo hahahahahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

That isn't a rebuttal or a suitable response... But hey, someone who says I don't know how politics works won't explain in her view how politics works. How fucking convenient, am I right?

Trump will most likely not be convicted in the senate. Impeachment is about airing his dirty laundry and his crimes so that he loses re-election.

Again, you don't know politics.

Obviously Trump isn't going to be impeached... clearly. Republicans run the senate, and Democrats are too busy chasing after hearsay and ghosts.

Also your reply doesn't even disprove my original post... Who becomes president if Trump IS impeached and removed... please entertain me with your answer..

(FYI I'm a journalist, but hey.. you know more than I do... clearly by your response buttercup),

No, he definitely will be impeached. He will probably not be convicted, these terms are different for a reason.

Also, your comment about democrats chasing what? Is that a conspiracy or are you just kidding?

Your original post makes no sense because it presumes democrats want pence as president or even care about that possibility. It ignores the actual politics in favor of what you learned reading wikipedia the other night.

If you're a journalist and you don't know the difference between impeachment and conviction, and think discussing a President Pence is even worth a single second.... then lmfao. The absolute state of american journalism.

If not Wikipedia then read something from NBC leftist news organizations about how impeachment works... I assume you wouldn't read a right-wing media outlet so here a left wing outlet...

"Congress derives the authority from the Constitution. The term "impeachment" is commonly used to mean removing someone from office, but it actually refers only to the filing of formal charges. If the House impeaches, the Senate then holds a trial on those charges to decide whether the officer — a president or any other federal official — should be removed and barred from holding federal office in the future."

So... repeat after me.....

Democrats have no power to formally convict him or remove him from office at the second stage, that power is maintained in the SENATE, not in the HOUSE. The Senate is the only one that can formally convict him, and the Senate is the only one that can get him removed, the house cannot vote on that.

NBC leftist news organizations






Wow, I love how you're actually explaining to me what I told you beforehand like it's something I didn't know. This is incredible. I might make a video about this. Thanks for the laughs.

The bolded section you posted only disproves the point you are trying to make. Impeachment is the filing of formal charges (performed by the House). You are trying to claim impeachment is the act of removing him from office. Are you off your rocker?

No, he isn't going to be impeached. Republicans run the Senate and the Republicans have the only authority to formally convict him. Democrats are just doing this impeachment inquiry for a show, they hold no actual power to convict him, that power remains in the Senate. That's political science in the USA 101...

"Your original post makes no sense because it presumes democrats want pence as president or even care about that possibility."

It makes perfect sense because if they actually impeach Trump and push for removal (which isn't mandatory in impeaching someon) then PENCE becomes president, that's how this works. It's not a matter if I presume that they want him as president, its a matter that if they push for it in the House and it reaches the Senate then regardless of their views on Pence, Pence will become president and republicans will remain in power. Since they don't hold the power to remove him from office their calls for impeachment is just all fluff and all of that "get him removed from office" rhetoric falls apart. Democrats don't have the legal authority to remove him from office after an impeachment inquiry.

If you're a journalist and you don't know the difference between impeachment and conviction, and think discussing a President Pence is even worth a single second.... then lmfao. The absolute state of American journalism.

I'm talking about being convicted and removed from office after an impeachment hearing. Which can only happen after the SENATE formally impeaches him and convicts him of a crime.

You need to read more about this because If you're actually trying to converse with me about this, I expect you to be informed on how impeachment works.

From WIKI:
"In contrast to the British system, in the United States impeachment is only the first of two stages, and conviction during the second stage requires "the concurrence of two thirds of the members present".[29] Impeachment does not necessarily result in removal from office; it is only a legal statement of charges, parallel to an indictment in criminal law. An official who is impeached faces a second legislative vote (whether by the same body or another), which determines conviction, or failure to convict, on the charges embodied by the impeachment. Most constitutions require a supermajority to convict. Although the subject of the charge is criminal action, it does not constitute a criminal trial; the only question under consideration is the removal of the individual from office, and the possibilities of a subsequent vote preventing the removed official from ever again holding political office in the jurisdiction where he or she was removed."

I love how you start your reply by saying he won't be impeached, then delineate between the difference between conviction and impeachment, and then don't think to re-write the first paragraph. He will be impeached, but the chances of conviction are slim to none.

You are an idiot.

Of course, @bloom would upvote your senseless comment which doesn't even discredit my position.. but hey... he's been spam downvoting my content so I'm not surprised he'll vote for someone who confronts me even if the "confrontation" is insignificant.

I don't know who bloom is, but they seem pretty intelligent going by what they upvote. You're just a mindless conspiracy nutter who thinks they can buy tanks with bitcoin when the government blows up, which is just funny to laugh at.

Conspiracy nutter? How? I'm not the one trying to impeach Trump on hearsay and pushing up shotty witnesses who don't even want to testify. LMAO Why doesn't Joe Biden want to testify, jee being under oath is probably what he's concerned about.

Also, you can buy a tank with bitcoin, If you're actually american you would know you can buy tanks and fighter jets, and yes you CAN arm them with special licenses. This has long been the case before Bitcoin was even a thing, and if military arms dealers accept purchases in bitcoin then AWESOME... If not thats fine, I could just sell bitcoin for cash. So you don't really know much about America if you don't know what rights we have when it comes to armoured vehicles.

My god you're so fucking hilarious and the fact that you are actually explaining the process of BUYING FUCKING ARMED TANKS AND FIGHTER JETS like it's a normal and totally rational thing is mind blowing. Really, please keep posting, this is getting into lolcow territory.

Also it's pretty clear you didn't watch any of the hearings if you're calling it hearsay. Several witnesses were on the call that is in question and testified as such. Dumbass.