
It's not a cop-out, it's reality. In the first two minutes of that video - literally the introduction - it says basically that man in general is "not good" and that is what has allowed him to be taken advantage of and controlled.

When I say I'm a realist - it's because I already know this. The world's six billion people, minus you, are not going to change to become that society that you're looking for!

People are generally bad. They will lie, cheat, steal and kill for what they want unless there is fear of consequence.

Maybe the Anarchists should stop spray painting their symbols all over the place and they might get a better name. To me they just look like a bunch of miss-guided thugs when they destroy other people's property like that. Destroying other people's property just reinforces the reason why we might want to have police around to make these types of people accountable for their actions!

Anyways - I won't change your mind and you will not change mine. I wish you all the best in your journey through life and hope that at least you'll be able to find a sliver of what you're looking for.

People are generally bad. They will lie, cheat, steal and kill for what they want unless there is fear of consequence.

If that was the case stores in rural areas couldn't exist because of the robberies.
When there are more people in prison than on the streets, I will concede that people are majority bad.

Until then, the 80% of us that will never get arrested are testimony to the contrary.

Maybe the Anarchists should stop spray painting their symbols all over the place and they might get a better name.

Yeah, there is a lot of misinformed folks out there.

To me they just look like a bunch of miss-guided thugs when they destroy other people's property like that

Just a perspective difference, if you don't read what they have to say you will never know the truth, only the reality you decide to create for yourself. will give you a perspective that you don't get just anywhere.

Thanks for stopping by,....feel free to pull up a chair and give us your purview whenever you feel like it.