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RE: Memoirs of a fallen Sith - Chicken or the Egg

in #deepthink7 years ago

Indeed, man has certain natural tendencies, but can be trained to use his passions and appetites towards something meaningful and constructive. It is not surprising to learn of the Russian societal degeneration, as the Soviet state, having thoroughly destroyed all traditional and cultural avenues of human development - religion, academia, traditional rituals, cultural taboo - utilized external enforcement of fear and compulsion of force to bind its society and people together. Quite like Han Feizi's Qin, the Soviet state relied only on inflicting of pain to achieve their communal utopia. Once that external control mechanism is removed, then the people have no restraints, becoming slaves to their passions and appetites.

Same phenomenon can be observed in Maoist China, where having dismantled the Confucian cultural control, which had worked well for 6000-years, the Maoist had to rely increasingly on external force as a means of social cohesion. The Chinese willful ignorance in raping and polluting their own homes in acquisition of baubles is an inevitable consequence of a people freed from their cultural matrix blindly accepting modern Western capitalism as their sole ideology. The CCP is not a government entity, but a corporation on a massive scale, driven by their hunger for evermore acquisition of resources.

Man is not born as such, but forged by struggles against himself and his environment. Much like learning a language, man is not born with all the vocabulary and grammatical rules innately written in his genetic code to begin speaking immediately after the umbilical is cut. Man must train himself in the rules and memorize vocabulary to be able to freely speak a language, to the point that speaking and writing becomes a second nature. This is an example of freedom. But rather than freedom, in this degenerate world, it may be better to use the term mastery.

Men must be taught mastery of values and virtues that hare beneficial to the communal existence, within which men resolve conflicts without degenerating into beasts. The Jesuits of the old rigorously trained their acolytes to achieve members to whom religious doctrine had become a second nature. Diogenes the Cynic so mastered his philosophy that he lived it without a second thought. Like Siegfried, who killed the dragon but incorporated its blood into himself, the rules and laws of a society, a religion, or a philosophy, when mastered becomes incorporated into the man, as he freely lives his life from his being, not discarding tradition and laws, but using them.