DeepOnion - Weekly updates

in #deeponion7 years ago

A weekly DeepOnion update.

There have been a few new developments this week, the first and largest for me is the introduction of the DeepOnion shop.

This is a great achievement for the team, It nows allows brand awareness to be spread and people to in essence, become walking advertisments.
I was lucky enough to win the limited Edition one of a kind mug, and as I have friends and Family over, I will let them use it, they will ask about it, and I will get another opportunity to explain the benefits of this great coin.
Have a look for yourself, there is shipping all over the world so nothing will hold you back!

The second largest update that was announced this week is the Live questions and answers session with several members of the moderation team.
Please put this date in your diaries, for those on GMT this is 11.30PM for us, its a thurday so we can all be a bit tired for work Friday, so no excuses not to join!

There are 2000 Onions worth of prizes to be won, just for participating in the session with questions, another great bonus for the community.
This will give members the chance to ask those questions they have been dying to know answers for, that have not already been addressed on the website - such as, when will a port that allows companies to use Onions for payment be introduced, when is the planned implementation of Deepsend due to occur etc.

As some side updates,

We have now surpassed 5000, infact we have flown to 5200+!

This shows not only the great strength of the community, but also the way that the DeemDomination tasks, themselves a great idea for spreading awareness are taking an affect on the community as a whole.
At the current rate of growth, by the time we end the Airdrop phase, there will be well over 10,000 members on the official forums. This is a huge support base and will surely do wonders for the coin over the next year as more and more people are made aware of the potential.

Thanks for reading, and join us at