I do not play well, with fools.
Enlightenment comes in many forms, as does perception, is your perception controlled? If so by whom? Why do people willingly pay tax? Why do they pay for weddings they can never attend like royal weddings? Not sure, it may have something to do with control, via a TV set, via the "constructed news"..........
For the next week, or maybe for ever more, I would like to enlighten you, to show the organ grinder, to show you the control freaks, they are in all walks of life, and steemit is not immune to it, or them!.....
I have some fucking amazing friends on here, I really do, yes I have only 500 ish supposed followers, I have though a hardcore following of a few, a few really intelligent, really insightful people, not what we would term morons!.
It is to these people, I ask to turn your mind, or your attention, to joining in with this project here https://steemit.com/deepdives/@deepdives/deep-dives-12-or-coups-regime-change-and-interventionism
Why? It is not until the brightest of the bright, join in, collaborate with each other, will anything change.
I do not want to play tag, nor do I want to play hashtag....
Will you join in? Do you want to break the chains?
Come on, stop leaving it to someone else, it is all our problem.
I will give away, 1,000 TPY, my own currency, to everyone that enters this project, to everyone that joins in, I know you can, do you?
To get that Transparency cash, just let me know you made a post, and I will pay up via https://steem-engine.com/?p=history&t=TPY
1 tpy = 1 steem, so what you waiting for?
your own currency? TPY
I think it's a good idea!
Me too, fuck me you had to do that did you not, drag me into some shite movement. :-)
Nice, I saw another post about the latest deep dive. I will check this out tomorrow and see if I can throw my hat in the ring!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Nice one bro.
That stuff is to deep for me. Even if you expose stuff it doesn't stop them, they get caught time and again, outrage pours out, investigations held, patties slapped, rinse, repeat.
To continue chaos, requires no actions - to change it, requires careful planning, which side of the camp would you prefer to choose, the nothing option,, is not on the table.