
I don't, but apparently you do,...

how so?

Your response was that you would bring in cowboys?
That cowboys was the inevitable consequence of attentat.
How about you join us in denouncing those that force others to their will?
Or are you ok with that?

(six deep)
My response was that if they begin sniping bad things will happen.
do you want that?
but I don't denounce the pipeline. I want the pipeline to go thru.
The pipeline is NOT on 'indian land'. It's on private property that doesn't belong to them.
I think that their claims are bogus. They keep changing.

A pipeline is the safest way to transport oil.
Railroads are much more dangerous.
If you're against the pipeline then you must be for oil spills.
cause trains derail, on average, once a day, somewhere in the USA.

Yes, violence is bad, look at the genocide that these people have already suffered at the hands of the great-grandparents of the people coercing them today.
That is fine, just keep your pipeline from leaking.
You can't, and that is why those folks are in the fields.
When they leak, those folk's food and way of life is over.
Not to mention the water for millions of lives is affected.
I'd rather convert my car to alcohol and buy local.
When you find yourself on the side of the most powerful oligarchs on the planet, it is time to pause, and reflect.

Pardon me, I'm just not real good at following decrees.
Yelling nanny nanny booboo doesn't make you right, but it does make you sumthin'.
Have a nice delusion.

Your mind is closed.
Your history is wrong.
Your 'facts' are incorrect.
No need talking to you any more.
Seeya...have a nice dream.

Real cowboys - ranchers etc. - are now as much people of the land as indians. They have just less experience and skill to protect the land they too live from than those with hundreds of years of collective experience, and they more readily accept (for money etc.) government confiscating their land to poison it. The Bundy episode for right cause, just very badly done. Cowboys and indians are on the same side, time they both realize it and start acting together.

I agree that the locals are not the problem, that lies with the oligarchs that don't want to respect those outside their throne rooms.