BIG THX for sharing your thoughts.
I had quite similar experiences. I also realized that even if I pay my engagement is close to zero.
Could I achieve on facebook what I've achieved on Steemit within a month? I dont think so.
"The big scandal about Facebook should certainly not come as a surprise."
Very true. And yet it did for so many people.
do you know where?)
Not really. Your story is indeed scary. Luckily fb never did this shit with my photos.
So will I delete my Facebook account?
My reasons are again very similar to yours. Boring haha :)
Sorry my comment became too long again... If you bother to read till hear congrats ;-)
Congratz to both of us :) for being awesome! :)
Cheers mate,
You managed to go through it. You are the best ! ;-)
well. I really spent hours getting to know you and many other valuable people. Ive spent hours building healthy relationship. Now I need to maintain it and my goal is to support every single person Im working with because growing together is not only much easier, but also much more fun :)