Good job. It's nice when people listen to me. lol I've told some people to sign up multiple times and some won't even bother to do the research like do you like wasting money? lol
Don't you normally upvote me?
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I read how it works but it did't seem to send me a vote on this blog post that is due to pay out in an hour.
Does it maybe only vote on stuff that is posted after the payment? Maybe this one was too late. Idk.
Yeah I think it votes at about 5 or 6 days old. It might miss about 10% or less of votes but it should get the vast majority if not all.
If a post is near payout nobody is allowed to vote on it.
Oh. That makes sense. Thanks.
Oh. I just realized that i didn't upvote you. 😮. Yeah. I usually upvote everything that i comment on. Sometimes i get that failure message on my phone and have to do it again. Maybe i just didnt catch it. Upvoted.😁
Yeah. Ty. The idea makes perfect sense.