Human Capital: The Occultic Underworld of Law and the Alchemy of Usury

in #deepdives4 months ago (edited)


This is an extensively expanded version of an article I wrote several years ago - but was never shared on #hive.

The Occultic Nature Of Law, Commerce and Legislation.

Legal maxims are established principles of law that are universally admitted. Source

At the opposing spectrum of transgression resides the law. To understand the esoteric nature of this statement is to know how the parasite class seek to control both sides of the equation. To observe how as malfeasance and immorality increases, commensurately, freedom decreases. Within the occultic law, the onus is upon the individual to understand the nature of the law and the rules of the game, failure to do so negates the responsibility of the deceiver. From that perspective, it is the self-responsibility of the deceived to carry out the work/research that enables them to make an informed choice. We each have powers of deliberation, discernment, and intuition, it is your fault if you choose not to apply them.

Ignorantia juris non excusat - ignorance of law excuses no one.

“increase the body of knowledge which in the hands of competent technicians may be expected in time to result in substantial social control.” A Policy for the Advancement of Science: The Rockefeller Foundation, 1924-29

If you abandon reason/self-responsibility and blindly follow the leader, that is your problem. Ignorance of the law (and the fundamental nature of its principle) is neither an excuse nor a defense. Ignorance is not bliss, it is complicity in your enslavement. Hence we arrive at a time where people shun harsh truths and rush toward the embrace of a comforting lie.

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim." ― Gustave Le Bon

Legal Maxim: "He who fails to assert his rights, has none".

Notice how this is contrary to many popularised mantras. Have you also noticed how unquestionably repeating authoritatively echoed narratives is widely equated with intelligence? Whilst inconvenient questions are now perceived as scientific and moral negligence. Are the gurus of scientism and the new age leading you towards knowledge and enlightenment, or intellectual and spiritual impotence?

Legal Maxim: "I cannot approve and reject at the same time"

Concerning the fact that we are being incrementally nudged towards a position of reliance upon the financial (which is itself a stepping stone towards an intended universal wage) benevolence of government, the above is a very important point of law. Indeed, if you are the recipient of a state benefit, then you have given an implied agreement. The only way to stay outside the system is not to engage with it or accept benefits from it - this is going to become increasingly difficult. Equally, from a tacit perspective, paying into the system makes us complicit in the choices of said system.

Spinning within the socially buffeted windmills of the mind maze, externally downloaded information, the selective "expert opinion", and the shifting sands of the consensus, triumph over discernment, experience, intuition, self-responsibility, and wisdom.

Like black magic, statute law requires consent, but unless refuted, the power over the individual is assumed to be accepted. Ignoring the legal process (burying your head in the sand and returning legal matters to sender) is also taken as agreement.

He who is silent when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree. Latin proverb

If you fail to claim/state your rights - you are considered to have relinquished them. The law carries the presumption of your incomprehension (submission) and thus will interact with you accordingly. Withholding knowledge is a tactic that has enabled the parasite class to monopolise their grip upon the earth. This control is manifested through the quasi-religious cult of the scribe and blindly administered through the compartmentalised priests of law.

Roman Maxim: He who would be deceived, let him be deceived.”


The Occulted Power of the Jury

Over literally thousands of years of deliberation, they have woven a web that is mystified, overly codified, obtuse, and indecipherable. Leaving the general public in a position of confusion, discombobulation, and a state of beguilement that relegates us to the status of herded helpless victims.

The law utilises the codified maxims of natural law to the benefit of those that are able to comprehend it's veiled implications.

Parliamentary sovereignty is a principle of the UK constitution. It makes Parliament the supreme legal authority in the UK, which can create or end any law. Generally, the courts cannot overrule its legislation and no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change. Parliamentary sovereignty is the most important part of the UK constitution. Parliament UK

The above is a demonstrable falsehood - in truth, it is the people who are the highest law council of the land. Most certainly, whilst occulted and obscured, there is a higher law that is able to govern the statute and legislative laws of government - in the UK this is known as constitutional law. Beyond the facade of voting for different faces of the same machine - this is the true essence of democracy, governance through the power of a jury. The right of the people to scrutinise the laws that shape their destiny.

The conclusion, therefore, is that any government that can for a day enforce its own laws without appealing to the people (or to a tribunal fairly representing the people) for their consent, is, in theory, an absolute government irresponsible to the people, and can perpetuate its power at pleasure. The trial by jury is based upon a recognition of this principle, and therefore forbids the government to execute any of its laws by punishing violators in any case whatever, without first getting the consent of'the country,' or the people, through a jury. In this way, the people at all times, hold their liberties in their own hands, and never surrender them, even for a moment, into the hands of the government. Lysander Spooner: Trial by Jury 1852

1: Demos = People 2: Cracy = Rule. Rule by the people.

Concering referendums and the democratic vote, it would be remiss not to point out the fly in the ointment - and it relates to the evolving nature of oligarchy sponsored activism and the consensus led control mechanism - i.e communitarianism. The belief that the majority holds some form of intellectual and/or moral authority, is a sleight of hand that is not only increasingly dangerous, it speaks to the nature of mind control, identity politics, emotionally reactive dispositions - and the manipulated path of least resistance (see Covid-19).

Within constitutional law the government is held to account by a jury, which implies methodical contemplation, deliberation, and close scrutiny. A single juror also possesses the ability to nullify the case. This speaks to the concealed/diluted purpose/power of the jury, one that relates to the fact that jurors can judge both defendants and the legislation that has brought them to court. Thus, even if the defendant is found guilty of violating the legislation/statute that has brought them to judgement - if through their conscience the jury (including a single juror) considers it unfair to punish the defendant on that basis, they have a legal right of acquittal.

Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict of "Not Guilty" despite its belief that the defendant is guilty of the violation charged. The jury in effect nullifies a law that it believes is either immoral or wrongly applied to the defendant whose fate they are charged with deciding. Source

So far so idealistic - the spanner in the works being that the judge now steers the jury, Thus, in matters of consequence - the jury is only allowed to see the side of the argument that benefits the narrative. Indeed, within communitarianism, the judge is now duty-bound to enforce the imposed top-down rules of the common good - i.e that which aligns with and supports the principles of the system. Anything that is outside the predetermined common good - already carries an assumption of guilt. Perhaps this is why within the undiluted medieval system of common law, the judge was akin to a conveyancer (i.e they were acting in an advisory capacity) - and the power of the jury was absolute.

As I have documented across numerous articles - the greater good is an esoteric principle that is used to justify evil.

The living natural law of inalienable rights is wholly different from codified statutes, legislation, and the laws of the dead corporate entity, the latter representing a barrier between the former. Our legal mechanisms speak in a forked tongue that relegates the individual to the status of a pauper. A hidden feudal control mechanism that on an ever-increasing myriad of issues, leaves the flock at the mercy of the wolves.


Capital & Commerce

The veiled financial lubrication of the 4th industrial revolution is the intended commoditisation and capitalisation of every aspect of human thought, action, and interaction, all of which can be utilised as a means of monetary gain. See Microsoft patent WO2020060606. Make no mistake - you are considered to be human capital.

The appropriate definition of capital for Federal budgeting, including: use of capital for the Federal Government itself or the economy at large; owner-ship by the Federal Government or some other entity; defense and non-defense capital; physical capital and intangible or human capital; distinc-tions among investments in and for current, future, and retired workers; distinctions between capital to in-crease productivity and capital to en-hance the quality of life; and existing definitions of capital for budgeting. Mar. 4/ Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 Source

All of man's interactions are considered to be commerce. The laws of commerce derive from Babylon. Aside from canon law; elements of English law and the refined uniform commercial code (UCC) (which controls bonds, security, transactions) are based upon the codified law of the Shetar, which in turn is derived from Talmudic law. Equally, the laws of commerce have further interconnections with Admiralty law. Indeed, maritime law is a commercial law that usurps several of the inalienable rights of common law - a process that equates the person with conveyance, liabilities, and commercial agreements.

The fundamental nature of the commercial maxims are the foundational axioms that inform the nature of man's law. Whilst commerce is often perceived as the governance of trade, in the light of the intended communitarian system and associated governance of speech and interaction, it is ever more pertinent to note that commerce encompasses human relationships.

The laws of commerce constitute the rules of a game that few are aware is being played. Keep an eye on the fine print and read until the end

Black’s law dictionary 5th edition page 244


The registration process carries the potential implication that you’re abandoning your title of ownership. At the cusp of the 4th industrial revolution, registration is also a backhanded way of (slowly but surely) transferring control ("you will own nothing and be happy") to our soulless slave masters. This aspect of the registration process is already evidenced within many modern engines and computer operating systems, that you buy but never wholly own, which (upon registration) are licensed back to you with terms and conditions.

The word bond is derived from the word bondage, and this is what is occurring, the world is being incrementally led into bondage.

To submit carries the legal connotations of submission and voluntary surrender. The word application can be translated to signify that you are a beggar. Thus within this context, we should also be aware that the word carries the presumption that you are aware of what you are relinquishing in order to obtain what you are begging for.

What we have is a ritualistic system of legal sorcery that’s based upon curses, sacrifices, and the voluntary surrender (submission) of your God-given rights. These are the legal ties that bind us and blind us.


Registering A Birth

There is a shadow system of control that operates behind the veil of perception. Either you see it, or you don't, and if you won't, you never will.

Through process and legislation we can observe the subversive infiltration of natural law. The usurpation of your God-given (inalienable) rights begins from the very moment your parents submit an application to register your birth. The birth registration gives the child their legal name, a process that turns the child into an entity (legal person/estate/trading name) on a registrar - see my previous statements on commerce.

Once registered, the legal entity enters the realm of lawful conveyance (both benefits and liabilities), statutes, and commercial agreements. A process that takes the child from that of a credit (with an inalienable right to worldly resources) to the world, to someone indebted to the system that controls it. The legal title also displays that the child is now the property of the state, hence why the birth certificate displays the Mother/Father not as a parent, but as an informant. Not only are you indebted - within communitarianism, if you operate outside of the common good (which again. is that which aligns with and supports the principles of the system) you are considered to be a liability.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies how humans produce and perceive sounds. Source

The twenty-two characters of the Phoenician script revolutionized the written language. Source

As per the occultic nature of the English language, are you parents or a pair that rent? If there is a veiled truth in that statement - who are you renting your children from? The state? Interestingly, the Phoenicians were known as masters of language and linguistic manipulation. Within the English language their influence is discernible to this very day - we speak on the telephone and when someone is deceptive they are commonly known as being phoney.

The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 (lost at sea rules) equates to the fact that after seven years an unclaimed person would be considered as dead. To take advantage of the person being traded as a commodity, in the 1700s (as a means of being traded before the age of seven) all birth registrations carried the presumption that the individual was considered lost at sea. Thus, unless this assumption is refuted, it implies that the birth certificate is a certificate of death.

The corporate fiction of YOU is distinguished from the living you by the fact that all official governmental/legal letters are in upper case capitals. When ewe are “summoned to appear” in court, is the living you being resurrected? Certainly, an interesting choice of words

Whilst your birth certificate could be considered as an incorporated legal fiction, a traded legal fiction that is akin to a financial future for the state. Contrary to popularised misconception and calculated manipulation, you cannot claim against a fiction. There is no pot of gold waiting for you, and anyone who tells you different is either misled or attempting to mislead.


Although it is perceived as against the law not to register a birth (an obligation), by registering through consent (we will consent to every aspect of our enslavement) at a deeper level it displays that the child was given to the state of our freewill. Equally, under the guise of public health screening - over the last fifty years and throughout the Western world, every newborn child has had a sample of their blood taken. A grey area being, why is it stored indefinitely? Who has a right of ownership? And what is it being used for?






At birth, through a neonatal pinprick, the blood of the child is taken and oft indefinitely retained (largely without parental consent) sometimes within what was widely known as a Guthrie card, and latterly on a DNA database. Their desired global database and the genomic sequencing of every baby carry similar implications. Indeed, as I shall document in later chapters, there is a movement toward some form of patented ownership of an individuals DNA.




The UN Human Rights act removes human rights under the guise of being a person whose rights are subject to the diktats of law. A totalitarian law that dictates that all rights come with a responsibility to the global to local community. The implied moral consensus of communitarian law manufactures collective consent to bypass the inalienable sovereign rights of natural law. Unfortunately, equality without individual sovereignty is the path toward a feudal technocracy.

The citizen is leased their freedom from their rulers, their government decreed citizens "rights & privileges," (which include imprisonment and taxation) remaining subject to "corresponding duties". As we are currently observing, privileges are licensed, regulated, and reinterpreted to suit the will of the government. If you are given your freedom by a controlling entity, then in essence this pseudo-freedom is a contradiction in terms.

Do you think you are free to speak?

Human Rights Act

Again, at an esoteric level, the more corrupt and violent we are, the more inflammatory our discourse, and the further we can be nudged toward the extremities of our worldviews, the more they can justify ever tighter restrictions on our pseudo freedom.

You can't be given freedom, but of your free will you are free to give it away. Alas, this control mechanism has become so ingrained, that the vast majority of people are unable to coherently cognitise the chains that bind them, to decipher what freedom truly means, to discern the self-responsibility of a free society. True freedom comes before life because if you don’t have freedom, at a fundamental level you have submitted to a life not worth living. As much as anything, freedom is a state of being and a state of mind. Trust, there are people in jail cells that are more free than those who walk the streets.

Are we looking at grimoires of grammatical deception and spell-binding textual trickery? A hidden language of contracts and symbols that harks back to ancient Babylon, Egypt (whose hieroglyphs are the parent of Latin), and onwards into Rome? I think there is some validity to that statement, but also a great deal of misdirection, misconception, and incomprehension.

We should also be aware that this is an ongoing process of procedural awareness, communication, and assertion, not a singular magical formula that will unravel the world's control mechanisms. I'm equally keen to point out that there is a great deal of manipulation and subversion within both sides of this argument.

Signature equates to sign of nature, when you vote you are asked to leave an X in the appropriate box. Historically the X is the signature of the illiterate and thus carries connotations of a power of attorney.

Whilst “the legal truth may set you free” it is also a web that is incredibly well hidden and legally justified. It is a discipline that may take years to unravel and comprehend. Indeed, the occultic undercurrents of law are overly codified/difficult to define and quantify. Thus, as much as anything, it's about understanding your (veiled) rights within the legal process.

Govern = rule Ment = Mind. Government = rulers of mind.

To my mind, self-proclaimed "freemen" and common law experts proclaiming your rights to renege on your financial obligations, are to be avoided! Birth certificate bonds will not pay your council tax! Indeed, if you aren’t in full possession of all the facts and legal idiosyncrasies you will be laughed out of court with your shirt torn from your back. Beware of those advising you not to pay your taxes, people handing out writs and steering you into a confrontational cul-de-sac. Within tactical communitarianism, these individuals will be used as a means of tarnishing and isolating a means of valid recourse.

In the wake of Covid-19's armchair law analysts, and globalist-controlled anti-globalists (like Extinction Rebellions Gail Bradbrook advising her followers not pay their mortgages) I expect to see multiple court cases decided at the detriment of the defendant. Box smart and play clever, become your own expert, do not follow the perceptual pied pipers that will lead you and your family toward financial oblivion.


The Devil Is In The (Double Accounting) Detail

The trap many fall into is labeling double entry a 14th century "invention" - this is quite simply not true.

The base principles of modern banking evolved from the Venetian system of double-entry book-keeping. In turn, for the readers of the first two chapters - perhaps it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that the Venetian system of double entry, derives from alchemical/Hermetic principles. The Corpus Hermeticum was first translated into Latin by humanist philosopher, priest, and astrologer - Marsilio Ficino. The patron of Ficino was Cosimo de Medici, the ruler of the Florentine republic (I previously noted that Florence's 600 richest bloodlines have remained so since the 1400s) and progeny of the aforementioned financial and political dynasty immortalised as the House Of Medici.


Page 12: Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic tradition by Frances Yates

The House Of Medici sponsored the Platonic academy that was headed by Ficini. It was here that the Hermetica began to grow in popularity, stoking the fires of the Renaissance and garnering the attention of Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli - a collaborator of Leonardo Davinci. Widely known as the father of bookkeeping and accounting, de Pacioli was the first person to publish a book on double accounting - in turn, bringing the concept to global prominence and changing the course of human history.

Pacioli dramatically affected the practice of accounting by describing the double-entry accounting method used in parts of Italy. This revolutionized how businesses oversaw their operations, enabling improved efficiency and profitability. The Summa's section on accounting was used internationally as an accounting textbook up to the mid-16th century. The essentials of double-entry accounting have for the most part remained unchanged for over 500 years. Source

The base Hermetic principle of alchemical dualism/double perception (manifest within the aforementioned Hegelian dialectic) and the union of opposites resides at the heart of the monetary system. Within each book entry, the transaction is dissolved into a pair of opposites - debit/feminine and credit/masculine. Upon determination of profit, the polarities are coagulated into a single number - the union/transcension of the contradiction.

"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes."--The Kybalion.

Venetian bookkeepers inverted the binary law that resides at the heart of Magick and divination - thus, within double entry, assets/positive/masculine/black are displayed on the left and liabilities/negative/feminine/red, on the right. The reversal of left/right symbolism derives from the binary mechanisms at the heart of Mesopotamian divination and dream interpretation. In this instance, their reversal often alludes to a deeper layer of symbolic Omen that speaks to the context of the observation. Thus, double accounting was not only used as a means of concealing the crime of usury, it was oft perceived to negate its connotations of sin. Indeed, both the principle of reversal and the double occurrence speak to esoteric law, the inversion of left/right symbology alluding to an ideology where (as per the law of inversion) a negative becomes a positive.

in Šumma Izbu a malformation on the right side (normally the pars familiaris) is considered negative, a malformation on the left (normally the pars hostilis), positive. This is owed to the context of the observation: a malformation being eo ipso a negative sign, the normal meaning of the opposition right (“favourable”) / left (“unfavourable”) is inverted.

Pages 46-48, 52-53“The Omen Series Šumma Izbu: Internal Structure and Hermeneutic Strategies” by Nicla De Zorzi.

Staying with the manipulation of the binary system, we can also consider a self-ingratiating perversion of the sacred marriage - the offspring of which being the generation of institutional wealth. The marriage of two opposite principles - between the lender (masculine) and the borrower (feminine) officiated by the priests of banking and sealed with a legally binding contract. The creation of wealth manifested through absorbing the interactions of saver and debtor into the body of the institution - the controlled flow of opposing polarities expanding the affluence (currency) of the financial entity.

Or if we refer back to my previous observations on the esoteric nature of the masculine and feminine. The controlled polarities of the (positive) masculine and (negative) feminine generate a current - i.e currency.

Good is on the right, evil on the left, but the supreme excellence is above both. Page 46: Transcendental Magick its doctrine and ritual.

Within double-entry asset accounting we can also consider the base principle at the heart of the law of inversion - a manipulation of language and perception and a transgression against the holistic flow of nature. In this instance, a debit adds to an account whilst a credit subtracts. Conversely, for a liability account the opposite is true, i.e we are observing a union of contradictions. A coincidentia oppositorum - where a positive becomes a negative. Concurrently as the profane becomes sacred and the sacred becomes profane - we can increasingly observe how this principle is imposing itself in a social context.

A debit to an asset account means that the business owns more (i.e. increases the asset), and a credit to an asset account means that the business owns less (i.e. reduces the asset). Source


The Hermetic/Kabbalistic heritage of double entry was utilised as a means of concealing/justifying the then (immoral/globally consuming inter-generational Trojan horse) criminal offense of usury.

double-entry bookkeeping, born of the prohibition of interest-bearing loans and the need for credit, is a complete definition of value. Its invention, from 1211 to 1340, and its subsequent expansion among Italian merchants, led to the transformation of these merchants into merchant-bankers and made them the managers of a new credit system destined to a prodigious expansion: the system of claims exchanged by bills of exchange in the great European fairs.


Of course, in the sense of delegating manual labour and working hours, the more money you have the more time you can buy. If you have the finances to look after your health, the more years you may live. Equally, on the macro scale - whoever controls the monetary supply can harvest, harness, and (mis) direct humanities potential - i.e the creative essence of the human spirit. If this is true, then what it is being directed towards? Beyond the limitations of an individual identity/perception lifetime/career - what is the endgame? What are they building? Money can now buy you time - but for those sitting atop the monetary pile, do they believe that it can buy them the passage to godhood?

Time is now money! How many minutes of your day are owned by someone else? Do you give them willingly or begrudgingly?

We awake in the morning to earn a living, but we live for the weekend. Conversely, a wake is a gathering for the dead, the attendees of which are in mourning, urns contain the ashes of the deceased, and our jobs are often described as undertakings. Job is the Hebrew word for persecuted, and for our toils we receive the weak end of the deal - Laurel Airica.

But "I love my job" - fair point, I commend anyone that holds down a job and finds their vocation - respect to you. That said, we don't live in a free market economy, we live under a regime of crony capitalist/corporate socialist (communitarian) usury, so ultimately, who are you paying to live?


Above we can observe a British five pound note - look at the wording underneath Winston Churchill's tie.

Concerning the fact that every asset is required to have a corresponding liability - money is created as both. To the banking institution (and vice versa) the created money is unified as both a liability (to be repaid by the customer) and an asset for them to spend. Unfortunately, this is a sleight of hand, for as highlighted below, banks fake their liability by being able to create money out of nothing. Thus, the borrower is paying interest on something that never existed in the first place. Correspondingly, through the acquisition of interest, the banking institution can purchase real-world assets.

Thus it can now be said with confidence for the first time – possibly in the 5000 years' history of banking - that it has been empirically demonstrated that each individual bank creates credit and money out of nothing, when it extends what is called a ‘bank loan’. The bank does not loan any existing money, but instead creates new money. Source

Shadow accountants oft hid their mendacity within a dual set of books - replete with calculated errors.

Once you can measure something, then you have a quantitative or numerical representation of your subject which you can manipulate and experiment with, no matter how great its errors or omissions. Such data can acquire an apparent independence from its human creators and, when fed into a twenty-first century computer model, an authority that appears irrefutable. Double Entry: How The Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance by Jane Gleeson White.

Is the money you pay into your account a deposit - or a loan to the bank? Due to its paradoxical nature, every double-entry transaction is recorded twice, one entry divided into two records that cancel out the other - a simultaneous debit and an equal and opposite credit. Simplistically, as noted by financial markets professor Biagio Bossone, and accounting professor Massimo Costa, the money of account which is created through double-entry accounting is a veiled means of extracting rent from humanities collective labour.

The stochastic double nature of bank money is consistent with the principles of general accounting as defined in the Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting, which sets out the concepts underpinning the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In light of these standards, demand deposits are a hybrid instrument – partly debt and partly revenue. The debt part relates to the share of deposits that will (likely) be converted into cash or reserves, while the revenue part relates to the share of deposits that will (likely) never be converted into cash or reserves. This share of deposits is a source of revenue. Source

In a world where we purchase through bank transfers unless exchanged for (coined and stamped) cash or real-world assets (gold/silver etc), the global monetary system is in effect a symbolised (€,$,£) bank created credit - an electronic promise to pay tangible cash. Unfortunately, like paper gold and silver counterparts - if large numbers of people requested payment at the same time, there isn't enough physical cash in circulation to cover their demands. In essence, it is an illusionary house of cards.

Currently less than 3% of our medium of exchange in the UK is physical cash in the form of notes and coins. The remaining 97% plus is electronic commercial bank money. Source

How ironic! In an age where belief is broadly mocked, the entire financial system is kept afloat by blind faith.

Finance is built on trust. It is based on promises about tomorrow, often paper promises backed by nothing other than words on a page. When trust in those promises breaks down, so too does the financial system. That is the lesson of thousands of years of history. Source

Not somebody I would usually quote; but I think he makes a good point.

Whilst it's true that different countries offer differing levels of financial protection, by virtue of its inherent contradictory principle, the customer is simultaneously both a borrower and creditor. Depending on the financial landscape, the bankers (aided by the FSB) can legally determine upon which side of the coin they sit.

The destruction and reformation of the economic system alludes to the alchemical heritage of its composition. Within economic booms, the bank will honour their obligations and allow the individual to exchange their bank-created credit for cash. In times of bust, the bankers will consider your deposit to represent an (unsecured) loan. As an unsecured creditor, your money can now be used as to "bail-in" (bail out) the banking institution. Now you see it - now you don't.

This double nature of demand deposits is stochastic in as much as, at issuance, every deposit unit can be either debt (if, with a certain probability, the issuing bank receives requests for cash conversion or interbank settlement) or equity (with complementary probability). Source


Recalling the fundamental nature of the Saturnian cycle, what we have is an ever-decreasing circular economy that feeds upon debt to create more money. In the advent of a global financial meltdown/credit freeze/banking lockdown your money would be sealed in your account i.e can't use your bank cards or withdraw cash. The trauma (or threat) of the crash could be a prelude to a honeymoon period that welcomes the new system as a savior - a financial great awakening. Conversely, they may seek a means of a smoother transition, a basket of digital currencies that sit atop and gradually integrate themselves with the circular economy. Then again, maybe not.

A new, sustainable financial system is under construction. It is funding the initiatives and innovations of the private sector and amplifying the effectiveness of governments’ climate policies—it could even accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. Unfortunately, like virtually everything about the response to climate change, this new sustainable financial system is not developing fast enough for the world to reach net zero. Mark Carney


Gold, gold-backed paper, paper, digital vapor.

For those who balk at the idea of a bail-in, the precedent was set in Cyprus in 2013. Equally, since 2009 the (Goldman Sachs chaired) FSB has been working on a global financial resolution that legitimises this practice. Perhaps we can begin to consider a deeper layer of philosophy that underpins our drive towards a cashless society, for physical cash (which includes gold/silver etc etc) is their Achilles heel. Once physicality is eliminated, the digitised illusion will become manifest.

As per the nature of my overarching investigation; each part is intimately relatable to the totality of the whole. Thus, the intended transcension of the biological is concurrently reflected in our move toward a digital currency. Personally, if crypto was a genuine threat to the system - it would have been eliminated, not integrated. Certainly, as its value goes up - I observe its founding principles become diluted.

From an occultic perspective - it's very interesting that we are moving into energy-based economy. The swapping of credited carbon alluding to real-world physical implications that speak to a potential monetisation/possession of nature. Potentially, within the carbon markets of the future - under the guise of carbon rights the entities that purchase carbon credits can attain rights to the carbon of its representative forest. Thus, as the owner of the carbon stored by said trees - you open the door to a veiled form of physical ownership.

In many ways we are observing an evolution of nature capital - the financialisation of the natural world that I have discussed across numerous articles.


We are being led towards a situation where the entire world is indebted - cap in hand begging for our invisible digital crumbs. The denouement of the process is a world of feudal inequality, manifested through the naive illusion of equality - whose (as I shall document) counterbalance is a psuedo one-world spirituality. Repeat after me - "we are one". Again, there is a holistic interconnectivity to that statement, and a demonstrable lie that is being utilised as a means of justifying the formation of a one-world (collectivist) order. Now more than ever, we need to discern the difference between the two.


The Underworld Of Interest Bearing Debt

Again, note the language on the new fifty-pound note. Yes they're statements attributed to the pictured individuals - but certainly an interesting choice of words.

Their shadow system of legal and financial usury legitimises the master/slave dynamic and creates paupers of the common man. Taking you from the creditor (credit to society) to that the status of debtor (indebted). Legalising your withdrawal from the world of the living and into that of the underworld. Returning to the birth certificate this is a process that begins at birth - the child becoming a commodity that can be borrowed against.


Within Islamic law it is taught that the indebted will not enter paradise until the debt is paid off. The Islamic concepts of debt are a driving force behind Middle Eastern wars and inserted puppet governments. It wasn't long after Gaddafi spoke of his desire to create a gold Dinar that Libyan cities were carpet-bombed with depleted uranium warheads, his horrific murder paraded on television - a heretic of global derision.

Within esoteric law, debt is perceived as sin, the world of debt symbolic of death and the underworld, an illusionary unliving/unseen shadow system of occultic dominion. Is it a surprise that we have been stealthily maneuvered into a position where every individual, financial, governmental, and indeed national entity is now indebted to a shadow system of control and one world governance? Is it a coincidence that we're observing the creation of an energy-based economy to which we're all indebted?

Certainly, the blood of debt runs far deeper than that of materialistic wealth and monetary gain.


Land Owner Or Tenant?

The 1925 Britsh law of property act gave the people two types of land ownership, leasehold, and freehold. Whilst freehold grants the impression of perpetual (safe as houses) ownership, in the broader scheme of things, is that really true? Unfortunately not! At a deeper level of legal intricacy, all UK land can be claimed by the crown.

Equally, through rights of use, what do you own, the property, or the title deed?

Equally, as we move towards the one-world system, the UN's agenda 2030 protocols carry the broader implication that these feudal mechanisms could be utilised on a worldwide scale. This ensures that we can become (at the will of our rulers) relegated to squatters (paupers) on the land of our fathers. To a degree, by comprehending the law we can discern that we already are.

Over multiple posts I have tracked the corporate environmentalist's use of the words Marshall plan and war to describe the fight against climate change. During the 2nd world war, the UK government requisitioned and seized over 14.5 million acres of land, compensation was often minimal. In the modern era, under the guise of a climate emergencies (zoonotic diseases), environmental colonialism, resource management, and infrastructure deconstruction, we are going to observe an increasingly concerted effort to remove people from the land. See my previous comments on an energy based economy.



In the event of necessity (a deliberately ambiguous statement) eminent domain (also known as compulsory purchase orders) gives the feudal lordship of the Crown (or its one-world governance adhering government agents) the power to purchase freehold land. This purchase cannot be refused or rebuked. In reality, ownership is a transient feudal tenure bestowed to the commoner by the Crown. If they want you off the land they have the legal right to buy you out. As per historical compulsory gold purchases, what if they buy you out following a market crash? Will you own nothing and be happy?

Equally, with rising inflation and a cost of living crisis, we can also consider the impact of land/property/council taxes, impositions that if unpaid can lead to the seizure of your home - a sleight of hand that has reduced many owners to the status of government tenant.

Ultimately, all national, local, and individual identities must be surrendered to the hegemony of one world ascendancy. As we move towards the environmental governance of the global commons, the reach is now international.

Corporation Earth

The corporatisation and privatisation of earth run parallel with the nature of its dominion. From this perspective, in the eyes of the corporate behemoth, it is an entirely logical progression, a financial consolidation that left to follow its (self-perpetuating) intended evolutionary path, will consume all competition and contradiction. A physically manifested shadow of our push towards oneism - both of which operate as the polarities of the same philosophical spectrum.

Once again, we can observe equations with the union of opposites, where all contradictions become incrementally absorbed into one. As we progress through this series of posts, I will document the monumental scale of that statement and display how it is intended to penetrate every sphere of our reality and identity.

The illusion of choice obscures a singular controlling entity, an intended homogeny of legislation and governance structures, no contradiction and zero competition, no nationality, and a diluted individuality, a new era of totalitarian peace and tyrannical perfection.

Three stage process: national - international - global.

In truth, corporation/corporate controls are a work of fiction, brought to life by the mind's perception and ingrained belief in the laws of man. Corporation earth is a shadow reality, delicately balanced upon paper, deeds, and legal technicalities. Through incomprehension, we surrender our sovereignty to a corporate fiction, ensuring that slowly but surely we each become employees and beneficiaries of earth incorporated. Equally, whilst they may have created a slave matrix, ultimately the prison is in our minds. Thus, the only power they truly have is that which we are manipulated to give them. Now is the time to take it back.

Further References

1: Double Entry: How The Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance by Jane Gleeson White.
2: Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic tradition by Frances Yates.

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All public domain artwork is source-referenced.Written by @perceptualflaws



@perceptualflaws thanks for the support!

No problem, likewise. :)