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RE: Ho-Hum...Just Another Boring Day...In America

in #deepdives6 years ago

In the old days borders where there to defend the land against foreign invasions , to check every person entering . To raise tax on foreign goods and to stop smuggling . Borders to keep things out . Today borders seem to be a tool to keep populations in .
I have experienced by living in Europa what happens when borders are taken down . A lot of cheap labour
came from poor country's to richer areas and messed up the local wages . They didn't came to settle , they
lived in groups in cheap rental houses mostly provided and run by there employers . Most of there wages would be spend in there homeland . Where a local worker worked for a 15 euro a hours wage the foreigner did it for only 6 euro . The better skills of local workers did not matter , 6 euro a hour looked so much better in a calculation or planning . It is in part responsible for the 2008 crisis . So yes , taking down all borders at ones will lead to a world in chaos . Like every border is a dam and not all lands have the same water level .
I can tell the water will level out nicely , but i also can see the destruction of the flowing waters levelling out . The longer a border stands the harder it becomes to take him down . It will first lead to chaos , it's a natural thing . I like chaos . I mean , i saw the birds eat the bugs and the penguins eat the fish . For me having no borders to keep nature out it worked out fine . A local cat scared of the birds and a crocodile devoured a penguin , so they left to . This croco is not new to me , nothing to worry about . He just looks at me in a funny way and want's to see my both hands . if i show him these he mostly wonders of in a near distance . Chaos dos not scare me , some say i am chaos ;-)


Chaos dos not scare me , some say i am chaos ;-)

Most chaos does not scare me either; I just don't want to see the 'innocents' suffer more pain and death...I've seen enough of that. The true 'targets' (instigators) are the ones who never come to the fight, or crouch way back behind their pawns

The system of rule by force and borders made the people already suffer for ages .
More pain and death already rules the world . As a human race we should be ashamed of ourselves .
Our technical revolution is mostly based on invention's for profit , greed and war .
A revolt against our homeworld planet Earth . Propagating only the material realm .
By technology we are disconnected from nature and there is no balance between us and nature any more . The human race became a sickness on the Earth spreading like a cancer .
Big money created human reproduction farms (city's) , and a human became a resource , a machine .
The technical revolution suppresses the spiritual evolution . It is time for change .

But it's indeed not what i want , more suffering to come to a better world , to a evolution .
It's hard to decide whom lives our whom dies . In theory , if there was a button to instantly
kill all rulers and half the human race , and i had it , i could not push it . i would give it to
the crocodile (Tik Tok ;-) ) , to see what he will do .
Al i can do is propagate the spiritual realm , witch is not religion , and hope people catch up .
As a human race we suffer from massive amnesia , we forgot that we used to give the Sun the moon and the stars a conscious identity , not just for bedtime story's . Our technical progress is childish compared to the forces and powers of the cosmos . We think we are all-knowing and out of fear deny the CHAOS that created us .
Chaos is the creator of evolution true revolution . Somehow we are stuck in revolution i think ;-)

Well said Small1Axe...well said...