How To Get Rid Of Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists

Are you as sick and tired as I am of all those tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy nutters who express skepticism whenever the kind and beneficent US intelligence agencies bestow us with urgent information about a new country in need of regime change? Do you want to get rid of that kooky fringe 74 percent of Americans who believe in a "Deep State" which controls the elected government?

Well you're in luck, bucko! I happen to have compiled right here a list of six simple steps that our compassionate government and fearless media can take to rid America of these looney toon paranoid conspiracy theorists once and for all:

1. Stop fucking lying all the time.

Simple, right? Just stop lying and people will stop wondering how the narrative they're being spoon fed by their politicians and the media differs from reality!

End the practice of defense and intelligence agencies collaborating with think tanks and unelected insiders to manufacture false narratives which are then promulgated by pundits and politicians of both mainstream parties to advance imperialist agendas. What will Alex Jones and Sputnik talk about if the voices of power start telling the truth all of a sudden instead of lying about the justifications for imperialist wars, excluding and censoring skeptics of establishment orthodoxies from the mainstream conversation, and being forthright about the massive and ubiquitous problems in America's democratic system?

That'll show those crackpots!

2. Try some actual fucking government transparency.

That's right! Add government transparency into the mix and what will hostile non-state intelligence operatives like Julian Assange have to publish? I say we drive the WikiLeaks fake news complex right out of business by eliminating the immense veil of secrecy which shrouds so many levels of US government. That way when those annoying conspiracy kooks try to say we're not being given the full story about the behavior of America and its allies, our leaders can just tell them "Uh, yes we are actually" and show unredacted documentation of all their behaviors.

How do you like that, Russian WikiLeaks? We are the WikiLeaks now!

3. Stop fucking killing people.

Of course, it's hard to be transparent when you're conducting countless military operations all over the planet at any given moment, so we'll probably have to stop that too. We don't want to give away the secret plans and locations of America's brave servicemen and women, after all. Dedicate the US military to defending America's own shores and close down the hundreds of US military bases which dot the world like freckles on a Scotsman, and the next time those paranoid conspiracy freaks start questioning what they're being told they can just be shown the truth.

Not as much fun as drone bombing children, I'll admit, but if we want to get serious about this conspiracy theory epidemic we've got to start somewhere.

4. Stop promoting fucking conspiracy theories.

I don't like to be a Debbie downer, but when we've got news stories coming out every few days promoting theories about the US president conspiring with the Russian government, it gets a little difficult to tell people not to indulge in conspiracy theories. Unproven claims about powerful people conspiring together is the exact thing that a conspiracy theory is, and while I understand that these are authorized conspiracy theories, we can't rely on these crazy loons to understand the distinction.

Better to lead by example and avoid trafficking in conspiracy theories altogether, in my opinion.

5. Stop being such fucking assholes.

If US intelligence agencies weren't torturing people, they wouldn't have to lie about torturing. If US intelligence agencies weren't surveilling US citizens, they wouldn't have to lie about their surveillance programs. If US intelligence agencies weren't constantly committing horrific atrocities to protect the interests of the powerful from the powerless, everyone would trust them and you'd stop seeing all these ridiculous conspiracy theories about what those agencies have been up to.

Call me crazy, but I've got this wild notion that maybe if highly secretive defense and intelligence agencies weren't inflicting unspeakable acts of depravity and degradation upon humanity all the time from behind the veil of government opacity, humanity would be less paranoid about them.

6. Maybe try some fucking democracy for once.

People are beginning to notice that no matter who they vote for they get the same exploitative neoliberal policies at home and the same murderous neoconservative policies abroad, which doesn't do much to dispel those wacky notions about a permanent unelected government pulling the strings while the official elected government puts on a pretend democracy show every few years. It would probably be a good idea to do something about how America has the worst electoral system in the western world, how ordinary Americans have virtually no influence over US policy or behavior compared to wealthy Americans, and the way the rigidly-enforced two-party system necessarily creates an extortion scheme where both parties serve the same plutocratic interests but bully Americans into supporting one or the other under the threat of losing civil liberties.

And again, I hate to be a wet blanket, but those defense and intelligence agencies technically are unelected and technically do wield an immense amount of power, and technically do have an immense amount of influence over Washington, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the mainstream media, big oil, plutocratic interests, US allies, world trade, and countless major world events. By restoring power to the people instead of leaving it all in the hands of an elite class of secretive agencies and their plutocratic allies, people might feel like they have a bit more control over what's going on in their country and won't have to make up nonsensical stories about a "deep state".

If we could pull these steps off, what will these conspiracy-mongering grifters have to sell to the naive populace? If everyone trusts their government and feels confident in the democratic process, who will believe stories about powerful unelected forces ruling over them?

You certainly wouldn't have 74 percent of them subscribing to this absurd "deep state" conspiracy theory, that's for sure.

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I fucking endorse the healthy amount of fucking "fucking"s in this post 100%.

If a person can recognize where you have been fucked it can be unFucked :D


Democracy is overrated. If we didn’t have a deep state making sure certain important things were done correctly, democracy would have ruined a lot of things by now.

Yep, you're totally right. If we let people have democracy, how would wealthy investors be able to profit off of slave labor by incarcerating and enslaving people with drug problems? How could war profiteers make their money if democracy put an end to the USA's pattern of illegal wars of aggression based on lies and false flag terrorism?

Liberty not democracy is the goal. Democracy can maximize liberty more than other systems.

The things they do "Correctly" are few and far between. No need to have an opaque group making decisions; it's supposed to be a function of the (transparent) government we're paying for.

Totally agree @sneak

I’m not sure what you mean by that. What did you make of the article?

How dare you question the American government and intelligent agencies. It’s not funny. You’re probably a Russian spy.


This made me lol. Way to be direct; you say what I often struggle to put into words so you get my follow, Thanks!

I actually wrote something this morning that directly relates to number 4, and I think adheres to your overall perspective. Just starting to try and write more, so I'd love any criticism or support!

Caitlyn, I love most of your writing. You are speaking the truth about power and money in the developed world, and I have been sharing your insights widely among my friends and acquaintences. It's essential that as many people as possible read your words, think about them, and then hopefully translate that into action.

Which is why I'm writing to say, please stop peppering your sentences with "fucking" (or whatever term you think evokes hipness and edginess). It's annoying and adolescent, and therefore it gets in the way of your VERY IMPORTANT message. Join the table of writers and political analysts that is set aside for the grownups. You have something that we all desperately need to hear and think about. Don't undermine it with faux edgy literary indulgences.

Thanks for fucking mansplaining how to write to one of the most talented bloggers/journalists in existence.

Sure. Whatever works to get the word out to as many people as possible.

The only 'fucking's are used in the sub-headings, not in the body of the text. To me, this makes emphatic sense within the context and the use is consistent, not random. I don't see it as trying to evoke hipness or edginess, nor as annoying or adolescent - I consider the writing produced by CJ to be pretty grown up already. Fair enough your reaction and you are fully entitled to it, I just don't agree with the tone of censorship re. CJ's writing, and am saying so.

I hear that. When I read or watch videos off the main stream outlets my opinion of what they are trying to say goes down with every four letter expletive they use. That's just representative of if I can take what they are saying seriously, my opinion of their intelligence is another matter.

Fuck you post a lot of comments...

I picked up blogging about three years ago, it's now become a hobby, what can I say I enjoy it. This isn't the only site I blog guess you can say I am long winded?

So am I!! I am so glad you pointed this out. Who does he think he is having somme sort of stripe near his middle region!! The nerve!!

i don't hear it like that, as an evocation of hippness etc. 'fuck' is an intensive in certain usages like those above. i.e. it adds an emotional charge to adjacent lumps of meaning. colloquial speech uses these all the time and it's not confined to certain social classes, types of english, or age groups. the writer's use of this emotional energy of the colloquial strikes me as skillful and therefore 'grown-up'.

gotta admit you got me with the title!

It is so hard to wrap your mind around, or get a good debate, when almost all news channels and politicians lie and push conspiracies. So many half truths most don't know what their looking at or where to look.

Speaking of conspiracy theories.......have you seen this strangeness.

(Now Playing on Dtube) Inverted Reality - Media Rolled-Out Main Child Actors From Parkland School Shooting Event Made Foreboding Movie Trailer In June 2017

kevin shipp, a CIA whistle-blower distinguishes between the 'deep state' and the 'shadow government'. the deep state, on shipp's take, is the military-industrial complex. the 'shadow government' is the CIA, NSA etc etc. Worth a look ....

Brilliant, just brilliant!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA.. but how do you stop compartmentalization and corruption? You can't because it's human nature and the intelligence agencies and military industrial complex have way too much power without any real oversight. So you have different plots conspired against other governments and tons of people controlling U.S. policy who weren't even elected into government. I wrote and cited all the different instances of a deep state "shadow government" at this point if anyone denys that wars are planned they would have to be lying to themselves its all about commercial interest as Kim Dotcom said. Everyone acts like deep states haven't been exposed before yet Senator Daniel Inoyue has a speech about Iran-Contra proving a shadow government can operate. (That missing trillions of dollars has to go somewhere.)

It seems so clear. Basically our government receives what it gives, mistrust. Keep speaking truth, Caitlin!

Hi Caitlin,
I appreciate your blunt way of talking it is like a breath of fresh air.
I only wish Labour MPs would talk like this instead of indulging in all of the parliamentary niceties which ensures that their opposition to the Tory government is watered/toned down.

After reading an article by Elizabeth Leavos about Julian Assange a few weeks ago I wrote to my local Labour MP about this issue.
Thelma Walker MP, who is PPS to John McDonnell, replied to me today and said:
''The Labour Party will continue to support the Government in any action they deem appropriate in relation to Julian Assange.''

I was flabbergasted and will not be voting Labour in the local elections for this and other reasons such as the Labour council carrying out massive (Tory) cuts in my local area.

Is this how you see Labour's position on Julian' s case?

So glad you are here with us.

Caitlin, you are fucking amazing! I can't believe I used that word, but your writing helps so much to understand the craziness of our world. Don't ever stop! We desperately need you.