Who would have ever thought that Michael Moore's Trumpland would be the epilogue and not the premier of what JD Vance termed their contra conventional wisdom. For those who don't remember, the Contra's were a counterrevolutionary group that engaged in white propaganda to altar public opinion of themselves while covertly attacking the civilian population. That pretty much sums up the divide Michael Moore describes as using Trump as a Molotov cocktail to throw right into the centers of whatever bastards you've taken issue with, and frankly, there probably aren't to many people left that Trump hasn't managed to offend. Ironically it worked rather well.
But, but, but they'll argue, it was a mandate, Trump's election was a mandate. No, it wasn't, there was never any mandate except to those who had one already established, the takeover of the US presidency by tech oligarchs. I have long been under the impression that Michael Moore, who use to sit around with Barack Obama and watch The Apprentice, and was a good friend of Trump's, wrote the preliminary manuscript outline. Some scripts that followed even closely aligned to episodes seen on The Apprentice with slight modifications, like The Passion of Brande, Win One For The Zipper, and the infamous Kamala Harris dance similarity to the Zula Dancers to mention a couple. I was always going to do a write up on them, probably should have, people have a penchants for catching onto the zanier stuff where the complicated stuff runs right over the top of their heads. Obviously.
Why do I think we are at the epilogue of Moore's Trumpland? Well there's considerable examples. One being Elon Musk's now infamous statement of telling Americans they can go F themselves in the face over his H1B visa stance, and that he can do incomprehensible things to them. Vivek Ramaswamy calling Americans lazy. Like Vivek had a lot of room to talk making his fortune off buying failed patent technologies, scamming investors in off shore studies that provided the same result while shielding his investment behind his company. It really doesn't take a whole lot of exertion to scam people. Alex Jones, well his was as classic as Elon's in your face pronouncement. In an announcement by former Alex employees that he'd switched sides, which for us in the know had already surmised that, he announced they'd already beaten your ass, slapped his papers in that kind of Tucker Carlson special paper slapper way on his desk, then proclaimed lets continue. Basically he was saying you are all assholes and will continue to want to be assholes who listen to me.
Alex Jones: "What the hell, after exposing Jeffrey Epstein and the CIA, hell last week we put out tweets of the CIA at war with American. God almighty Alex Jones sold out retweeting that, God I apologize to you all, I am sorry. I sold out, I tried to stop panama rigs, the giant Muslim rings, I am sorry. I kissed the Elon Musk ass. (Boo, hoo, hoo, laughs hysterically). We're so close to gettin' the globalist, I want their throats. I want that day, and now you can say it. If you guys think you are going to harass Elon Musk and push him off supporting Trump and dividing Trump and Elon, your not. We've already beaten your ass. Oh, lets continue."
It's actually better watching him perform it. I am not a Alex fan, but it definitely is a classic slap in the face. Than there was Trump tweeting out on X asking Elon where he was, that Bill Gates had asked to come to his New Years Eve extravaganza. I am close to accounting for all the decades long blue dog democrats, described by Trump a couple years ago as "his secret new friends" who, as the days prior to and shortly thereafter the election have come creeping out from hiding, Peter Thiel who financed Trump's first run, and JD Vance seat for the senate, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and the last few days have given us Mark Zuckerburg transition to MAGA 2.0, whatever the 2.0 stands for is anyone's guess, and now, as we approach as to why we are in Moore's epilogue, Jeff Bezo, of which it was announced that if his blue origin rockets takes off successfully, he'll be in the running to gain a position as a US defense contractor.
On board New Glenn will be the firm's Blue Ring Pathfinder payload, an orbital logistics prototype for the Department of Defense. The payload choice means that the New Glenn will debut with a national security launch, and if the launch is successful, then along with SpaceX and the United Launch Alliance (ULA), Blue will also become a national security launch service provider for the Pentagon.
In Michael Moore's Trumpland, he describes Trump supporters are a Molotov cocktail rabid, fervent group, one that will trudge through any brutal midwestern snowstorm or freak hurricane to make sure their disenfranchisement and anger will be heard on Election Day. There was never a mandate like I mentioned, it was disenfranchisement, disenfranchisement driven by the blue dog democrats. After Moore's descriptive, I am not of mind to totally dismiss out of hand that the 2024 election brought with it winter storm warnings across fourteen states, and the aftermath of a hurricane for people to trudge though on election day. I would actually call it a blissful kiss of a finale by the blue dogs themselves, but the grand finale wasn't over yet. That episode commenced on November 19, 2024 when Trump went to watch Elon Musk's lift off of one of his rockets. The certification and the inaugural will not only serve as the grand finale but the kiss off. That rocket had the potential to interfere with the polar vortex that sent severe weather, actually quite a historical event for some of the southern states with a rain, ice, snow cold mix, that had any people interested in even the slightest notion of disrupting the electoral vote count, spinning their wheels trying to get there. The storm was so bad even members of congress skipped town before it got there, leaving only a quorum of votes needed to pass. The date of November 19, 2024 has significance in terms of the polar vortex. Once the vortex is interrupted, it can stay interrupted for up to two months, like say all the way to January 20, 2025, the inaugural day. That can be achieved or reassured to happen if you keep the polar vortex struggling to recover. You can keep it struggling to recover by disrupting the sound waves, which is called a vortex disturbance that disrupts the vortex or stretches it, it can also distort the jet streams as well, pushing it southward in some areas and causing cold air outbreaks. Exactly that is slated to happen on Monday and Tuesday, the coldest temperatures for some areas seen in years, followed by heavy snowfall for many states that have them under a winter weather warning.
Musk and Bezo's rocket madness the last few weeks, particularly in the last week or so, will guarantee the polar vortex will not be recovering before the upcoming inaugural. It's highly doubtful that there will be any arguments over whose inaugural drew more people than prior inaugurals, unless of course people don't mind suffering from hypothermia and treading through mounds of snow from Musk rocket exploding over the Caribbean Islands ensuring plenty of moisture pushes in off the Atlantic to meet the raging cold air of the jet stream from the polar vortex.
Speaking of the events that happened in LA over the last week, and are being forecast again on inauguration day, the Santa Ana winds have been described as an abnormality, that historically doesn't happen. Severe weather events, especially extreme cold across the Midwest, can draw moisture out of the desert environment, and provide for abnormal winds. There are two separate planetary circumpolar vortices, one in the stratosphere and the other in the tropospheric. They have different structures, seasonality, dynamics and impacts on extreme weather. They both can, under circumstances, provide a role in extreme weather events at the earths surface, but the events are not the consequences of either the existence or gross properties of these two vortices. Instead, cold air outbreaks are most directly related to transient, localized displacement of the edge of the tropospheric polar vortex, that could, in some instances, be related to the stratospheric polar vortex.
That means, it's totally possible that the upward thrust of rockets pushing above a vortex can cause downward waves that affects the jet stream pushing it lower across the states and creating high winds. I've been sort of suspect of Elon for quite awhile now. It hasn't escaped me that when he sends some rockets up, severe weather follows. It doesn't have to follow simultaneously either. One article I read recently said that if you have enough satellites in space and can see cloud formations anywhere in the world, it is possible to seed those clouds for rain. For instances, one I noticed, and I am not saying this actually transpired into an atmospheric rain event in California, I am not a scientist, but one rocket sent off from Texas exploded in the atmosphere somewhere, a few weeks later, I can't recall how many, California had a atmospheric rain event. Like I said, I am not a scientist, and I don't know how long it takes for clouds to transverse the globe if a cloud formation is spotted way out beyond someplace, but I kept saying maybe it's time someone with the know how starts to follow these rocket events in correlation to what was out there. I haven't seen any wondering minds like myself, but some of this stuff, like the vortexes, you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Transient means transient, as long as you have the ability to disrupt a vortex you are within that transient set.
Manipulating the weather isn't a thing of conspiracies, it's long been being experimented and studied, and a correlation between an extreme weather event and mans ability to profit off it can no longer be ignored given the agenda of building back better. Given the histories of natural disasters, it should be suspect when a government announces it will cover all the cost of rebuilding a devastated area. Extreme weather events come at a loss for insurers that are passed off to the insured in higher premiums. Why would a government want to take on those losses and place that burden upon taxpayers and the ballooning deficit. The only answer would be they've devised a plan for historical profit margins than the tax revenue generated from the economic recovery of a natural disaster normally brings. This kind of an economic boom to government coffers isn't unheard of. Under the emergency orders that covid brought, the government took control over all the goods, medical goods and equipment, pharmaceuticals and vaccines. They purchased these products at substantially reduced rates and resold them to retailers, insurers and within departments of the government itself. For example, the purchase of the vaccines from the Department of Defense and Health and Human Services from the department of Center Medicaid/Medicare Services, CMS. The profits generated off the sale of government procured goods, and increased corporate tax revenues off the sales of those products, brought in a historical gross domestic product revenue in 2021 of four trillion dollars, up from two to two trillion fifty it had staggered between for years, not a bad rate of return for a few billion dollar investment.
These figures eventually trickle out from the GSA, and in particular the GAO, the non partisan government accounting office, otherwise known as the government watchdog over government spending. It would become particularly concerning if a trend started to develop of the government making substantial gains off natural disasters. This would be one reason why it's crucial the incoming administration, strips any non partisanship departments apart and bring in like minded thinkers. But not only to that effect, rip entire departments apart under the guise of creating government efficiency by creating redundancy. Doesn't sound like an efficient way to go but that's not the objective. The objective is to fill that redundant department with partisan individuals of like-mindedness before incurring the fight it will take to rid themselves of the nonpartisans. Whereas, by creating a redundancy, the government will start laying people off in a cost cutting measure by labeling the positions of the nonpartisans as redundant.
Something of the nature that this/these things can be accomplished through executive orders of the president, those put in charge of developing this redundant department, can, as seen with Musk, bring in H1B visa holders legally that owe no allegiance to the United States or it's constitution, and engage in their performance under the fear of being deported or stripped of their H1B status. Theatrically, the fear of being replaced by an entry level wave of cheap labor, isn't the most concerning aspect in the regard to the low wage replacement theory, losing allegiance to the US and it's constitution is.
Musk isn't where he is today because he was the brightest bulb in the room, as a matter of fact he's often been dismissed from the boards of the companies he help found for better leadership. He's just a man who got lucky, made money to invest into projects whereas he could hire the brightest in the room. How he gained entry into space exploration was just a happenstance of filling a void left by members of congress who felt space exploration wasn't at the top of their list to fund. He took advantage of those missed opportunities by the government. Same goes for Peter Thiel, who once merged his company Confinity with Musk's X . com, of which Thiel ended up replacing Musk on it's board, must be authoritarian minds don't think alike when it comes to who gets to be the boss. Both men, with the fortunes they'd made, were always looking for the next best thing to invest and it paid off being able to hire the brightest of minds to develop advances in space exploration, surveillance and data collection systems, and advanced weapon technologies. Both men, one born in and one raised in Africa, have no founded allegiance to the US other than having gained US citizenship and a profound dislike of American mediocrity. Both their authoritarian tendencies though, and ability to reap billions off their developments, shouldn't go unheeded
There was an article posted online. Who needed whom more, Musk needing Trump, or Trump needing Musk. The answer is pretty simple, and it isn't related to Trump being vulnerable to Musk's money to buy into the US presidency, nor Thiel's money for that matter due to Trump living off the borrowed dime of his assets, though I am sure it didn't hurt matters either. The answers to the puzzle started to interlock after one of Alex Jones psyop interviews he did with Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt. I am not going to bore everyone with all the key players in this psyop operation that has been taken place over the last few years rather than pointing out some key points talked about in the interview. When the US government brought Wernher von Braun here from Germany in the 1950's to work in the space program at NASA, he was instrumental in getting aspects of the space program broken off from NASA and under scrutiny of a higher level of classification. Under that higher level of classification only individuals within a subset of what he termed extreme individuals have access under a program there called Xprotect. (Personally, as part of the psyop I'd be more inclined to believe, that since Musk is one of those individuals within that extreme group, that Xprotect was something that Musk changed it to instead of what they came up with in the 1950's, but I digress.) That under that level of classification, the president doesn't have access to what goes on there, which is reinforced, according to what they were saying in the interview, by John Kirby's statement that to know what was really going on with the drone swarms, they needed more authority in relation to that. Why they moved aspects of the space program into a separate higher classification level, according to von Braum years later, was to keep hidden the psyop operations concerning UFO's hidden from the American people. Technically though, as explained in the interview, the psyop operation would also be used to hide the advancements of the governments own research and development of weaponized space craft hidden behind the excuse that what they developed came as a result of captured UFO's and the need to mimic that weapon technology for national security interest. In other words, any UFO's since the 1950's came as a result of the government quest to develop space weaponry. von Braum though was under the impression that these types of crafts being developed would be used for emergency power grab of something that wasn't going to be real, an attack by aliens. Or, it was pointed out by Alex, into today's terms, to make people believe they came under attack from a foreign entity that had developed these weapons.
In the interview though, here's where it gets contradictory, and a crucial point that needs to be pointed out. Liszt said that originally they had planned to roll out their program in 2016 with Clinton, why you seen her out there talking about UAP's pretty far in advance of anyone and that she was around those people like Tom DeLong and Podesta who were all working together to launch this false UFO threat operation. It is mentioned that the information being provided was coming from the intelligence community and not the UFO file that exist in the higher elevation of classification in the deeper intelligence community. My personal opinion would be that in this whole psyop interview, this is a diversionary point of deflection away from the real planned psyop operation that would be disposed. Hence the clarification of the information being gleamed from the intelligence community, because those within the extreme group Xprotect, as pointed out by Liszt, aren't allowed to divulge classified information, including Musk. It's hard to decipher if the diversionary point was a planned part of the overall psyop operation, or inputted into the discussion as a deflection, its relevance doesn't really matter because the whole success of their combined operations solely depends upon successful deflection of blame, or combined cooperation by both parties to make it appear as such. In any masterfully crafted plan, it wouldn't be someone like Clinton chosen but someone who could get as close to divulging without actually divulging as it could get, that person would be Donald Trump, related to John Trump, who worked alongside von Braum in that extreme group of people back in the 1950's in Xprotect. By the merely spoken words of I had an uncle that use to tell me stories, is really, technically, all most people who support Trump have to hear to make anything true. That's why Trump was the perfect candidate to approach the conversation on a political level to constituents to integrate into people's minds these type of weapons existed.
What they found though after the 2016 election and the proceeding years of his administration, the roll out, as often seen with Tucker Carlson being the front runner, that in terms of UFO research and in terms of people's mentality towards it, they've had gotten to good at figuring it out, so around five to six years ago, they decided to co-opt their interest where UAP's and drones were concerned. In a first interview with Tucker Carlson after Trump left office, in a discussion on weapons, Trump told Carlson they had developed weapons the likes of that which the world has never seen before. Sounds eerily close to what Musk replied over the H1b visa debate, that he will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend. I'd gather a guess that if one hasn't seen it, they can't comprehend it, but they exist to a level beyond ones comprehension. We are slowly being introduced to them with these drone swarms.
The timing of their collectively introduction is by far no coincidence. As long as they can continue to manipulate the weather to convince people global warming exist, manmade natural disasters caused by the manipulation of the weather will continue. If people don't start doing some research on the greater harms being caused by the rockets entering the upper atmosphere, and the length of time these gases are trapped into those atmospheres compared to the earthbound counterparts they claim are doing the harm, scientist are warning the earth is facing catastrophic harms far worse than what is being produced at earths surface. Scientist across the globe are blaring the alarms over the increased amount of rockets being lifted into the upper atmosphere with historical levels of CO2 last year in the upper atmosphere, with one hundred forty four rockets by Space X alone.
Some of these fuels being used, like methane, can last hundreds of years trapped in the upper atmospheres. It isn't really any consolation, or any motivation either, for that considering the amounts of money it would take them to reconfigure the rockets for alternate fuel sources, as the industry is unregulated, no studies are required for the environmental harms caused by these, or any future fuels created, which include the consideration of biomass produced fuels and fuels being produced from plastics.
Why aren't we hearing about all this? One reason, according to Dr. Steven Greer, Ufologist and Physician, who founded The Center for the Study of extraterrestrial Intelligence, is that people underestimate the degree to which we have unpacked, figured out extremely advanced technologies then put them into weapon systems or deceptive operations. He should know because he's well versed as a consultant in counter psyop operations. Basically you just have to make one side believe what the other side will consider crazy that will keep concealed the underlying truth of how far the deceptions lay.
Example, after the LA fires, a bright light that looked similar to a flame was seen streaking on radar out of area 51 in Nevada, carried by the winds into California that ignited the wildfires. Or that smart meters ignited the fires inside houses. Planting the seed of thought is all it takes while escaping the thought that it would just be easier to have an operative strike a match to ignite the fires. Or, just simply let nature take it course by manipulating the weather pattern to set in course a planned new industrial revolution for financial gain to make America great again spun from this new green energy revolution that coincides with the new agenda to commence with the incoming administration set upon making America great again. That might sound crazier than the fore mentioned alternatives but considering that German companies are the suppliers being used to rebuild war torn areas occupied by Russia in Ukraine, it doesn't begin to sound to crazy. Or the fact that Gaza was slanted for a rebuild under the Abraham Accords into a major import/export hub of energy into Europe and Asian countries that would lead to prosperity flowing into Palestinian's pockets and all of a sudden Gaza gets leveled to the ground. How about the cell phones that exploded in Hezbollah's hands, or the fact that in Syria Assad's army couldn't fight back against advancing forces because their planes, tanks, and other mechanical war weapons had mysteriously been disabled. The media gets people focused on the issues involved which allows for the underestimating to the degree of extremely advanced weapons technologies that Greer talked about. The psyop is to get people bickering over who deserved it, who is the terrorist, who is the bully, while completely ignoring the bigger question in the room, how did they do that. Because, if you did, you would go looking for answers to figure it out, and once you did they know you aren't going to like that, because they know these advanced weapon technologies and weather manipulations will allow them to rule over you from the sky.
It's by far no happenstance that after the election when the stock market soared, that billionaires like Musk, Gates, Bezo, Zuckerburg, Thiel and Beatty had scheduled sell offs of their stocks and reinvested them into the energy sector. It's no secret that Musk funds green energy product development though a non profit fund, it's no secret that Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law, bought a finance company that will finance solar energy products for homes, at the time, with a specific focus on the California market however ironic that begins to sound now, it's no secret that Jared Kushner manages the purchases of solar energies between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which is why he can boast of Saudi Arabian leader MBS as being a true leader making massive strives in his renewables, it's no secret that Kushner is invested in selling solar energy products throughout the middle east, Israel and to countries such as Romania and others.
Logic would tell you, and as Elon Musk put it when asked about the future of electric cars, "this is where they are going...", cutting himself off realizing he was about to give away the game, this is where they are going with this. After going over the history of the last seventy five years, Kushner said, they found what worked and what didn't work, and the industrial revolution worked and they are going to initiate it again using green energy.
It's going to be a remarkable recovery hidden as long as possible under the External Revenue Service off collecting the tariffs made off imports to rebuild weather devastated areas, and the government making a rate of return on being resellers to insurers and builders as they take complete control over the reconstruction projects. The economy will boom, and corporate tax revenue will begin to pour in at historical levels, but the citizens will be left in a wake of devastation wondering to themselves what the heck just happened, because as Mr Greer pointed out, you underestimated the degree of the extremely advanced technologies and how they can deceptively be used against you.