I sometimes think I am stuck in a society where I don't fit and It feels like hell living day to day. Even at my age, I used to want things in a hurry because I think I was too old to not have accomplishments. Little did I know, as I achieved my old dreams, I recalled it took somewhere around 2-3 years for it to happen.
I learn that great things takes time. They won't work out as planned which is why I never make detailed plan of how it all should be, I simply go with the flow, see where the world takes me. Normally I will forget what I want and then it comes when I least expected it.
I know that you might think you're old and you have to do that soon. But it won't hurt to wait a year or two like the children, just play and see maybe you'll get ice cream or candies unexpectedly.
Hahah I often get ice cream and candies unexpectedly! That’s how it works!
Don’t let it feel like hell, it’s all about your focus and framing! I know that feeling well!