With the end of Summer quickly approaching, we would like to present the 5th mining season it will be the last one for this summer and bring just a few small changes.
With two pools launching on #Polygonpolygon.
polygon.(IGG rewards are suggested to use at the Intergalactic Gaming platform to set up your own esports tournaments) the rewards will vary between pools, the first (https://legacy.dodoex.io/mining?network=polygon&mining=0x4b9f695ecd91ba3734720092e6ff37f9c67c9e24) will give rewards in $BzB and require you to stake DFyn LP that you will receive for supplying BzB/USDC liquidity at DFyn on
The second (https://legacy.dodoex.io/mining?network=polygon&mining=0x442e678e188f2dd23b956eae5a9c762dc90c04ce) will give rewards in $IGG from Intergalactic Gaming, you can receive these rewards for supplying BBY directly on
The one Mining pool that is launched on #BinanceChain will last for 2 weeks while the others run for 30+ days. The reason for this is trying out some new rewards, the rewards will be in the form of SPS token from Splinterlands! You will need to provide bBzB/BnB liquidity at https://pancakeswap.finance/liquidity and then stake the LP tokens you receive here (https://legacy.dodoex.io/mining?network=bsc-mainnet&mining=0x508985a1e90da5f168ddc8c67eeff91a38fd6fe9)
Good luck to anyone testing it out! I hope everyone has had an amazing summer so far. And I am happy to be back and excited for what is in store this next year for the Blazar Force, hope you are all ready!
Update to the #Binance LP mining, with the end of the SPS rewards another pool was launched! https://legacy.dodoex.io/mining?network=bsc-mainnet&mining=0x31bd17e58b76731aefef0f2a3f571792a68543d5