We've listened to the community and we're hard at work with seeking an exchange to be listed on. We're targeting the more traditional names at present but it wouldn't hurt to focus our immediate efforts onto being listed with gate.io.
For those who are not aware, Gate.io is a new exchange that seems to be gaining a great deal of traction in the crypto world. There are already a number of the more well-known coins listed and we believe that DeepOnion should be a part of that.
Gate are currently adding another 100 coins to their exchange that will be decided by a poll. We need to dominate that poll DeepOnion style and ensure that we're listed. This is a role call, we need you! If everyone votes and spreads the word there's no doubt that we'll win, we've won every single poll we've taken part in.
Let's spread the word and let's get listed. Everyone will benefit.
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