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RE: Delegation Renewal Recommendations to Steemit

in #delegationrenewal5 years ago

We need a steem news show to announce lal these things...

Id suggest an SPS for Steem news tv show BUT few proposals are at all passing, unlike on telos wheer i already have two passing proposals lol. I really wish steemit incs proposal system would give us a sign that it will lower the threshold... otherwise we wont get many projects funded WHILE the reward pool continues to get used up by people who arent really doing nmuch for steem lol. BUT THAt can change over night if we simply had @steemit inc vote with their damn proposal votes

no idea why we dont see more proposals being voted on by steemit inc, they have what 30 million SP to vote with? And you need what 7 million Sp to get funded? :D I dont see what they are waiting for... are our ideas not "good" enough ?

has @steemit inc decided that my proposal for adding Scatter to Steem is not worthy but steemworld is ? lol what a joke its ok tho, its early, maybe theyll change ... but i mean i had a very simple SPS proposal for coinbase styel ads, all money would go to @overkillcoin and i still am going to try and get teh funding to get that done... coinbase earn styel ads BUT WHY? Why should i even help steem when I dont stand to gain? I mean the proposal system cant even fund good ideas from people who have been heer for years, not just me but @techcoderx who has made progress getting steem on ledger nano s hardware wallet. HE DESERVES that funding so where is steemit inc? They are where they hve always been, absent

on TELOS the founders HANG OUT WITH US ON TELEGRAM EVERYDAY AND they HAVE GIVEN ME FUNDING over $750 just to promote Telos on Steem and get TELOSp listed on steem engine. dude, guys, come on, you cant deny that something is wrong when I work on steem for almost 3 years, cant even get a few hundred dollars in funding for something that only helps steem and gives me $0 profit. And yet I just WALK INTO telos after a few weeks, and I get immediately funded fora worker proposal TO GIVE TELOS to STEEM users. .... I mean come on ..... Steem SPS cant even give me a measly few hundred sbd after years of hard work adding more value than 99.99% of the users here, but on telos I get it immediately after just a few weeks? They recognized my talent, while steem just downvotes me when someone ELSE buys an upvote out of my control for my SPS proposal. Its a joke, and we need to look around at other chains to see WHAT we can learn. Steem is SO STUBBORN. But it has SO MUCH POTENTIAL and always will! I wont give upon steem ever, but I wont NOT call it out on all its flaws

If your Mother had cancer would you sit there and NOt tell her and let her emotions take over when you call her out for having it? You tell her "We need to get that giant umor checked out," and steemit goes "NO youre just anti steem! Just because you didnt get paid you think the proposal system is broken/ NYEAHH!!" and im like "NO momma steemit, i dont care about proposal money, the fact is your systems dont work and you cant admit it! your in denial you have cancer!" and steemit just says "YOUR A SCAMMER AND IM DOWNVOTING YOU, GO SHILL EOS ELSWHERE"

thats how i feel on steem, i try to help and i just get attacked lol. :D steemit is like a mental patient whose really wealthy but he wont cooperate to take his own medicine, not brain medicine but just like anti biotics for an infection. Steemit needs to take anti biotics for its nasty infection but the anti biotics will give it a tummy ache, many steemit inc devs need to be fired and steemit.coin needs to be shut down sunsetted and have all traffic redirect to steempeak. They cant make it profitable, they will just keep dumping steem. we need to sunset

we need to get some real leadership and we need @ned to ANNOUNCE that he left like a man and not just skurry off into the darkness

NED left and is developing on EOS and has told top steem devs about this and asked them to come check out EOS... seriously we need to compete and work WITH EOS and use Steem as the SOCIAL MEDIA arm for ALL things DPOS. We are a family and we will be left behind if we try to go it on our own... lets stick with the LArimer billion dollar war chest.... we could get block one funding worth more than our entire marketcap :D lol

Lets focus on salvaging steem's marketcap back to ATH. We can have $10 steem but we need a 5 year plan, a roadmap, and it cant revolve around magical SMts that no one will even use because not that many people can even use steem engine tokens because No one can signup! we need millions of free accounts before we can ask people to pay to get in.