Fakebook, Assle, and Goolag are the enemy. Fortunately, they are essentially under attack globally for their predatory business models. Let's hope they are revealed for what they are, and destroyed utterly.
Fakebook, Assle, and Goolag are the enemy. Fortunately, they are essentially under attack globally for their predatory business models. Let's hope they are revealed for what they are, and destroyed utterly.
sooner rather than later, is still not soon enough for me!!

Well, while I agree that predatory people like the FAGs shouldn't be harming us, we cannot learn unless we are motivated to do so, and the pain such create is motivating.
We also can't learn unless we remember those motivations, and this is why I am alarmed at the current and accelerating scrubbing of content on the net that reveals such predation, and of the communities of people that reveal it and seek to end it.
This is why we need better social media, which Steemit has shown how to improve, and decentralized archival solutions, which, again, Steem blockchain shows how to do, but is only a partial implementation.
Our posts and comments here are archived on the blockchain, which is good. We need an archival solution for the internet, like archive.is, but decentralized and on an immutable blockchain dispersed across jurisdictions, so that it can't be scrubbed.
Let's hope those as can effect such a solution do.