Chapter Two: The Time Matrix & the Cult of Saturn - The Alchemy of Time

in #deepdives6 months ago (edited)


This is a #hive original post.

This chapter contains non-gratuitous drawings of female anatomy that's in keeping with the subject matter.

From the inner worlds of the microcosm to the cosmological macrocosm and their neuro-technological juxtapositions. What follows is a deeper layer of illustration to a picture that's lost within the episodic nature of my sporadic articles. The culmination of which will be found within a book whose conclusion shall speak to my final commentary. Until that time, my words should be considered as the disjointed fragments of what will one day become a cohesive whole.

My final literary forays into this subject matter will focus on untangling the underwiring of idealisms and elucidating the strategic weaponisation of occultic principles. I will be chronicling the art of black magick, and deception, documenting their societal impositions, whilst elucidating the ideological/psychological strategies that seek to legitimise the unjustifiable. Exploring the degree to which the direction of sociology, globalism, and technology, are fortified by an esoteric ideology.

On both sides of the equation, the blind spots of each passing generation are the ideological undercurrents and strategic processes that shape their thoughts, opinions, and calculated reactions. In many ways, we could lend consideration to the instigation of a reality war - the struggle to define the social virtues, principles, and structures of a collectively objective reality that will govern the age of Aquarius. Do I think that they will be able to physically manifest their grandiose ideologies? No, I don't! Their system is a contradiction to the natural order - thus it is built on a foundation of sand. Unfortunately, history displays that their failures are paid for with our blood.





I continue to expand upon my contention that we're living under the shadow of a cancerous philosophy that appears intent on engineering humanity toward the end of history. The intersecting nature of apocalypticism and the mystics' divine reunion, a paradox epitomised by the law of inversion.

Consider a war for the soul of mankind manifested through the minds of men. A demoniacal conspiracy actualised and realised through the ideological infiltration of a discipline that has now entered the realm of scientismic sorcery. The progeny of a duplicity that is evolving toward a sterile bio-feudalism and an engineered disconnection from the present, the prescient presence of the creator, the natural order. However you perceive it, consider the technocratic decomposition and full sensory domination of mind, body, and spirit. A techno-monistic singularity; the bio-digital convergence of a worldwide web that whispers the siren song of an esoteric/totalitarian ideology.

Wall Street Journal


Ordo Ab Chao

Whilst I acknowledge an overarching strategy (which at its core would appear more spiritual than material) the deeper you begin to research, the more you begin to comprehend that we're observing a convergence of duplicitous narratives. A socially cannibalistic interlocking Malthusian mind maze of epic proportions and profound implications. A multi-layered devolution of corruption that is (oft for contradictory reasons) manifesting the same outcome. The amalgamation of malfeasant agendas speaks the social nucleus of the dead-end time. A self-destructive black hole of a billion misplaced idealisms, narcissisms, lies, and deceptions. A bonfire of vanities, mendacities, and depravities, that threaten to set the world ablaze.

Everyone believes they’re getting their slice of the pie, in truth, they’re constructing a prison of their iniquity. At one level the power-hungry bankers, warmongers, technocrats, and corrupt politicians, receive their spoils and feather their vacuous nests. But the further down you begin to spiral when you peel back the layers and dive deep beneath the superficiality of the surface, only then does the true nature of the conspiracy begin to reveal itself. Perceptualflaws

"There is nothing new under the sun," thus it hasn't evaded my attention that the "cutting edge" mantras of propagandism, sociology, and scientism, now mimic the doctrines of black magick and dark occultism.

Although I have previously used the Kabbalah as an example, as we shall observe, the doctrine is older and its syncretism broader. Still, behind the veil of its pretentious theology, convoluted allegory, and contrived mystery, it embodies the occulted principles that misguide the evolution of humanity. Equally, alongside the techno-mystical merger of scientism, technocracy, and mysticism, it provides the nexus point for multiple (at times paradoxical) ideologies. The multifarious strands that are systematically drawing all into the intended whole of a one-world doctrine that has become surreptitiously entangled with the age of awakening.

An age of totalitarian peace and homogeneity that juxtaposes and energises its narratives against the polarity of collapse, famine, and barbarity.


Pick a side! Which one?? It doesn't matter, just antagonise and dehumanise the focus of your ire.

My deliberations lend consideration to the evolution of a parasitic theological strategy. A process of infiltration, division, and assimilation, whose documentation defies the limitation of a singular article. An agenda that appears to both utilise and metastasize its required delusions of self-grandeur. Drawing your attention to a strategic analysis of the principles that (mis) shape the course of human history, consider a process of divide and conquer (chaos and order) that speaks to a feudal alchemical ideology.

But let's first continue to observe the world through the eyes of the esoteric anatomist.

Into The Body

The Tibetan Book of the Dead teaches that the soul of a freshly deceased body wanders for 49 days and is then drawn into a fetal body on the 49th day of gestation. The 49-day prenatal period shares a correspondence with the first signs of fetal pineal tissue. Concurrently, on the 49th day, my embryo becomes my fetus and my gender begins to form. Now we can comprehend the reasoning behind the Buddhist's 49-day funeral ceremony.

7 weeks marks the start of a huge growth spurt. During this period (between 7 and 20 weeks) your baby’s body parts will grow rapidly and organs such as the heart and brain will develop and increase in complexity. The basic structures of all major body parts and organs are formed during this time, with much of the growth being focused on the brain. Your baby’s brain cells are being generated at a rate of 100 per minute!


At around week 7, male genitalia begin to develop when the Y chromosome signals for the start of testosterone production.


49: 4 X 9 = 36, 3 + 6 = 9, 3 x 6 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9 - the numbers 3,6, and 9 drawing us into the world of Nikola Tesla and the deeper layers of vibration, energy, and frequency. Potentially corresponding with the oscillations of the earth's magnetic field, the sun pulses once every 160 minutes, there are 1440 minutes in a day - 1440 divided by 160 = 9. Perhaps it's no surprise that I arrived in the world after nine months of pregnancy.

For the occultic anatomist the moon cycle was perceived to have a synchronicity with the reproductive cycle. A complete gestational cycle equates to ten 28-day lunar cycles. The aforementioned 108 (12 X 9 = 108) ratio position of the sun and the moon, of further reproductive significance.

“We hypothesize that in ancient times, human reproductive behavior was synchronous with the Moon but that our modern lifestyle, notably our increasing exposure to artificial light, has changed this relation,” Source

To the ancient anatomists, the electromagnetic relationship with consciousness informed their belief that awareness manifests itself in degrees - hence the degrees of secret societies. The 33 degrees of freemasonry also speak to an occultic interpretation of human anatomy. As we climb the brain's extension of the spinal column, we reach the 33rd vertebrae known as Atlas, alluding to the giant Atlas who holds the world atop his shoulders. Comparatively, we hold the responsibility for the world upon our collective shoulders and the power to change it within our minds.

The allegorical Christos oil that rises through the column equating to the belief that we must live as the master (not servant) to the five senses. The self-sacrifice of greed, fear, hatred, and material pleasure, denoting a reunification with the holy spirit. Commensurately, Jesus was killed at 33 years old, dying for our sins and offering the promise of forgiveness and eternal life. Correspondingly, a Roman Catholic cassock features 33 buttons that symbolise the age at which Christ was crucified.

The human foot also contains 33 joints. In terms of precession, an astrological age of 2160 years comprises thirty stages of seventy-two years or three stages of 720 years. Concerning the Solar calendar, thirty-three is also the number of years a Lunar phase takes to return to its original position.

In the context of the Torah, the number 33 is oft connected to promises made by God - for example, the 33rd time we read Abraham's name is when his son Isaac is born to him at 99 years old 99/33 = 3. The 33rd time Noah's name is mentioned in the Old Testament is when God seals his covenant - with a rainbow. Within the opening chapter of Genesis, the word Elohim appears 33 times. Whilst Jeremiah 33 speaks to the promise of restoration.

"I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”Genesis 9:8–17

Make no mistake, within the hidden layers of numerical symbology, the number 33 speaks to the misguided interpretations of powerful entities who believe they're engineering the realisation of biblical prophecy. They have been deceived.


Islamic prayer beads are often arranged in sets of 33, and as highlighted above, there are 33 Vedic deities. The number of incarnations the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara (who has 108 avatars) embodies is 33. Within modern symbology, the United Nations symbol divides the world into 32 sections with the center being the 33rd. And of course 3 + 3 = 6 and 3 x 3 = 9 - the number 33 containing the ubiquitous 369.

Whilst certain numbers derive from coincidence, others speak to a pattern of recognition that alludes to a deeper layer of observation. We should also be aware that the obsessive focus upon numerical patterns (arithmancy) derives from forms of astral magick and divination - the base principles that inform dialectic and Kabbalistic interpretation. Using a computational analogy, geometric patterns and their corresponding numerical codifications allude to a form of divine source code. From this perspective, the social sorcerer perceives themselves to be akin to a reality hacker, utilising and subverting natures principles, processes, and laws, synchronising events with specific times/dates as a means of harnessing, channelling, or suffocating, their associated energetic resonances.

In unison with the interconnected pineal symbology, in and of itself, Angkor Wat is a monument to the cyclical nature of reality. For example, it has 72 major temples, and on one level there are 432 Borobudur statues. The seven-headed Naga (serpent) is representative of the earth's dark forces - and a potential transformative bridge to the gods. When scaled by 216 meters (a 3 degree movement of the sky calender - 2160 years being an astrological age), the geometry of Angkor Wats moat embodies the 24-hour, 60-minute, 60-second clock I previously expanded into the biological, universal, and reality cycle.


The design of Angkor Wat was constructed in such a manner that if you stand in front of its western entrance, on both the spring and autumn equinoxes the sun rises directly over the tower. In fact, within its bas relief - the 91 Asuras in the south represent the 91 days from the equinox to the winter solstice, and the 88 Devas in the north represent the 88 days from the equinox to the summer solstice

The Vatican Pineal Symbolism

Within the last chapter I noted that the ancient priest classes were anatomists, charting the symbiotic nature of the macrocosm through their comprehension of the inner world of the microcosm. From this perspective, each organ of the human body was perceived to have both a visible/physical and an invisible/spiritual function.

Plato's body politic utopia further correlated with the micro-macro-cosmic view of the universe. Containing analogies between social classes and the human body; the reasoning of the philosopher kings synonymous with the head, the courage of the warrior class with the chest, and the appetite of the worker class correlated with the stomach.

When viewed through the lens of occultic anatomy, pineal symbolism is often representative of the pineal gland and its associated link between the electro/vibrational fields of the spiritual and the physical reality of the material. This imagery can be found throughout the ancient world, including Babylon, Kemet, Greece, and the Hindu gods of India.


Within ancient Kemet, the pine cone was associated with Osiris. In parallel with a multitude of other of deities, Osiris has connections to Saturn.

"The Phoenician El - Saturn - has four eyes, as does the Orphic Kronos (Saturn)."
"The Chinese Yellow Emperor Huang-ti--identified as Saturn--is also four-eyed."
"Osiris, as the Ram of Mendes, is the god of "four faces on one neck."

Throughout the cults of the ancient world, the pine cone implied another layer of symbology. One that (as we shall expand upon in Chapter 5) connects us back to the astrotheology surrounding the ubiquitous Saturn. Whilst the mythology is not of Saturn himself - it does connect to his wife, the goddess Cybele. Interestingly, the Vatican houses the largest pine cone in the world - the Cortile della Pigna. The peacocks that flank its base - symbolic of eternal life. Its connection to Cybele further evidenced by the lions at its base, and its (pre-Christian) ancient Roman Heritage


The Fibonacci sequenced pineal gland is located within the epithalamus, between the two hemispheres at the geometric center of the brain. It resides outside the blood-brain barrier and is part of an endocrine system that is currently facing a sustained chemical assault. This area is known as the 3rd ventricle, and was anatomically, spiritually equated as the "Cave of Brahman". Scientifically, it is intimately connected to the human body's perception of the field of light spectrum - the fluctuations of which draw us back to the observations of chapter one. The pineal-producing pinealocytes, which in turn are the cells that produce the hormone melatonin.


Despite them both being homonyms, the Hebrew word “Peni-el” talks about the face of God, whilst the English word pineal is related to the Latin word (pinea) for pine cone. The word pineal would appear to have been first used in the late 17th century to refer to the cone shape of the brain gland. Whilst I've already noted the interchangeable nature of the symbology, in this instance, whilst a popular equation, it is highly debatable whether the below is a biblical reference to the pineal gland. That said, when read with an open mind, alongside allegory and profound (timeless) wisdom, the bible carries a body of observation that is collectively dismissed and misinterpreted.

So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.” Genesis 32:30

In the bible, it is said Jesus is the Lion (king) of Judah and that the tribe of Judah numbers 186,400. As I noted in the previous chapter, 186,400 miles per second is the approximate speed of light. And of course, when travelling at the speed of light, time collapses to zero. Is this a veiled statement that Jesus is the king of light? Possibly. Certainly, at this stage of the process, I am far more interested in the nuances of what people are running away from than the love and light they're running toward.

The heavens are often referred to as the "Kingdom of Light", the implication being that they are eternal. Concurrently, we have the counterfeit light that is oft characterised by the Luciferian priesthood and the Illuminanti. Both of which allude to an intellectual means of attaining immortality and enlightenment. A conception that is paradoxically leading us toward a very dark place. A deception that is attempting to control both sides of the equation. The nature of the contradiction residing in the observation that we're approaching a time when truth will be increasingly indistinguishable from deception. Hence my contention we must become streetwise to the metaphysical nature of their ideology/duplicity.



Looking at the above image of Ganesh, you can observe that it is a phallic representation of the human brainstem and medulla. If you look in the middle of his forehead you will notice the Greek letter psi, which is synonymous with psyche/psychology. Staying with that thought, Ganesh is sometimes referred to as Aumkar - the formed representation of the formless vibrational Aum.

Aum symbol containing the number 3


Within the Vedas, the mystical syllable of the aum is often equated with the name ekākṣara (eka-akṣara) which translates from Sanskrit as immutable, indestructible and eternal, which was correspondingly depicted as a river, wave, or voice. Within early Vedism, the syllable (and its associated attributes) was feminine, conversely, in post-Vedic India the feminine essence of akṣara was forgotten and thus the syllable became equated with the masculine Godhead. Through usurping the feminine principle of the eternal, its meaning was distorted and misinterpreted as transcendence.

Aksara by J.A.B Van Buitenen: The Journal of the American Oriental
Society, Vol. 79, No. 3 (1959)

OM hy etad aksaram

Aksara by J.A.B Van Buitenen: The Journal of the American Oriental
Society, Vol. 79, No. 3 (1959)

Many Vedic hymns are structured in such a manner that they simultaneously convey multiple layers of meaning/comprehension. The denotation of a higher and lower form of occultism is apparent within the aforementioned structure of secret societies and Freemasonic fraternities. The lower obscuring the nature of the higher. A framework that is (I contend) derived from an alchemic philosophy. The transmutation of base metals into gold veiling an inner layer of spiritual practice that should be considered as the veneer of an ideology (the religion of the oligarchy) that has governed the direction of human history. Destruction a hardwired component of reformation.

Aksara by J.A.B Van Buitenen: The Journal of the American Oriental
Society, Vol. 79, No. 3 (1959)

Every sound was perceived to have a shape, and every shape had a corresponding sound. I note this because, alongside the words Vak and brahman/brahmana (which the Vedas equated with the divine word), it would appear that the Vedic Rishis also equated the holy syllable/word of akṣara with the divine measure of the Vesica Piscis. That said, the word Vesica Piscis (in Latin = “fishes bladder”) is a fairly modern term for what was historically known as the Mandorla. To avoid repetition I will be interchanging between both terminologies.

The Mandorla/Vesica Piscis


After the sperm fertilises the egg, the two circular membranes of the masculine and feminine pronuclei merge to form the geometric structure of the Vesica Piscis. In unison with symbolic equations with the fertility cycle, the Ovum, the Sperm, and the Zygote, we are observing a geometric constant that is found within both masculine and feminine anatomy. Alongside associated connotations of both spirituality and physicality, it was also said to symbolise how two complementary polarities create a harmonious balance. A union of opposites whose multilayered appropriation informs the procedural realisation of a synthesis that is intended to rise from the dialectical ashes of human history. The birth of a one world order.


Concerning the human psyche, the Piscis is also symbolic of liminality - of transition and synthesis - an alchemic process that (as we shall observe) can be used to both positive and negative effect. It can also be considered as a formative (ancient) symbolic representation of the Hermetic principle of polarity - out of which arises the Venetian method of double accounting, the equilibrium that resides at the heart of ritual magick, and the shifting social sands of the dialectic. Whilst the strategic use of the dialectic cultivates a clash of opposites (an antithesis and a thesis) to attain a new synthesis (consensus) - it's important to note that by retaining the middle ground, the controlling entity elevates himself above both.

A strategy whose elucidation alludes to the god complexes of our ruling entities. Transcendent of time, God was perceived to occupy the space between. Commensurately, as a means of attaining a premeditated synthesis, the parasite class occupies a middle ground that enables them to play our differences and opposing ideologies off against one another. The more self-identifications that they can construct, the further they can divide and deconstruct the cohesive fabric/structure of the social order.



From a geometric perspective; with the feminine as the circle, and the masculine the square - in combination with the geometry of the piscis, we discover the infinite numbers √2 (an infinite binary sequence), √3 (the proportions for the Mandorla and the diagonal length of a cube), and √5 (containing the irrational number phi), which are historically referred to as being fundamental to the creation of all forms. Hence architects often incorporated them into the proportions of ancient monuments. The above central aspect of the piscis is formed within a 2.1 rectangle (points H E G & F) - the combination of which enable the construction of numerous geometric formations.


Geometric formation displays that the Mandorla is further connected to a hexagonal geometry that is found within living molecules/atomic structures. Carbon 12 (which is comprised of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons) forms organic compounds by using hexagonal geometry in its bonding patterns. Staying with anatomy, because of its central shape, the Mandorla (Piscis) also has a common association with the almond. The almond-shaped amygdala is a component of the brain's limbic system, and is closely linked to emotion and behaviour.

The amygdala is a collection of nuclei found deep within the temporal lobe. The term amygdala comes from Latin and translates to "almond," because one of the most prominent nuclei of the amygdala has an almond-like shape. Although we often refer to it in the singular, there are two amygdalae—one in each cerebral hemisphere. Source

image.png Source

The Measure Of The Circle

When using the base 60 (sexagesimal) circle (the square of 360 being 129600) I discussed in part one, the piscis can also be used as a measurement of time and distance. In terms of the circumference of the circle, the divine measure of the Vesica Piscis is 432,000 seconds of degrees of arc, which is the equivalent of 120 degrees, or one-third of a 360-degree circle/point of an equilateral triangle. In essence, the tri vesica piscis divides the circle into three 120° (432,000ʺ) segments. In this instance, we should further consider whether 432,000 has been misinterpreted as years when it alludes to the aforementioned degrees of arc of the great year/precessional cycle/circle.

The fact that 3 + 6 + 0 = 9, within the circular base of Vedic math the 0 was interchangeable with the 9, the measure of 360 contains the numbers 3,6, and 9.


The Pythagoreans equated mathmatical exercises with spiritual practices.



In relation to the Mandorla's correlation with time. In a Saturnian context, the wife/sister of Saturn (the time god) is equated with the time goddess. From this perspective, the symbology of the vesica piscis alludes to a gnostic worldview. One where the demiurgic time god Saturnus has bound humanity to the material realm. In this instance, the Piscis is symbolic of our prison. Indicative of a belief that we inhabit a halfway house between heaven and hell.

According to FS teachings, the Earth is also a complex sphere. Parallel to the physical plane of existence on this planet are two other planes or dimensions: the astral underlying this physical plane and the mental overlying it. Magically these are respectively seen as the darkness and light the magician must master in his work. Interestingly, the secret doctrine has it that the astral dimension has historically been interpreted as "hell," while the mental zone has been seen as "heaven."

Page 66 Fire & Ice - The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers

As displayed in the image above; as an outer ripple of a veiled esotericism, again we can observe that the Mandorla is equated with the symbology of the Saturnian Mother Goddess. Within sacred geometry, the Piscis was considered the mother of geometric shape - she who sows the seed of life. As the Mandorla (the Dyad) is born of the circle - the Pythagoreans equated the circle with the supreme being (the Monad) the origin of the one, symbolised by a circle in a dot. The seed of a tree from which all its branches are generated. From the Monad evolved the Dyad (Mandorla) - and subsequently numbers, geometric structure, and the elemental foundations of the earth.

Whilst oft elevated to the status of a supreme creator, from a geometric perspective the monad could also be considered as the formative expression of the creative process. However you approach it, the base geometry of the monad has birthed an innumerable array of philosophies and mythologies.

"Of all shapes, the circle is the parent of all following shapes. When a circle is mirrored, two mirrors are created. These two circles side by side build a foundation for all numbers. The overlap of the circles allows each one to share the center of the other. From this shape, a triangle, square, and pentagon can be produced. And the relationship between these figures justifies the existences of further number principles". The Mystery of Numbers by Kate Hobgood.

The relationship between the masculine Monad and the feminine Dyad appears to be a later interpretation of the divine radius/flame/ray of Agni and the Syllable/Akṣara - the fire and the word. The former of which would take the form of a Hindu fire deity that is currently immortalised as an Indian nuclear warhead.

Aksara by J.A.B Van Buitenen: The Journal of the American Oriental
Society, Vol. 79, No. 3 (1959)


Continuing, piscis geometry can be found within the Vatican. Furthermore, St Peters Square also contains a 4000-year-old obelisk that is symbolic of the sun god Ra. This archeological antiquity was brought to Rome from Egypt by the Roman emperor Caligula in 37 AD. During the vernal equinox, the sun causes the obelisk to cast its shadow toward the dome of St Peters church. Expressing both the masculine and the feminine, as you can observe, in unison the dome and the obelisk could also be considered to contain elements of phallicism.


Whilst the symbolism of the fish is sometimes used to connect Christianity astrotheology and the dying age of Pisces, it would appear that the early Christians used it as both a veiled form of recognition and an allusion to the regenerating waters of baptism. However, it is certainly true that Emperor Constantine's Romanism of Christianity retained Pagan elements. Concerning astrotheology and as a precursor to the observations of part five, it's worth pausing to note that (like the UN flag) St Peter's square also contains an eight-pointed star, a symbol that has a historical connection to the Sumerian/Saturnian goddess Inanna/Cybele.

The Piscis is sometimes said to symbolise the link between God and man passing through the intermediation of Christ. Conversely, by looking at the below images of the Virgin Mary, we can also observe how (since the 16th century) it has also been used to symbolise female genitalia. A statement that returns us to symbolic equations with Cybele.

Returning to the numerical aspect of the Piscis - here we can relate it to the number 153. After his resurrection, it is said that Jesus helped his followers catch 153 fish. The number 153 is a "triangular" number - i.e the sum of the first 17 integers. Archimedes referred to 153 as the "measure of the fish" - the Latin for Vesics Piscis equating to "bladder of a fish". The ratio of the height of the Mandorla to its width being the square root of 3. As the square root of 3 is an irrational number, its value when expressed in digits is an approximation. The closest approximation of the square root of 3 in whole numbers, and by its upper and lower limit is:


The final number in the equation is 153. One hundred and fifty-three is also the sum of the cubes of its digits i.e. 1 cubed + 5 cubed + 3 cubed = 1+ 125 + 27 = 153.

To catch the fish Jesus told his followers to cast their net to the right. In this instance, the right alludes to spirit, and the left to materialism. Indeed, by casting their net to the right they caught 153 fish - 1+5+3 = the ubiquitous number 9.

He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” John: 21:6

It is said that a secret Pythagorean symbol was the gift of an apple. Those who understood the symbolism would either slice the apple across to depict a pentagram, or lengthways to form the two intersecting circles of the Mandorla.


In terms of numerical symbology, we can also consider a possible metaphorical merger of different stories. Throughout the ancient world, (Greece was where John the Evangelist was said to have written his gospel) numbers were symbolic, thus, for the initiates the number 153 would have alluded to wisdom and had a recognisable common association with fish. In certain ways this is still the case; for example, the numbers 9-11 conjure a far deeper layer of evocation than their numerical equation.

Alongside the connection to Archimedes, 153 is further synonymous with the aforementioned Pythagoras - the Pythagoreans viewing the Vesica Piscis as a symbol for the Logos, the Word, the primordial rational principle that brings order to the cosmos. A statement that brings us full circle.


A Matter Of Timing

Chained to the past and fearful of the future. As we race against the clock how many give pause to consider that we live in a culture that is largely hypnotised by our perception of time? A state of amnesia that takes us out of sync with the limitless potential of the here and now. Impeding our ability to envisage a brighter future. In truth, the future is not something to be feared - for it is through our dreams of tomorrow that we can create the reality of today. Alas, through learned helplessness, these dreams have been stolen from a majority that has lost the ability to shape their destiny.

As above so below; ancient anatomists appear to have held the human form in a place of self-reflective divinity - an anatomical bridge between the earth and the heavens. A statement that when juxtaposed against a modern era where scientific sorcerers attempt to play God, social engineers reduce us to our base functions, and corporate propagandists pollute the earth whilst teaching our children that they're a plague upon it, reveals an irreconcilable contradiction. Or does it?.

Cleanse yourself of the irrational torments of matter. Corpus Hermeticum XIII

They use the prison of the body to torture the inward person with the sufferings of sense. Corpus Hermeticum XIII.7

Recalling the Hermetic process. The lower adepts would oft focus on the divine symmetry and aesthetic beauty of the natural order, the higher (sometimes disparagingly) of our need to transcend it. The three stages of mystical ascension comprising purgation, illumination, and union. From this perspective, I share my contention that we are living through the opening stages of a manufactured purgation - chaos, war, depravity, perversion, and degradation, conceived as a necessary overture to collective (false) illumination. The preparation for when Saturn returns to rule over the age of the Aquarian. As I noted in the previous chapter:

The Saturnian return is characterised as a tumultuous period of emotional distress, paranoia, and social alienisation. The contraction of self-awareness, and a state of dissociative anxiety that is perceived prelude to a revelatory metamorphosis of awareness that many fall short of attaining. Perceptualflaws.

LUX E TENEBRIS LUCET ET LUCEAT Doctrines and teachings concealed within the magical lodge Fraternitas Saturni are wrapped in the dark cloak of the Demiurge Saturnus, and are truly revealed only to those elect of Saturn who are able to comprehend and understand the Saturn-Gnosis. This gnosis is sometimes dark and foreboding. It uncovers the dark side of the Aquarian Age—an age to be ruled by Saturn. But it is also enlightened by the "higher octave" of Saturn—Lucifer—and by the dark light of Saturnian yoga, or sexual mysticism and cosmosophy. Chapter 2: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.

In the pursuit of a utopian greater good, are we reaching a time when the shadow and the light reflect the same outcome? The philosophical light and dark akin to complimentary polarities of the same equation. Indeed, in the context of my overarching investigation, the merger/synthesis of both good and evil could be considered as a fully intended conclusion. A union of contradictions (intimately entwined with the law of inversion) that begs the question as to whether the philosophy that many are embracing, is (in equal parts) the ideology they're fighting. A doctrine that has blinded the mind's eye to the age of one-eyed kings.

"Thesis and antithesis are identical in nature, but different in degree"; "opposites are the same, differing only in degree"; "the pair of opposites may be reconciled"; extremes meet"; The Kybalion

At the cusp of an attempted synthesis of technocratic one-worldism and spiritual (we are) oneism, I'm very interested in observing how the boundaries between multiple (oft paradoxical) ideologies are being blurred and eroded, how we're being nudged toward a form of contrived coalescence. Whilst it's easy to get carried away with a captivating array of information and the high-minded nature of its equation - how many pause to consider the physical ramifications of its realisation? Thus my reasoning for taking a step backward, meticulously/verifiably documenting the malicious oligarchies that are funding the false light of global transformation. Trust, your perception of an awakening is very different to that of the parasite class.


These thoughts become entangled with my contemplations on time. Deliberations that speak to how the modernistic perception of time has shaped the course of a developmental pathway that ridicules our latent potentialities and coaxes us out of the awareness of being. A process that ushers us toward an "assisted" evolutionary pathway of mechanisation, duplication, conditioned collectivisation, and isolated interconnection. How the proprietary regulation of a linear timescale appears to be disconnecting us from the qualitative cycle of life.

Page 286: The Myth of The Machine.

As we fight over scraps of opposing information I ponder whether the informational overloads that stalk the over-saturated limitations of human cognition are an overture to our assimilation into the machine. A prelude to the age of totalitarian automation. Biological processes and social structures akin to human operating systems, molded to the narcissistic visions of our would-be demigods. Thoughts and emotions reduced to data-driven automatons, the worth of an individual decreed by grades and IQ scores. Hollow recognition from a system that competently deceives the perceived smartest people in the room.

“It was, indeed, the Age of Information; but information was not the precursor to knowledge; it was the tool of the salesman." Earl Shorris, A Nation of Salesmen.

We are buried beneath the weight of information which is being confused with knowledge; quantity is being confused with abundance, and wealth with happiness. Tom Waits

When we juxtapose our quest for knowledge against the age of information, I ponder where our quantifying, codifying, number crunching, and data mining are leading us. Analysis vs awareness - thought vs base reality - intellectualism vs intuition direct communion vs second-hand information - the desire for control vs the faith of letting go. Is life a puzzle to be solved or a sensory experience that requires our undivided attention? In what way does the quest for the former detach us from the immediacy of the latter? The timeless state of being that exists beyond the societal structure of the ticking clock. The power of the eternal now - the optimum flow of the moment, the unity of God. A space beyond distraction, devoid of the desire for self-gratification, is to exist in the awareness that this is where synchronicity happens.

All collectivist religions, second-hand spiritual/philosophical doctrines, and externally cultivated principles, disconnect us from our direct communion with divinity. It is through the union of the conscious and subconcious in alignment with the flow of life and a higher purpose, that we may come to know God.


The Disolution of the Social Order

High-sounding hollow articulations (spell-ings) are used as a means of separating the one-world shepherds from the flock.

By idolising language, we usher in at our own peril an ‘age controlled by the magic of high-sounding words, and the power of jargon.’ Page 243: The Open Society And Its Enemies by Karl Popper.

Have you noticed how language, meaning, archetype, and identity, are being dissected and deconstructed? How grammatical riddles add gravitas to platitudes and ineligible scribbles. Lend consideration to how over-complicating the genius of simplicity and immediacy operates under the guise of intellectual superiority. How jargon (both spiritual and intellectual) can be used to obscure idocracy and deception. How compartmentalised truisms can create duplicitous misconceptions. How our subservience to an intellectual authority hastens our disconnection from base reality. How the dissection of (cohesive) social principles/meanings/values, can evolve toward the justification of unjustifiable evils. How intellectualism can mutate into a form of social cannibalism, that destroys the fundamental essence of its foundations.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Romans 1:22

Of course, I'm not advocating for ignorance - rather I'm observing a historical imbalance where obsessive over-analysis becomes corrosive and deconstructive. How the mind is a great servant, but a terrible master. Certainly, there are few greater social accolades than being recognised as a great thinker. Whilst a non-thinker can become prey for the emotionally reactive manipulations of the puppet master. We should distinguish the fine lines between a deep thinker and a neurotic overthinker, a genius, and a madman, as the latter begins to consume the former, herein resides a paradox of the social order.

The greatest love songs flow from the heart, not the chemical analysis of its composition. Seemingly, the more we seek to encapsulate what is, the further we limit the potential of what could be. The desire for linguistic redefinition and intellectual erudition, an expression of a process that is incrementally evolving toward the multi-layered decomposition of the intuitive human condition? A sequence that is evident within the dilution and disintegration of relationships, values, dignity, social cohesion, and the fundamental essence of meaning and identity. A state of socially engineered confusion as an overture to the fragmentation of the human psyche.

Bearing all this in mind, we should understand that the communitarian formation of one worldism is not the intended destination, rather it is a stepping stone toward a new state of order, a precursor to an entirely new manner of being. Adorned in critical discombobulations, algorithmic manipulations, and chemical infiltrations, at its simplest equation we appear to be observing the multi-layered formation of a techno-alchemical process - the dissolution that precedes the age of reconstitution. An observation that can be further correlated with both the destructive and regenerative nature of time.

Throughout ancient history, time was understood to be cyclical - measured as a series of patterns, events, and processes, some of which were complete, whilst others were unfolding. It was not an abstract (disconnected) linear dimension. Numbers were more symbolic than they were chronological - processes were primary - time increments secondary to the events (an important eschatological observation) that governed them.

The flow of time and the passage of the seasons corresponded with a direct experience of cyclical change - the latter of which informed their comprehension of history. Importantly, although it would be remiss not to acknowledge how the wheel of time was used as a means of social control, time was not a resource that managed and dictated the minutiae and structure of an individual's daily life.

What goes around comes around; as per the observations of chapter one and the previously noted symbology of the Ouroborus - at a certain level of comprehension there remains a quasi-religious doctrine that pertains to the cyclical (micro-macrocosmic) nature of reality. Not only do they retain an awareness, but through process, ritual, and strategy, events are manufactured as a means of turning the wheel of human history per a premeditated ideology.

We are time's subjects, and time bids be gone. William Shakespeare

With time now equated with money and usury legitimised as a means of control, the ability to collectively harness humanities creative and productive capacity - dictate the course of human history. Time is of the essence, but what is the essence of time? Are we liberated, or have we allowed ourselves to become incarcerated prisoners of the clock?

I would like to continue with an examination of Time. From the moment we enter this life, we are in the flow of it. We measure it and we mark it. But we cannot defy it. We cannot even speed it up or, slow it down. Or can we? The Illusionist

Once you begin to deconstruct the cycle of time into financialised increments of abstraction, externalised linear dimension, and energy extraction, you can collectively harvest and channel humanity's imagination/creative output toward a premeditated conclusion. Infinite possibilities and potentialities filtered down into an illusion of pre-selected choices. Masking regression as progression, ideology as technology, and enabling agenda-driven esotericism to re-invent itself as cutting-edge scientism. From this perspective; Chronos symbolises linear progress, a continuous and independent flow of time that is separate from the cycle of life.

Statements that lead me to ponder - what are we building? Certainly, money can now buy you time - but for those sitting atop the monetary pile, can it also buy them godhood?

Page 22: Ouroboros or the Mechanical Extension of Mankind by Garet Garret.

Kairos referred to the uncontrolled qualitative aspects of time - processes, and events driving progression and unfolding as and when conditions permit. Our modern culture is dominated by Chronos and Chronos demands the presence of our present. From Chronos we derive chronology from Horus hours - make no mistake, through the methodology of a controlled process the timekeepers seek a means of shaping the direction of human history - of distracting you from the validity of your waking moment. A statement that has now entered the realm of technological advancement.

The fact of the matter is (in the age of self-depreciation) there is no such thing as artificial intelligence. No technology can holistically decode bio-energetic information like the sentient human organism. Everything they're attempting to create - an inferior copy of what we already have.

Reveal spoiler



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Loops & Cycles

As I observe the consumers of knowledge, information, gossip, and titillation, grow old in front of their computer screens - I ponder, is this living? Are we the consumers of information or will the pursuit of information consume us?

When considering the symbolic connotations of the aforementioned circle - we should further consider the esoteric nature of the cycle. An enclosed loop of destruction and reformation that informs the nature of an alchemical principle that governs the direction of human history. The imposition of an externally controlled (artificially constructed age of manufactured crisis) causal feedback loop alludes to the nature of a deception that is entering the realms of algorithmic automation. Indeed, within computer science; loops pertain to a series of instructions that repeat until a predisposed condition is met. Within social engineering, this is a process that I have previously termed "the entrainment cycle".

The cybernetic loop relates to the study of a circular causal relationship. Within this context; all biological, mechanical, cognitive, and social systems, contain observable patterns that are akin to enclosed loops. A closed system incorporates both action and reaction, thus, actions taken in a social system lead to controlled systemic changes within its environment which in turn alter the nature of the system. Initially, a controller and the controlled are key components within a social cybernetic network. As the system evolves, this hierarchy is intended to dissolve to the degree that a self-perpetuating (automated) circular causality begins to emerge.

Through the analytical manipulation of their inherent signals, causal relationships can be infiltrated, and directed. The controller of the causal process harnesses a methodology through which to hack human impulses, desires, and emotions. The disconnection from the cycle of nature, drawing us ever deeper into the artificially constructed synthetic cycle.

An ontological war against reality that seeks to keep us locked down within a menticidal feedback loop. A circular causality of production and consumption that imposes externally cultivated patterns of thought, stimulation, reaction, and perception. A reality simulacrum that enables the masters of the algorithm, to become the manipulators of reality.

Within occultism, the circle has been used as a symbol of incarceration and perceptual limitation - its periphery encasing the limit of awareness, the indoctrinated consensus mindset policing the boundaries of predetermined possibility. When we operate within the self-deceptive confines of a reality template that has been selected for us (speak the buzzwords and platitudes that have been handed to us), we become perceptually imprisoned within the limitations of an artificially constructed magick circle.

The difference between the (probably fabricated) flea analogy is that humanity can be trained to jump from one jar into another - to merge multiple perceptual (collectivist) bubbles into a circle whose outer layer becomes invisible. The process repeating itself - the heretics of the old becoming the mantra repeating inquisition of the new.

Social alchemy governs the direction of this world - it always has, and whether it always will is determined by our ability to grasp the nature of our beguilement. Unfortunately, as people predictably run from the dark toward the manufactured embrace of love and light, it's a spell that appears very hard to break.



The social magician resides at the periphery of vision and comprehension, obscured within the shadows of moral ambiguities, and the blurred boundaries of truth and deception. Distraction, misguided attention, identity, and triviality are further key methodologies. Through modern technology, there exists a means through which to focus the attention of the entire world on a singular event. As a tool of focus, subversion, or sleight of hand, this is far more powerful than the passive observer is prepared to understand.

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Written by @perceptualflaws Banner Gifs create by @doze


I call this age the PONZIOCENE which is embedded in the Kaliyuga.
I've been having some back and forth with some Vedic folks and they say it is this age that is the 'devil'. So to them this TIME as Yuga is what the problem is.
The Anurag Sagar says this Yuga started 3500 years ago with a supernatural war and will last another 300,000 years.
Your take on that?

Some make the argument that it's coming to an end next year, others that it has nearly half a million years left, whilst Sadhguru is telling his followers that it has already ended. lol Divine years or human years, or have degrees of arc been misinterpreted as years - I don't think anyone is a precise authority on this. Time may not be the devil, but their interpretation of time cycles of awakening and darkness (lights out please lol) allude to their belief in time being some form of prison guard. I intend to display how both contain deception, my key focus being the elucidation of the inherent principles that reside at the heart of similar conceptions.

That said, looking around at the age of filters and plastic surgery we can consider the formation of a war against our biological processes. Personally, I contend that the belief that we can transcend time by some sort of assisted evolutionary process - is fraught with deception. As you know, there is a huge difference between the concept of direct personal salvation - and believing that (under the guise of some form of divine restoration) you have the right to make monumental decisions for the entirety of humanity. I charge it is the latter who has control of this world, and they are intent on nudging us toward a premeditated conclusion. Furthermore, how they have used an esoteric/metaphysical conception of time (right down to the intrinsically occultic nature of the financial system) to construct their world order. Anyway, I'm rambling - but my thoughts will become clearer the further we progress - I hope lol :D

Some make the argument that it's coming to an end next year, others that it has nearly half a million years left, whilst Sadhguru is telling his followers that it has already ended. lol Divine years or human years, or have degrees of arc been misinterpreted as years - I don't think anyone is a precise authority on this. Time may not be the devil, but their interpretation of time cycles of awakening and darkness (lights out please lol) allude to their belief in time being some form of prison guard. I intend to display how both contain deception, my key focus being the elucidation of the inherent principles that reside at the heart of similar conceptions.

That said, looking around at the age of filters and plastic surgery we can consider the formation of a war against our biological processes. Personally, I contend that the belief that we can transcend time by some sort of assisted evolutionary process - is fraught with deception. As you know, there is a huge difference between the concept of direct personal salvation - and believing that (under the guise of some form of divine restoration) you have the right to make monumental decisions for the entirety of humanity. I charge it is the latter who has control of this world, and they are intent on nudging us toward a premeditated conclusion. Furthermore, how they have used an esoteric/metaphysical conception of time (right down to the intrinsically occultic nature of the financial system) to construct their world order. Anyway, I'm rambling - but my thoughts will become clearer the further we progress - I hope lol :D

You are spot on...
On a different note, I've a saying, 'make tally sticks great again'...

I used to be fearful about what would happen during the end times. Not until I have read about the Hindu teachings, "The cosmic process of creation does not have an absolute beginning, nor does it have an absolute end." And we don't die because we are eternal.

Yes very true. Nothing to fear, every end is an opportunity for a new beginning. We just have to make sure it's a beginning that benefits us all. I take a lot of inspiration from watching nature, like in a storm a tree will bend in the direction of the wind - but if its roots are strong - it will once again stand tall.

Blurt, ugh..., should I stop voting your stuff? This is all very deep and I can see you have fans, but HIVE is not a fan of Blurt and that logo at the bottom of your posts will not do you any good.

Hey @slobberchops - thanks for the heads up! I did write on blurt for a little while, but my last post was over 2 - 3 years ago, and this is the first time I have ever shared this article so not sure how I mixed the banners up! I'm not a disrespectful person so it certainly wasn't intentional. Now amended. Thanks again.:)