The problem with democracy is that it makes people believe what the majority chooses is the best choice and often this is not the case. Democracy can keep a person from sharing great ideas for thinking the ideas will only be accepted by a minority and therefore never implemented, democracy also drives people to waste their time trying to figure out whether they are in the majority/minority, some even go as far as creating these divisions for what they see as their profit.
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the majority of people on the planet are actually, technically, mentally retarded. the statistics prove this. this is why we have a shining, magnificent future staring us in the face, and we are still trying to get the world's population to recognize the importance of individual liberty, toilets, and not killing people who won't submit to some or other religion.
They are easier to control, and distract with shiny things if they are kept this way. I believe this is intentional. If we start to pay too much attention they can simply pull out the race, religion, sexual preference, gender, or make fun of a body part card to make us forget things.
It is like putting a shiny thing in a hole to catch an animal.
agreed. it is amazing to me that the people keeping it this way should desire a world full of morons. the intelligent ones are the ones interesting to me. imagine what the world would be like if half the population were functional geniuses.
We likely would have already expanded to the moon, Mars, and Asteroids already at the very least. That is just in terms of space. How many great ideas are killed intentionally?
just look at the online patent record, if you want to get a beginning of an idea about how many of our great ideas are left to collect dust. they are killed intentionally by simply not being used, funded, or paid attention to.
the patent record is a good place to look because patents are not issued to things that cannot be demonstrated to work. i have found list after list of inventions that are all completely explained. if they are more than 17 to 20 years old they are usually listed as "abandoned", which i suppose means you can do with them what you like.
I agree, and these are very good observations.