I’m still chipping away at this one. My mind is closing in in the answer. I’m going to assume it’s not an adverb or otherwise modified word, just to keep the sheer number of guesses at a minimum.
All of these images, if linked by Steemit, could represent archetypes on this platform.
- outstretched hand = begging for votes/follows
- girl raising hand = self voting
- buzzard in the desert = life as a minnow
- spiral stained glass = the feeling you get from the bottom, staring up at what could be
- closed doors = life as a minnow
- anonymous = anonymity, maybe powerful faceless behind-the-scenes forces
- Ferris wheel = thrill of the ride or going in circles
- emaciated man = me at lunchtime
- abandoned empty guitar case = garbage, who left that there? Or maybe begging for upvoted
Guess # 1 perpetuity
This is how life on Steemit will always be, it’s all just part of the ride.
Guess # 2 temporary
Like a seat on that Ferris wheel, we all have our ups and downs. We were all there once and probably will be again later.
Guess # 3 zombify
Please 🤗
Guess # 4 infinity
Constancy, eternity, celerity, celebrity, fertility, bouncy?
That’s all I got for now 🧐
Thanks for playing! Another user has guessed the correct word.